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Posts posted by finalstraw

  1. Dreamt about my car seat slider mechanism breaking.

    Last night I dreamt that my car seat mechanism broke and I uninstalled the seat to try and repair it myself, I had no luck so I called a Jewish coworker technician to see if he can help me and he gave me advice I followed it I still didn’t manage to fix it, eventually I remember figuring it it out someway somehow. The end.

    I’m certainly glad I can remember my dreams, I have faith eventually I will be lucid dreaming. 

  2. I just had a two part dream the first part was very interesting because I got invited to a haunted house party by my friend that I almost never contact anymore because of whatever reason. The second part of this dream last night was actually the most weird dream I ever experienced because I was in a bus trip going somewhere and some person gave me his shitty rolled up joint, and I was just observing the shitty joint, then suddenly the bus stops and everyone in the bus steps outside we reach a dead end being patrolled by armed military. The next step is to cross pipes over across the a bridge that is steep and made of solid concrete so if I fall I would end up dead with these military people would collect my belongings like some call of duty warzone looting style looting. Anyways I can't remember much else except that I cum in my brothers mouth. EWW I know. 

    I hope I have vivid dream tomorrow night wish me luck.

  3. BUYING shrooms off leo


    I just had an amazing dream.

    I wanted 7.5 grams of weed from LEO.

    Leo was my weed plug but i havent contacted LEO in a long time I had his phone number I was about to text him but i distinctly remember not texting him because I was afraid the police were reading messages, so i called leo instead.

    Leo answers the phone. (Leo has sold me weed before in my dream long long ago or at least thats what i believed in my dream. Almost felt like leo was an old pal from the past.) 

    So I call Leo, he picks up I had to lower my voice because I was still afraid people were eavesdropping. I explain to leo my reason for calling i say i want that green he laughed and said i havent sold that in a long time he said he evolved past that so i ask for shrooms, leo agrees to sell shrooms I was about to ask where his house was since i wasnt 100% sure i was about 75% sure. Before i ask about the house address leo abruptly hangs up the call.

    I was going towards leos house but i remember I had trouble finding leos house before in my dream, leos house is surrounded in some type of ghetto slums while his house is not the slums.

    when i say ghetto slums i mean like 3rd world country slums. anyways I look for leos house i end up in the backyard of another persons house and i go back and forth almost like im looking for the secret portal that enters me into leos house, eventually i teleport into another persons living room, I explain to the family that i just entered the house i explain that i need to find leo they point to the backyard and say thats leo. I start walking to the backyard and see lots of people of all ages running around chatting socializing

    and also spot leo sitting face down on a table with people leo seemed busy so i walk up to the table and now im super excited i try and talk to leo but he doesnt look at me at first then i try to explain my reason for

    visitation and he realizes who i am so he gives me a bag of mushrooms i give him a $10 thats all i found in my pocket at first

    leo says thats too much money so gives me another shroom piece, i give leo another $5 because at this point i realized i had just got my paycheck so my money was in my pocket. I tell leo i never tried shrooms before he said read these two books before trying it. The end I wake up feeling like it was real but the feeling fades and im back to reality.