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Everything posted by Vision

  1. (Optional) Reply with why you are or are not happy
  2. That’s unfortunate. What were you studying in college? And what are you currently doing? Nope. Just some basic economics and accounting knowledge that aren’t really practical unless you want to be an economist or an accountant. Doesn’t help with running a business or managing money, at all really. Do any schools even teach such things? As far as I know, most schools are indoctrination camps. Everything I’ve learned that I’d consider true learning came from being autodidactic, not from traditional school.
  3. @thepixelmonk How many hours do you work? Is IT the only industry where you can have this much flexibility?
  4. @Yarco Thanks for your detailed reply. Could that contribute to why I have so many health problems? Since the age of 15 I’ve felt like I’m 95. I’ve also questioned whether I have autism for the past couple of years since being more aware of its subtleties. I used to think that you could only be autistic if you couldn’t communicate normally. Not trying to self-diagnose here though. Apparently it’s more likely if you were born via C-section and weren’t breastfed like I was. How does one get tested for autism anyway?
  5. Why might they miss their chance entirely? My parents had me when they were 40+.
  6. Leo, what is up with you always using analogies that involve dicks ? First it was “You might get your dick bitten off” in response to someone else and now “You might get your balls chopped off” What’s the next one going to be? The next girl that sucks my dick might actually turn out to be a guy? Anyway. It’s about probabilities. But I still get extremely anxious about things that have a low chance of happening. The level of anxiety I feel is disproportionate to the actual chance of the event I fear happening. How do I “not resist” fear? Let’s say fear comes up, what do I do? How do I stop reacting to fear?
  7. @Leo Gura How do you face fears that aren’t real? (I use the word “real” in a relative sense. I know that all fear is imaginary) For example, this advice would make sense if you have a fear of public speaking. All you do is expose yourself to the public speaking and just do it anyway. But what about fears that you can't really expose yourself to? The fears of things that might happen.
  8. What’s better? Living the best life possible, but having a shorter life? Or Living a decent life, but a longer life?
  9. Let’s say... Good Life = 40 years Decent Life = 80 years
  10. What are the best practices to get to the point where you don’t fear anything? Or at least reduce your fear? I have a lot of anxiety which causes lots of suffering. Anxiety stems from fear.
  11. As someone who has always viewed girlfriends and relationships as major time-suckers/distractions — especially while having one — this was interesting to read. Maybe the first SSRI I was put on when I was 13 permanently killed my libido ??
  12. I am going to be doing a 3 day solo retreat next week. This is something that I have yet to try since getting my health issues, so I am willing to see if this improves anything and I am hopeful that it will. Raising my consciousness during this retreat would be good, but my main goal during this retreat is to rewire my brain to make it so that the hard things are easier and more enjoyable to do, so I am trying to reduce how stimulated my brain is, A.K.A a "Dopamine Detox". I've also been using food as a coping mechanism so I think this will help with that too. I will completely avoid the internet, do intermittent fasting + a carnivore diet, and only do a few activities (will mention below). I also want to feel a lot more present, and in touch with reality. Here are my questions: What activities should I do? I am thinking of doing these activities (and only these activities) during the retreat: Kriya Yoga I bought physical copies of the books on Kriya Yoga in Leo's book list. I will be using the books during the retreat. Introspection/Journaling I have some introspection exercises I am ready to do during the retreat. Meditation Mindfulness Meditation Shamanic Breathing and/or Wim Hof breathing (I am not sure which one to do or if I should do both) I will be having a downloaded MP3 or MP4 file of a guided shamanic breathing session. Haven't chosen it yet so if you have any suggestions let me know. Do you have any suggestions for what else can be added to this list? What should my schedule be like? To make sure I that I stick to the activities I am going to do, I need to have a schedule so that I know what I should be doing at all times. I don’t ever want to be asking the question “What should I be doing right now?” at any time during the retreat. To answer this question I need to have an idea of how long I should practice these activities and techniques for. How long should I be doing each of the activities for? Is anything else I should consider for this retreat? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  13. What are examples of such life purposes?
  14. Why not use a different podcast app?
  15. If financial stability imposes a pressure on making content, why doesn’t Leo become financially free? In other words, have the ability to retire (but not actually retire)? Of course this is much easier said than done, you need 30x your annual income to be able to not have to worry about money for the rest of your life, but work is better when you don’t need the money. I think working hard for 10 years to give you the freedom to do whatever you want for the rest of your life afterwards is a worthy trade. This is assuming he‘s not in the position to be able to retire, but if he can, why would there be pressure?
  16. What exactly do you mean by “review”? What do you do when you review?
  17. Thanks @mmKay. Much appreciated
  18. I mean how long does it last until you need to refeed them with sugar? How often do you need to refeed it? Weekly? Monthly? I'm just trying to get an idea of what it would take to maintain it.
  19. @mmKay How long do 100 grams last you?
  20. @mmKay Thanks. How much does it cost you? On a weekly or monthly basis?
  21. How have your results been with heavy metal detoxing? Have you gotten any better in terms of health? Any results?
  22. How long does it take you to make the water kefir? It looks like a lot of effort, getting the ingredients and appliances, etc.