Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. 1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

    I don't know.

    Who knows?

    1 hour ago, Kalo said:

    You exist, as God. 

    Do I (God) think? Or am I just aware of thoughts appearing and disappearing?

    1 hour ago, nistake said:

    Well, you know.

    The only way you're gonna get satisfying answers to any of your existential questions if you actually sit down and contemplate. Watching a few videos and reading some books/forum posts are quite necessary, but after a certain point they become a distraction and you get stuck in mental gymnastics.

    I sit and spend days on contempolation and when I don't understand anything then I visit forum for help.

    Is this forum not for help of those who are stuck at different stages in their spiritual journey?

    1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

    True that. 

    Will you friends lose something if you will share your understanding with me so I can proceed with my contemplation and grown in my spiritual development.


    This forum is my only source to ask for help in my spiritual journey.


    In my spiritual journey I am going through the stage of loneliness where you feel alone because no one understand you.


    This forum is the only place which give me hope.

  2. Hello Friends :-)


    I hope you are doing well.


    I have a few more questions:


    If I do not exist then who is thinking?


    If no one is thinking and thoughts are just getting born in consciousness and God/Me is aware of those thoughts. Then why there are specific thoughts but not random. Who decides to think something specific? 


    Are objects, thoughts, etc... are automatically and randomly getting born or coming out of God/Me/Awareness/consciousness? Or God/Me creating them consciously?


    Suppose if any specific thought gets born did god decided to create that specific thought or it just got came out automatically?


    Waiting for the Help 



  3. 1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

    Well it usually makes you forget everything you know, all the stored database of your brain in a sense. You become spontaneity, no memorized etc knowledges. 


    1 hour ago, Vibroverse said:

    And quantum physics clearly shows us that 2+2=5. 1 electron + 1 electron = 1 electron. 


    50 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    Watch Leo's videos called "What Is Actuality" and then "What Is Truth".

    Sure. I will watch these videos as soon as possible.

    50 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    Try to pay attention to what is right here and right now.


    50 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    I come from a Christian background and found it difficult initially to let go of the dogmatic idea of God that I'd been taught by the Church and the surrounding culture. It's hard, but you have to try and drop all of those ideas before you can start to make progress. Imagine coming into non-duality like a child, with no preconceived ideas of what you're looking for.

    OK... Right...

    51 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    Check those videos out though, they changed everything for me. ?

    Sure. Thanks a lot :-)

  4. 26 minutes ago, Conscious life said:

    you have to understand why he is saying these first. osho said God created a law that he even can't destroyed. you have to understand absolute God doesn't even use number. number is a human thing not a God. it is a lowest human conscious derivation. if God do that the entire universe will collapse. in the first place God doesn't use number. as God you yourself can do it. there is no problem if you say 2+2 =5. nothing stop it from being, by being what it is, it actually become true. these is low consciousness question.

    Right. Thanks

    17 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I think that osho means that it is in the nature of God to be as he is and that it cannot be otherwise. I think he's right but who knows. I have never seen a talk by osho, wonderful, inspiring. thanks for sharing

    Maybe. Yeah. Thanks

    16 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    This is what I am afraid of. That shamanic breathing will weaken my mathematical skills. SirWladimir claimed, it did it to him, somewhere in the mega-thread for scham.breathing. It doesn´t bother him. But it would bother me!

    Hahahah. I don't think that it can weaken your mathematical skills.

  5. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    A = A

    B = B

    A != B

    A = B

    This is the logic of God. It's a superpositional nondual logic that you are not conscious enough yet to understand.


    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    The tautology of it is not bug, it's the key feature.


    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Existence/God is a perfect tautology. It is exactly what it is and not anything else. This sounds like a trivial thing to say, but actually it's radically profound when you become directly conscious of it. You're not conscious of it yet. You're still stuck at the level of concepts.

    I think you are Right & I am doing my best to get out of my mind and go beyond it. And In that Journey, I will really need your help. 

    29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    But/and.... what you're still missing is that there is absolutely no difference between a cat and dog.

    Maybe at the conceptual level, I know that there is no difference between anything. Multiplicity is actually singularity. 

    29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    All difference is relative


    29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you do this work seriously enough, and take psychedelics, maybe one day you will understand what I said.

    I am trying to do all of the spiritual work very seriously. I am also taking psychedelics (Magic Mushrooms & LSD) as well a monthly basis.

    My Last Shrooms Heroic Dose Trip scared me a lot and shown me that I really need to do a lot of work to get ready for death.

    I hope you won't mind if I keep asking my questions in this forum. :-)

    Thanks a lot

  6. Day 14 - 29/01/2021 - 30 Mins - Done - Good


    I Sat in 30 Min Half Lotus Asana

    09 Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Cycles (Successful)

    09 Ujjayi Pranayama Cycles (Successful)

    30 Min Concentration (Attention, Focus & Gaze between eyebrows + Om Sound / Sound of Silence)


    Feel like I still need to learn, understand, practice, and correct a few things. 


    It was really hard to find bhrumadhya. I didn't know where to fix my gaze. If sometime in between I found the place to focus on then was not able to remain in my gaze there for more than a few seconds. It was a continuous struggle to try again and again etc… But it was a lot better than before. Throughout my whole day, I can feel subtle sensations and pulse at the location of chakras and at the time of Kriya Yoga as well. I was feeling a little bit of pain in my spine, forehead & top of the head. And at the end my head was heavy and I had a little bit of a headache. Today I felt sensations in my throat and below my navel area as well.

  7. 29/01/2021


    I feel like my mind is going meta. Now my 2 hours of sleep is equal to 8 hours of sleep. And now I am having too many dreams, Vivid, Strange & Existential dreams.

    These days I am spending a lot of time in spiritual practices and contemplation etc.. So maybe due to these practices, something is starting to change in my mind and I have started to have more dreams, more vivid dreams, and better recall. Today I have memories of multiple dreams. I had very strange and different feelings during these dreams. In dreams, I never felt that kind of feeling ever before. But this time something is different and strange happening in my mind which is impacting my dreams. 




    I am somewhere else. I don’t know that place. But in the dream, I thought that it’s my bedroom. There is a double bed and me and my brother are sleeping on that bed. Then one of my uncles visited and I don’t remember what he was telling me and then suddenly a very bad earthquake came and remained for a few minutes. But I was enjoying that earthquake and maybe I think I was dancing with the earthquake and there was a little bit of fear as well in my heart. My brother also woke up due to the earthquake.




    Then at the same place but out of the bedroom, we are really scared of Zombies they are entering my house from everywhere. It's night time. And we are killing them and trying to survive.


    Zombies in a Mosque   


    It’s night time. Full Darkness. I am hiding in a mosque and Zombies are trying to find me. They are blind and trying to smell me. Then Zombies entered the mosque and I got out of the mosque silently. Then I saw they found a girl and buried her around the ground alive.

  8. Day 13 - 28/01/2021 - 30 Mins - Done - Good


    I Sat in 30 Min Half Lotus Asana

    12 Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Cycles (Successful)

    12 Ujjayi Pranayama Cycles (Successful)

    30 Min Concentration (Attention, Focus & Gaze between eyebrows + Om Sound / Sound of Silence)


    Feel like I still need to learn, understand, practice, and correct a few things. 


    It was really hard to find bhrumadhya. I didn't know where to fix my gaze. If sometime in between I found the place to focus on then was not able to remain in my gaze there for more than a few seconds. It was a continuous struggle to try again and again etc… Throughout my whole day, I can feel subtle sensations and pulse at the location of chakras and at the time of Kriya Yoga as well. I was feeling a little bit of pain in my spine, forehead & top of the head. And at the end my head was heavy and I had a little bit of a headache.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Osho is simply saying that when God creates a cat, it cannot be a dog. Pick one. Get your terms straight.

    Osho is saying: A = A

    And that's the nature of Absolute Truth: Everything is itself. Truth is Truth. God is God. The only thing God cannot be is not-God, since God is God.


    Thanks a lot for the deep clarification :-)

  10. On 1/26/2021 at 2:10 PM, Muhammad Jawad said:

    In the following video, Osho says: "Even God can not make 2+2 = 5".


    Now what I am thinking is that The One who can make 2+2=4 possible why he can not make 2+2=5 possible?

    If HE can make 2+2=4 possible then he has the power to make 2+2=5 possible as well.

    The way you know and think that 2+2=4.

    God can modify the existence in a way that you will start to think that 2+2=5.

    Maybe I am wrong and missing something. 

    Would like to have some clarification on this.


    The above Question answered in a detailed explanation in the following link:


  11. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    2+2=4 is not true in some absolute sense. It's only true relative to how you define those terms.

    True. Exactly.

    6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Since you are God, you are defining those terms.


    7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You might as well ask: "If God creates a dog can it also be a cat?"


    7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    If God is creating consciously, then God sees that to create a dog is to not create a cat, and vice versa.

    hmmm. Right

    8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    But you are not seeing this. You're not actually contemplating what you're asking or what the terms mean.

    I think you are right I have not contemplated my question deep enough to know and understand that I am asking the wrong question.

    9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Even God himself cannot create a cat when he is creating a dog.

    hmmm. I can see and understand the depth of that fact. True

    10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is not a limitation of God, it's just a confusion on your part.


    11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You are lost in your own relative terms and attributing this limitation to God.

    I did not say that God is limited and he can not make 2+2=5. That's What Osho Said in the above video.

    I was saying exactly the same thing which you are saying that as God We have defined terms ourselves and according to those terms, definitions which we have created 4 is the only result of 2+2. It can not be 5 according to terms and definitions made by US (GOD). If we (GOD) change the rules, definitions of the terms then we (God) can achieve "5" as a result of 2+2.

    I think Osho's point of view was in some other context.


    Thanks a lot for helping me to understand.  :-) 

  12. 5 minutes ago, PureRogueQ said:

    Question is what you mean by 2 and 2 and what is 5

    it is just basics, do we use time in this , does 2 and 2 have to be same thing, what do we measure.

    For basic convenience it works, used differently you will have different results, if you will follow strict rules that are set in stone, because they are meant to be for such purpose you will not and can't have different result. 

    This means we can change the result of 2+2 by changing the meaning of 2 & 2 then why Osho Said even God can not make 2+2=5? 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Blackbeat said:

    What are you trying to achieve with such a ridiculous question?

    I thought that God/Consciousness/Me as omnipotent can do anything.

    But Osho Says even God can not do that.

    So now I am having a conflict between my understanding and Osho's understanding.

    I want to resolve this conflict and want to achieve an understanding of Truth.


  14. 28/01/2021


    These days I am spending a lot of time in spiritual practices and contemplation etc... So maybe due to these practices, something is starting to change in my mind and I have started to have more dreams, more vivid dreams, and better recall. Today I have memories of multiple dreams. I had very strange and different feelings during these dreams. In dreams, I never felt that kind of feeling ever. But this time something is different and strange happening in my mind which is impacting my dreams. 


    Dark Room


    I saw a dark room and it looks like the room which we saw in the Matrix Movie where Neo gets Martial Arts Training from Morpheous. The only light source of that room was a ventilator. I was wondering where I am and which place is this then suddenly I started to think Oh maybe this a Photography Studio Set created by (Company of Sandeep Maheshwari).


    Remote Controller of Life


    I and my wife with our kids are in the park which is within walking distance from our home. Kids are enjoying swings. My Wife has a kind of remote control which she can use to change the current dream scene. I think I was not enjoying the moment so I wanted to change that scene using that remote control so I was asking my wife to give me the remote but my wife and kids were enjoying that moment and did not agree to change it. So she declined to give me the remote. But after some time She gave me the remote.


    Hostel Room


    I was in my Hostel room where I used to live 12 years ago. A lot of guests from my grandparent's side visited me and were staying with me. My real Uncle was also there. I & Uncle were having some discussion about some kind of sickness. My GrandMother was also there.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Stop making God out to be anything other than you.

    Hi Leo!

    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks a lot for your response.

    I know I am GOD, You are GOD, everyone and everything is GOD. There is only GOD who exist. Everything else is just an unconscious mind construct.

    My question was in the context of the Same God which is you or I.

    Yes, I (Body/Mind) can not make 2+2 = 5.

    But Why I (Consciousness/God) can not make 2+2 = 5 possible?

    Here in the above video why is Osho limiting the power of Consciousness?

    Your videos and this forum helping me a lot to grow and evolve.  Thanks a lot for this.

    Waiting for your kind response.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

    There's no 1 or 2 or 5. All numbers are imaginary abstract constructs made-up by the mind. Deconstruct the mind, and there won't be a problem.


    Do you mean which mind has created these numbers and 2+2=4 that the same mind can also make the 2+2=5 or 1+0-3=653?

    Then Why Osho said that it's not possible even for GOD?