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  1. Hi Everyone, My wife died suddenly on this 10/28. I am left with our 6 year old daughter. Mainly, I wonder what everyone thinks about handling these extremely intense terrible emotions. What I do is just try to be as keenly mindful as possible when it is happening. I try to just observe them and feel them as energy fields. When it happens though you get pulled into the mind and thoughts arise. This is unbelievably difficult. Thank you for your comments and for reading this.
  2. I feel exactly the same as you. Leo has a video about self-actualizing and how lonely it is. Everyone I run into is totally asleep unconscious. I feel like this forum is the only place to talk to Awakening people. Thank you for putting this out there.
  3. Hi Leo, Hi everyone! I used to have a guided meditation that Leo made for us on my phone, it was almost like an app, you just click on it. It was from around summer of 2016. Is this still available somewhere I gotta have it Thank you!!!
  4. Looking for advice. Last time with wife was around mid-May 2018. I have had several conversations with her about this. The first few attempts she became angry and stormed out of the room saying that sex is all I think about and that I want it 10 times a day... The next few attempts she became irritated and said that is all I ever bring up. The last attempt we finally had a productive talk. She said she has zero drive, swore that it was not me at all. (We have been through all of that, me telling her it appears that she is through with the relationship, she strongly denies it). This sexless trend has been in the making for 3 years. Just got less and less frequent to the now dead state. We left it at that but she will not do anything to try to change her lack of desire and I have given up trying to try to get her in the mood, even leaving her alone for weeks at a time. *Disclaimer, she is menopausal, has seen a doctor but refuses to go get the blood work that was directed, drinks too much alcohol. These may be factors of course but c'mon, zero intimacy??? I even tried to get her to agree to a 10 second makeout session once a day just to try to bridge the gap a little. She made it one day. I am very in shape, good looking, successful, etc. (...not smelly, as Leo refers to, lol). We have a house together and a 5 year old daughter. I feel like she has left me with no choice but to wait, and suffer, leave and destroy everything, or cheat. What would you do? Thank you anyone who reads this! P.S. I am Awakening since fall 2015 after my Mom's death and it coincided with the finding of Leo. THANK YOU FOREVER LEO!!! (It is very lonely Awakening as you know because everyone else is totally unconscious, asleep...).
  5. Do not get married unless you are prepared to at some point in a few years or so hardly ever to have sex again. Also, when/if you have a child or children, it will be even worse. Really imagine this because it's probably a 50/50% or greater chance that this will be your experience.
  6. Thank you, Leo! My awakening cannot be stopped and I will continue on this path regardless of any challenges. It is impossible to say how much I look up to you and am inspired by you and so much more. I am sticking with the program and following you. Gradual Enlightenment for me it seems... (Please add the guided meditation you once had, unless I cannot find it on the site). Thank you so much!
  7. Hello, Anyone else out there experiencing many obstacles due to having a young child to raise and a wife or spouse that is reluctant or unconscious I should say? I am definitely in the awakening process (since around fall of 2015, right after my Mother died which I believe started it through massive suffering) however, it is challenging to say the least having all of the distractions and turbulence of a young child and the above. I would like to say how sincerely thankful I am for Leo because my awakening coincided with finding and it has been a tremendous source of teachings.
  8. I've been told..."just be a [bee]...", i.e. just be..............................................................
  9. When I have spoken about Truth and other topics, some of the closest people in my life see me as "above them", arrogant. Never meant it that way at all, it was their reaction. So, again, I think it is best to say nothing to anyone.