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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. I made a thread about how Sophia Bush called out Joe Rogan for his use of the N word and wow.  I am appalled by the amount of racism on this site.  

    It just seems so fake to act like you are about spirituality and consciousness when you call black people calling out racism victims, say that black people don’t deserve reparations for being slaves and whatever white supremacist stuff.

    Or did you guys not learn anything from George Floyd?

    I am not looking to have a discussion about this as one thing is clear: you are either anti racist and anti white supremacy or anti black and okay with white supremacy.  There is no in between.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 ? yea

    This is the follow up I think.




    LOL, I remember that too.  Fucking great stuff.  Too bad most people won’t get that they are criticizing racism.

    5 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:



    keep posting please.

    If you cannot see how white people have benefited from centuries of white supremacy then you are willfully ignorant and do not want to admit how you have benefited.

    1 minute ago, Arcangelo said:

    Chinese and Italian slaves were used to build the railroad in my country. I don't hear them talking about reparations.

    Okay, clearly you are just a racist.  End of convo. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

    I don't think Joe is racist.  Mike Tyson, Neil DeGrasse Tyson... were invited onto his show multiple times, weren't they?


    Word is like color in the rain bow.

    Each person might have a favorite color but in a larger context, there is no worst/better color.  It is depends on how the colors are put together.

    The same thing with the word "Hitler".  People are easy to get triggered by it.  Well, there are many good people with the name Hitler, it is just a name, just like there are many serial killers have "John" name

    I don’t think he is a hard core racist.  I actually think that he is a good guy.  But the company that he keeps says a lot about him.  He is clearly conservative.

    And the N word has an extremely strong history of hate the belittling of black people.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Yarco said:

    Your link didn't go to an actual tweet, and when I Google, I can't actually easily find when Rogan said the N-word, but I'm gonna assume it was an unreasonable amount of time in the past.

    You can't cancel people over stuff they said a decade ago. It was literally an entirely different world. If you were born in like 2000 you don't understand.

    We also used to call each other queers and f**g*ts on the daily, it was just acceptable. And stuff like "did you hear that Lance Bass from Backstreet Boys is... *gasp* GAY" was huge (and shameful) news. It was an entirely different paradigm and it's not fair to compare it against our standards today.

    If you wanna start digging this stuff up, you'll be able to cancel anyone that was on the internet or in the media in the early 2000s, progressives included.

    This isn't legitimate outrage, it's just the next attempt to cancel Rogan because the Neil Young thing was a huge flop. It's basically a psyop. This isn't about helping you as a black man, they're just using you as a pawn as a means to an end, to attack a guy threatening the status quo because he gets 10x more views than the mainstream media. If the N-word doesn't cancel him then they'll just pull out the antisemetic card next. This pattern is very observable and predictable.

    I hope they succeed and Spotify kicks off Rogan and voids his contract, so he can keep the $100 mil and we can all go to some new platform that isn't censored.

    Just search Sophia Bush on Twitter.

    And DO NOT conflate race with homosexual slurs.

    Rogan has used the N word multiple times on his show.  I used to be a regular listener so I have heard him say it.

    And notice how I stopped talking about Sophia?  It’s not about the left or the right.  They are both racist.  It is about holding people accountable.  Joe hangs out with hard fat right wingers and white supremacists and actively benefits from white supremacy.  He isn’t the only white guy to benefit from white supremacy, but he his character deserves to be questioned.  

    I don’t want him cancelled, but the truth needs to be on display.

    I am sure Joe would love to be as racist as he wants on another platform.

  5. The reason why girls are into dumb guys is because a lot of dumb guys are usually the athletic bro type which oozes masculinity.  

    I usually dumb myself down when I am around women and it always works.  Being an intellectual with women only gets you friend zoned.

  6. As a black man I actually am.  2020 was a huge year as black people made strides in our fight for equality and inclusion.  And in 2022 it is clear that racial tensions are still high and will not being going away until black people get what they deserve.  

    Though, it is sad just how many people are racist in this country.  I see it on this forum.  I get it as they benefit from white supremacy.  Just disappointing.  But they have already lost.  By 2045 the majority will no longer be white.  Black people are also tired of it.  

    So year, I think things will get better.  As for politics, I doubt that I am voting.  The right and left are both racist.  All we did was trade one racist for another.


  7. @PurpleTree We’ll it isn’t going away.

    26 minutes ago, Yarco said:

    Didn't you make the thread about Leo saying the N word too LOL. People are always gonna say dumb stuff. Stop focusing on victim mindset and make something great for yourself

    Kanye West: "Slavery was a choice"

    Lil Wayne: "Racism doesn't exist"

    Everybody does it. Liberals pretending like they don't say and think it in private too.

    I hate posts like this.  The underlying racism is so apparent.

    First off no.  Black people have been oppressed for centuries in the U.S.  Saying the N word isn’t only dumb, it’s racist and anyone who says it who isn’t black deserves whatever they get.

    And it is so racist for you to bring up quotes from fucking rappers.  As if they represent all black people.  Kayne West is an egomaniac and Lil Wayne’s brain hardly works with all that cough syrup.  But of course you just want to brush off black people to the side as it is inconvenient for you.

    The U.S is an ethnocentric fascist country that is inherently racist. 

    And I am black, not just some white liberal.

  8. Just now, Windappreciator said:

    because it's funny

    No, it’s because you have unconscious racial biases that you have not examined.  But hey, racists never want to admit that.

    1 minute ago, Windappreciator said:


    yeah but he also does the same with other people. he just gives a platform to most people, even those that oppose his positions

    Do you think that someone who was against white supremacy would have Ben Shapiro, Tim Pool and others like them on?  He is white, he has used white supremacy his whole career.  He is not a good comedian so it wasn’t his comedy.  

    Look at his fan base.  A lot of it is comprised of right wingers and white supremacists because Joe is cool with them.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    huh, that's funny.

    You did not deny it…

    2 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:


    Is he though? I thought he was just using an inappropriate term for laughs and giggles

    He hangs out with hard right wing guys, has had the likes of Ben Sharpio and Tim Pool on his show, those guys are straight up white supremacists.

    If you can’t see how he has benefited from white supremacy then you have some serious shadow work to do.  

  10. 8 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    I don't think policing joe will get you where you think it will


    It’s about calling out people who use white supremacy to get ahead.  



    8 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    I don't think policing joe will get you where you think it will

    Well can you explain why i wouldn't?

    Because you sound like a racist.


    9 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

    What's his history?

    YouTube exists.