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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

    Yes you have power.

    Go to place where black people are the majority. They will shit and trample on white people. We are all the same. None us are pure. We all abused power over weaker ones at least once in our lifetime. That's is great insight if you can digest it.

    STOP!  You are just saying a bunch of b.s.  You are not even part of the black community and have no idea what we are up against.

    You are so caught up in your head that you cannot see your racial bias.  And until you deal with that you are just as bad as the hard right wingers and the alt right.

  2. 1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

    Yes. White people have more power. And they are abusing it. And they are retarded for doing so. Im not defending them. Im just saying black people are no better when it comes to being a saint not abusing power.

    We have NEVER had power in this country. Your point is moot.  Black people are seen as the underlings of the U.S.  

    Just now, Roy said:

    I don't think it's the message you're sending that is necessarily the issue, but the language and energy you're using to deliver it.

    When you communicate in such a rigid way you are going to divide people in a way that is counter-productive to your starting goal. Reflect on that.

    On this issue there is no room for fluidity.  If they do not like it then it is good.  I am done dealing with fake people.  At least I will know who is real and who is not.

  3. 1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

    You're complainimg about abuse of power yet you yourself are abusing animals. Don't you see the problem here?

    Everybody abuse everything when they have power. And black people are no exception. 

    Saints are exception tho. But you're not one of them imo.

    LOL.  Classic what aboutism.

    Too bad I donate to the nature conservancy, the National parks society, the Grand Canyon, Nat Geo, the Humane society, only eat meat that the animal was humanely killed and etc.  


  4. 2 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 my point is black people abuse power just as much as white people abuse power.

    Black people do not have as much power as white people.  What do you not understand?

    2 minutes ago, Roy said:

    I'm sorry you feel this way. After doing a browse through the Joe Rogan thread and this one though, do you not feel you are being a bit combative? Accusing others of being racist so casually will make them feel attacked and want to argue against whatever you have to say after that.

    This back and forth language makes it impossible to have a discussion about whether or not things like reperations or cancel culture are good things or not. I think that's where the disagreement is happening @Thestarguitarist14, you feel strongly one way and others do not.

    I think it's important to keep an open dialogue. If anybody is being explicitly racist we will act accordingly.

    No.  I already stated that you are either anti racism and anti white supremacy or anti black and okay with white supremacy.  There really is no in between.

    I have tried to have discourse about this in the past.  It’s useless.  You are not going to convince non black people to care about black people.  Why?  Because they benefit from White supremacy.  All races except for the black race do.

    If others have an issue with what I say then they are not on my side.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Wilhelm44 said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 What choice do you have ? Fight against the injustices in the world. Or do the challenging internal work of healing the pain caused by racism, until you evolve so much in consciousness that you go beyond race as the identification of who you are. The latter option will be a more effective way to change things in the world.

    There is such a thing as the healing trap

    And I have to fight.  All black people have to.  We did in 2020 and it actually worked.  We did in the 60s and it worked then too.  

    Other races are certainly not going to fight for black people.  As a black man I know that I have no real friends.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 yes, the world is unfair. But are you yourself a saint? Have you never used your power over someone weaker? Are you even vegan at least? 

    What the hell does that have to do with white supremacy and racist?  Look, if you do not want to actually discuss the issue at hand then do not respond.  You know as well as I do that it isn’t a matter of me being a saint it is a matter of black people not putting up with racist crap.

  7. Just now, RMQualtrough said:

    Reparations LOL.

    You do realize that a big reason why a lot of black people are poor is because of slavery and the years of hardcore racism that followed?

    Btw, my parents are immigrants.  I would not get a dime.  The black people who are descendants of slaves deserve the money.  They were promised this long ago and never got it.  And look how bad it is for them.

    But of course if you are not black you do not care because white supremacy benefits everyone who isn’t black.

  8. 6 minutes ago, ChrisZoZo said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 You won't benefit from hating here. Please if it's a genuinely raciest form make YouTube video's on it with clear proof because you just seem like your acting mad right now.

    Funny how racism makes me mad huh?

    4 minutes ago, Loba said:

    I disagree, I don't see racism too often here.  I have only seen it a handful of times.  This place has people from all over the world.

    As if only Americans can be racists l.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

    Please stop labeling everyone racist.  I don't think any of them are.   

    Or Mod will show their power.


    I have already reported most of you.  Why would they punish me over people who are clearly racist.

    Report me.  I don’t care.  I have done nothing wrong.

    Just now, Roy said:

    I'm sorry am I missing something, where is link to him saying it and what was the context? I just did a quick look but didn't see anything.

    Look on the previous page.  It got posted.  

  10. 1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

    Now that's name calling. Calling everybody rasict can offend somebody u know ? 

    No, I am sure the majority of the members here are white so there being a good amount of racists on here is not that surprising.

    Just now, PurpleTree said:

    guitar you're just hurting your cause imo

    i generally ? white, black, brown, yellow whatever people

    #1 No.

    #2 Yeah right.  That is an extremely common thing that racists say.

  11. 9 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    pls don't

    the guitar guy is the biggest victim of them all, a much bigger victim than the white trash poor, please don't take that away from him

    or he'll lash out at you and call you a white supremacist, racist and nazi

    just accept that he's the winner of victim olympics and be happy for him

    And you are the biggest racist on here.

    @Salvijus You two should be friends.

  12. 3 minutes ago, axiom said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 You may or may not be aware that media propagandists and politicians make earnest efforts to stir up civil unrest, and foster divisiveness across a range of issues for political gain. All the furore around Covid is another prime example of this. 

    Don't fall for it.

    I have seen numerous claims of racism where it manifestly does not exist. This is incredibly damaging to the cause of achieving real equality in society. 


    The media is obviously full of shit.  Both the left and right.  They are both racist.  They spread a ton of b.s about black people.  I do not watch the news.  

    This is from being a black man.  You wouldn’t know unless you are one.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Asayake said:

    I was vegan for 4.5 years. I used to see it as either you support animal cruelty or you're anti animal cruelty, in which case you would be vegan. But if you're not vegan that would have made you into an enemy. Now, that tactic worked poorly. As far as I know 0 people went vegan by me lecturing them on their evils. And I did lecture many. But it just made them stop listening to me. Instead of turning this into a conflict between racists and anti racists, maybe just acting with exemplary behaviour is enough. Others will follow suit.

    I don’t care.  

    2 minutes ago, Phil King said:


    @Thestarguitarist14 I read over ur joe rogan thread and it seemed like u werent even trying to understand others viewpoints, just shutting them out and calling them racist. Need more nuance then just "HES A RACIST' and "HES AN ANTIRACIST"

    Oh go somewhere else.

    2 minutes ago, Chris365 said:

    Impossible, he's black


  14. 1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

    So? It's inevitable that some group of people will have more power then others. Like I sayed even white people don't have equal power all. Those who have more power abuse it against their own family even. 

    Black people are no better. They abuse their power the first opportunity that comes. Haven't you ever used your supremacy as a human being against animals ever? Haven't you ever smashed and ant just because you're so much more powerful? Really let that sink in ?


    Just now, Epikur said:

    I guess you will make a lot of friends here

    I don’t want to be friends with racists.  I don’t think that this forum is for me.  It’s filled with a bunch of phonies pretending to be enlightened.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 everybody who has less power gets abused imo.

    Even white people abuse power over white people. Whoever has more power will abuse it against others irrespective of race, age, child, women etc. It’s not directed at anyone in particular in my opinion. Anybody who has little less power are suffering the same fate.

    Who are the people with the least power in the U.S?  

    Black people.

    This isn’t about power.  This is about race.  This country was founded by racists and years of racism is why we’re are where we are today.  

    White supremacists hate black people because of our ability to be trend setters, great athletes, great artists, great musicians, our tenacity, and that we put up a fight.  Notice how the black icons are all world wide?  They hate us because they ain’t us.