Aaron Truth

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Posts posted by Aaron Truth

  1. @The0Self @EntheogenTruthSeeker Wow. LOL. That seems to be happening. I wonder when and how it will happen the next time. The first I literally became God. I was 100% fully aware and was shocked I did not catch this before then it left. This was my second one, different but scared me a bit. I thought my heart would explode and I would just die there on the floor. 


    I do miss the shrooms.. been 2 yrs since my last shroom experience.

  2. 100% out of the blue.. I was not expecting anything at all. Just doing my routine. Then BAM!! I mean at least let me be kind of ready and not in the middle of working on an inspection report for my job. I will finish it tomorrow and let them complain about it.. fuck it. . they will cry either way. headed to bed, thanks for the encouragement and thoughts, guys. 

  3. I am still in complete shock and shaking right now. I have been on another meditation binge, constantly and consistently for weeks. I was doing some work on my computer and listening to some music when all of the sudden my consciousness went to another "place". I then realized this waking up experience was really happening.. right now.. I wanted to hurry up and close my working screen.. I race over to my spot where I usually meditate and as I am coming over my heart starting racing really freaking fast like my chest was going to explode! I got kind of scared I think, but then had a realization that I was love. I could know and understand I was pure love. I struggle to find the words needed to explain. Ummm,...It was like my true, real, self was coming out of its delusion. But then in a few seconds or so it was gone. Then I closed my eyes and saw something that looked like a unicorn.. A unicorn??? I never thought this was possible. That thing is REAL! Very beautiful, I could see it swing its's head down and this radiant glow of rainbow colors would swirl around and then it moved to another spot on my right side. 


    Leo, can you help me sort this out?? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?? 

  4. After completely getting annihilated on building a good relationship, two divorces, and a cheating wife, I began soul searching and found actualized.org. I learned a lot and grew content on not being in one. Then a girl showed up in my life. She lost an 11 yr relationship with a police officer who was killed and single. I had no idea I would have such a pretty, cute, and loving fiancee, who is literally everything I imagined and thought did not exist. It has by far been the best relationship ever in my 40 yrs. I found they work best when you do not try but listen and then live as if you are single and also in a relationship at the same time. Be able to live dualistically.

  5. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Suppressed book.)


    "They will not be experienced in the art of government and therefore will be easily turned into pawns in our game in the hands of our learned and wise counselors, who have been especially trained from early childhood for governing the world."

    "Let them enjoy themselves until the time comes, or let them live in hopes of new amusements or on the reminiscences of passed joys."

    "Let them think that these laws with which we have inspired them, are of supreme importance to them. With this object in view, and with the help of the press, we continually increase their blind faith in these laws. The educated classes of the Gentiles will pride themselves in their learning without verifying it, they will put into practice the knowledge obtained from science which was dished up to them by our agents with the object of educating their minds in the direction which we required."

  6. I used to have the issue also. I would get the hottest girls and really cute ones and still have difficulties getting t up in bed with them, but girls who were to me not as pretty I would have no issues. It was totally psychological. I visited a meditation center and after much work there, I met a lady who worked with me on the deep issues I was facing. Then when she would ask me to go to a place in my childhood and throw away the pictures of it. I was surprised that the deep buried memories were causing an emotional reaction in me. I would get a raging boner in the middle of the session. It was these triggers I was not realizing I was attached to.

    My issue was then if I did get it up with my exwife it took me 3 hours to even finish I would go on and on sex and no orgasm. This inability to orgasm ALSO stemmed from past experiences of anxiety. Those sexual moments of self discovery I had in my preteen and teens that I was still emotionally attached to. Even though I was embarrassed about this boner now standing in front of her she was mature about it. She asked if I need to go to the bathroom. I excused myself and then come back and she worked with me to get past it (Took maybe a month of visits I think) and I would gradually improve where I would have the memory but the emotion was no longer attached. I thank her for being mature about such a sensitive subject for men and not making me shy further away from the issue, It is very few people that will face your demons with you in this world. 

    My issue was then if I did get it up with my exwife it took me 3 hours to even finish I would go on and on. This inability to orgasm ALSO stemmed from past experiences of anxiety.

    This is life and reality that is happening and learned to accept it then throw it away. I did this technique REPEATEDLY as they had trained me and trust me it WORKS!! 

    I had no issues getting it up with my now very attractive fiancee, the kind of girl I thought I would never have a steady relationship with is today a reality. 

  7. I see every challenge as a challenge and that INCLUDES dealing with negative people. I remind myself of these when I encounter a highly negative person:

    1) That person is not specifically placing blame on me but EVERYTHING and EVERYONE within their spear of influence is also being blamed SO it is HIGHLY likely I will be included in that blame.
    2) I am solely responsible for my response to it. Which is usually a LOVE response not a HATE response. When I respond in LOVE I keep my spirituality. If I respond out of anger or hate or tagging them back I lose my spirituality and immediately become just like them and their negative energy. 

    3) Ultimately everything in life is just you challenging yourself to grow. You as God ordained this so that you can grow in LOVE and understanding.


    I had an encounter early in the morning of my past exgf who is mother of my child yesterday. She was throwing a bunch of shit on me about some past event I barely remember. I just kept my smile.. I let her vent and then I say Okay, have a good day. and left. She failed in ruining my day. I ended up having one of the best days in recent memory. I just saw it as the devil only trying me. If I block him out by only being myself there is NOTHING he can do.