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Everything posted by meta_male

  1. @Leo Gura She is obviously traumatized...christian fundamentalist upbringing plus sexual abuse. I bet she has a long way to go before even realising her level of brainwashing.
  2. @Rishabh R And remember, it could also be you who's found
  3. You don't have to ask if she has a boyfriend, it's ok to just ask her out on a date. This dude sounds a bit insecure, but who are we to judge if she made a bad choice? If she did, good for you. If she didn't, good for you too. Also, getting a girlfriend is not an achievement, you didn't fail. This is the way.
  4. It's more effective to google for actualized forum "sleep" or any other word in quotation marks. The search function is useless.
  5. What do you do if you don't mind me asking? Do you literally just sit and do nothing?
  6. You realise what it means when you go around calling people cowards? It means you see yourself as a coward, but you hate this part of yourself.
  7. @Past-Philosopher-562 Could have been her brother, he could have been taken, could have been a silly clip for 9gag or whatever. Don't read too much into it.
  8. There is a problem for people who end up in cults (I know they don't exist, it's all me, I'm just playing hide and seek etc.). I doubt having your head in the clouds helps empathising with them.
  9. Ok thanks for explaining, I just looked into it a bit more. Marriage sounds like a really bad deal. I still don't see how a woman can enslave you if you don't let her? There must be another reason as to why men don't have much self respect these days. Setting up a different marriage system doesn't transform a boy into a man.
  10. Yeah alright, I've just never come across the word empath on other than new agey sources. I was more coming from the perspective of looking at narcissism on a spectrum, like empathy. The problem is identifying with either of those and creating characters out of them. Human behaviour is too complex to be categorized imo. I don't think just yet.
  11. @ZenAlex You got this, man. Btw, some therapists do online sessions, might be worth looking into as well.
  12. @bebotalk Ok, thanks.
  13. When you read someone's emotional state it's cognitive empathy, when you feel their emotional state it's emotional empathy. I'm not annoyed, but I know it can seem like it...mirror, mirror...
  14. @bebotalk Watch your narcissism...
  15. Big red flag. Ideas like starseeds, twin flames, soul mates, empaths and all these other new age spiritual terms only create more separation and rabbit holes for the minds of those involved. People want to feel special and different from others so they go looking for concepts that make them feel good. This is not based on truth, it's a distortion.
  16. @ZenAlex That's good! I don't meditate in the classic way either due to past trauma. Funny enough my therapist also recommended Eckhart Tolle. I used to feel ashamed for "bad" emotions and thoughts and felt a lot of pressure to get rid of them instead of just watching.
  17. @MellowEd What's originally referred to by hell is either death or a dump hole outside the walls of Jerusalem – Gehenna. Eternal torment is mostly fantasy, although you could say people experience a state of hell when they suffer as their growth becomes stuck.
  18. @ZenAlex Congratulations for being aware of your inner family I'm assuming you haven't done IFS before? It can definitely be done on oneself, although I doubt it's effective when starting off on your own. But apparently there's courses online, be sure to check those out. I feel your pain, bro. Watch mental images, emotions, thoughts, sensations that come up, just allow them to appear. And then just watch, watch, watch. This takes time.
  19. I've never heard or experienced anything related to this concept offline.
  20. Mirror, mirror...
  21. How could a woman enslave you?