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Everything posted by meta_male

  1. I'd be concerned if this wasn't the case. Let him get slapped by reality
  2. Don't read too much into TikTok videos made by kids.
  3. No, you will forget about porn.
  4. It's fine for me. Let him give it a shot.
  5. Because men got their brains washed by PUAs.
  6. @Danioover9000 Some, yeah. Well, the mission itself was savage too.
  7. @Leo Gura You can tell Cameron is way more in touch with reality than Rush. This guy was literally rushing.
  8. Did you notice something? You're attracting those who are on the same level as you. You haven't met all women go work on yourself and find something you're passionate about that's not about women.
  9. @Yimpa Control yourself, mine's already flatter than roadkill. It's just easier entertaining people with immaturity.
  10. @Yimpa Trying to attract more animals ay
  11. Most sensible thing I've read in a long time. Still guilty of it myself though
  12. There's women out there just collecting orbiters. That's pretty much it. Next time just kiss the girl to make it clear what this is about and to find out whether she's in or not.
  13. Has this always been the case or is your mind playing a trick on you making it seem like bad = forever?
  14. Your dad is a lost cause as far as you should be concerned, don't try to save him. Do you still live with him?
  15. @Manny Nobody here owes you shit especially because we're all trying to help out even while dealing with our own things. But you could make it easier for yourself by sharing some more details and maybe some gratitude
  16. I'm starting to notice the same with me actually.
  17. Love those posts, thanks for sharing! Where do you draw the line of who and what is conscious? What about animals, plants, rocks?
  18. Integrating the dark parts looks very messy. But I get that your point is making clear those types you think men think women are attracted to aren't what one should strive to become. Yeah, as long as he really cares about sex. I have no clue, I don't think bad exists. Maybe cause society at large doesn't benefit from them.