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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. That are just ideas, mental constructions . Imo they are not going to lead anyone to enlightenment, only to fantasies. Enlightenment is identifying yourself with the absolute, and this is existence, or consciousness if you prefer. Existence exists and takes infinite forms, one is that of the hooligan, another that of the Buddha. Ultimately there is no difference, only the content changes, and over all the angle of perception, one is in the form, other in the substance. If you are absolutely identified with existence, it is the same to be in Autchwitz as in a hotel in Dubai, in fact Autchwitz would be much more interesting. but who is?
  2. You are talking about different things, quantity and quality. The amount of consciousness is always the same, whether in a hooligan crying because his team has lost or in Ramakrishna in mystical ecstasy. It is the consciousness of what is, and it is always total. The difference is in the quality, in the penetration of that consciousness. The hooligan's conscience has a wall in front of him and he cannot and does not want to see beyond it. Ramakrishna's is largely unencumbered, and sees the abyss of reality in all its glory. If he watch the football game he will not see its meaning but its reality, he sees the absolute transparent through everything. The hooligan is lost in meaning, and this limits his perception, he only see the result of the game and what it means, but the amount of consciousness is the same in both.
  3. Consciousness has different levels of depth, until reaching total depth, that is absence of limitations. Consciousness is always the same, but the limits that veil it change, blur and can disappear.
  4. A good explanation about awakening
  5. I think that the only answer is because the structure of the cosmos. What we are is an expression of the absolute geared and sinceonized among other infinite expressions. cycles within cycles at an unimaginable level. The cosmos is absolute, it always is, since it is now, and it is evolutionary, it is perpetual movement directed by total intelligence. It is much more complex than God creating a video game, it is rather the inevitable emergence of everything that can arise, always being in perfect synchrony. That's why we call intelligence. When you blink, the entire cosmos must be synchronized for that blink to take place. This is the absolute, a perfect dance. You can change the limits synchronizing yourself with intelligence and flowing with it so that the entire cosmos adapts to your will, at the same time that you adapt to the will of the cosmos.
  6. Yes the religious person thinks that they already found because someone told them the truth
  7. Agree, limitation means 2 things, necessarily. But there are 2 things, your body and the exterior. Now you could say that this is just a thought, but it's a thought created by a reality. A new born baby, in the moment when he's out and starts crying, he is realizing the duality. You can collapse the duality with meditation (in some extent) and be the undivided reality that ultimately you are, but then you will be again in the duality. Now the duality is real, denying is fool ourselves.
  8. If you know what you are looking for before finding it, bit religious too. But I think that it's unavoidable
  9. Id say that if something has a quality, it is let's say false. The only quality that existence has is that it is. This unfolds in infinite nuances, if there are any of these nuances, you are in a "lie", in the sense that it is not the absolute truth. absolute truth is everything and nothing. Those are its two faces and are exactly the same. all the nuances between this are relative, a mirage.
  10. The problem is that mostly are searching something. Someone said that at the end there was God, or nirvana, or infinity, and they are specifically looking for that. few completely empty their minds and are open to not knowing anything
  11. Nothing and everything are equal, are two faces, two angles of perception of the absolute. Red is different, it's relative, just a part . The other people are faces of the absolute, let's say that they are being imagined by the absolute, but not by you, because you are a face of the absolute too. Ultimately you are the absolute, and me too, but the absolute has not characteristics, so to be the same you and me, we should erase all the characteristics, then we couldn't be alone, because that is a characteristic . The thing is that if you make transparent all the characteristics, irrelevant, you get empty, you and me are no two, but neither one, because we are nothing, just unlimited.
  12. Red requires blue, green, etc. All colours together are white, the absolute colour . No colour is black, the absence of colours. Both are absolute, two faces . But if there is nothing, there is no loneliness, and it there is everything, there is not loneliness neither, so in the two faces there is not Solipsism If everything would be red and always was, it wouldn't be red, it would be not a colour because colours wouldn't exist
  13. Loneliness require no loneliness to be an opposite, and there is not. Yes, it's and absolute level somewhere, just behind the surface, or the relative level
  14. The feelings are an appearance, like anything else, they doesn't mean absolutely nothing at an absolute level. You could say that at absolute level there are all the feelings, that is nothing concrete. Loneliness is something concrete, then relative , because it's the opposite of not alone. Absolute includes both, no none of them is true
  15. Yeah exactly then it's not true because at the absolute level it can't be loneliness since it's a characteristic, and at absolute level there are no characteristics , so solipsism means nothing and absolute level and at relative level it's false
  16. Sure, you are right, the experience is one, but just because something is conceptual does not mean that it is false or that it divides experience. What you are looking for is not realizing that there is no leg or that your girlfriend is imaginary, since this will be of no use to you when a bear trap closes on your leg, but what you are looking for is the opening to the real substance of what reality is and the perception of that substance in everything. In other words, we are not looking for a solipsistic psychotic approach, because it's not real, you don't control de experience, but rather an openness to living reality. Or in other words, "conceptual" is just a concept
  17. It could have ended in divorce.
  18. A concept is a mental representation of something that may or may not be real. For example, if you break your leg, is this a concept? Yes, and also something real. Is the limitation of not being able to walk a concept? Starving for it is a concept? Is reality a concept? yes, and it's also real
  19. In India there was enormous misery, the same as everywhere else. In Europe, those who could and had the right contacts joined the church to be able to eat without working, in India, those who acquired a reputation as a mystic were fed without working. This may seem banal now, but in the 11th century it was not at all, it was the difference between life and death. What follows from this? lies
  20. It depends on how you look at it, since the body is a form of the infinite and therefore contains the totality of existence in it, so if you look at it from the point of view of the form, it is total life, since it is all of existence , and if you look at it from the point of view of the formless, it is nothing, it is a hologram without substance
  21. Then why there are limits ? Why you can't fly?
  22. Yes, it seems that that's the reality ultimately
  23. What I meant is that it depends of how you look at it. When people talk about God they talk about "something", that something is the totality of existence, and this totality can be perceived as absolutely full or absolutely empty, the point is that there is no difference. you can also perceive that you are reality/god creating all forms, or that forms arise spontaneously from the fact that nothing prevents it and they organize themselves synchronously in a spontaneous way and that is called intelligence, and this is god, a consecuence, not a cause. I see the second perception as more accurate.
  24. I just perceive the limitation, even with my mind in total silence. It's not about thinking or projecting, it's an energetic fact, a reality
  25. If there is something defined, be it breathing, seeing, hearing, thinking, there is limitation. Experience means limitation