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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. What seems hell is paradise. Suffering is the shell of the egg that breaks to give rise to a perfect being. It is resistance to what is. It is necessary to give birth to a new creation, since nothing emerges without resistance. This applies to an individual and to an entire universe. Resistance is not only something that makes it difficult for the new being to emerge but it is also what pushes its creation. without resistance there is no form, but the form must break resistance to be realized. This resistance is hell, and it is the key to paradise
  2. there are no levels in the sense of understanding that I am existence. there are levels in the sense of the perception of what existence is. There are barriers that limit the depth of perception. I am not consciousness but the reality, which is self-conscious. The perception of what I am is limited by the structure that existence takes at this moment. My work is to make this structure as clean as possible so that the perception is as deep as possible, but it will always be less than total. What is total is the understanding that I am what exist.
  3. The point is to realize that you are the total breadth, total depth, and that what emerges is a mirage that occurs given the fact that you are. but this will not free you from the need to equalize your experience. What it will do is enable this equalization, it will make you understand that this experience is an inexorable evolutionary movement, and that just as you must look inward and dissolve all barriers until instead of the psyche there is unfathomable depth, you must balance the external experience. with the precision of a surgeon.
  4. exactly, it can't be any other way. If existence were an instant surrounded by an abyss of nonexistence, that instant would be absolute, infinite, uncreated, because its limits would be nonexistent. The key to everything is: absence of limits
  5. The existence is now, before my birth is just a thought
  6. Exactly the same than when there are thoughts, that existence exist. Thoughts are just another manifestation, same than cold for example
  7. Thoughts are something that is happening, same than anything else. The thing is not stop thinking, but realize that thoughts are happening in you and be detached of its meaning
  8. That's the first step id say, just being, open to the existence now, zero barrier, no mind, the pure happiness of existence. Then the real mysticism begins. I know you will say: there is no more, reality is nothing, etc, but I don't agree
  9. Same, except sometimes low dose of LSD, and I'd like a lot to use 5meo for sex , but it would be pure mysticism
  10. I use only at night and alone, for meditation, and only if there is no problems in my mind. It's a tool for openenss, but not for treating people or do things
  11. Real awakening is not knowing that, is open yourself to yourself. Erase the barriers and be total. Just that, nothing about others, god, reality, infinity, etc. Awakening is just to be yourself.
  12. What if you don't think nothing about it and just open yourself totally to it?
  13. Then try to fly, if you are in developer mode maybe you can, at least a short flight
  14. There is no creation, reality is a bottomless well from which the vital flow emerges, and this flow is total intelligence that orders itself in increasingly complex patterns in a cyclical way. It is not that God creates reality, it is that reality is God, and you are that.
  15. I use sometimes, 2 / 3 puffs and meditation, in the nature or in a park at night if it's possible. The reality opens up totally, more than vaping 5 meo If I smoke more , it's too narcotic. In the past gave me paranoia, but I now can abandone and stop the mind even with a big dose, at least the few times I did, 1 year ago was awful. Now it's easy, I think: stop the meaning, nothing means nothing, and finish, it's like being floating in the sea
  16. Awakening and dreaming means nothing. You always are, it doesn't matter what you think about it. The difference is in existing in a limited or unlimited way. Having a punctual awakening is just an experience, and what you think about it afterwards are just thoughts. What I am is what exists and the breadth of it, in this moment, is total, complete. There is nothing to think or know about it, it is something that is. From this fact the idea of continuity and evolutionary cycles emerges, but it is only an idea. Reality is the bottomless well of existence that is happening at this exact moment, and the impulse to more depth, more beauty, a more complex dance full of nuances is also real, it is where the cosmos moves, then, let's move, it's unavoidable
  17. of course young men do, the worst shit that can happen to a man is that you really like a girl, then after dating a lot and developing confidence, sex is going to happen, then you get anxious, you start to think that in your erection, and you can't do it, or you can but badly. Then you take a katana, find a beautiful tree, kneel in its shade, do the whole ceremony and do harakiri to please your ancestors. If you can avoid that shit with a piece of pill that costs €1....well, where's the doubt?
  18. It is a matter of energy configuration. From childhood you configure a pattern based on fear and the attachment that encloses you. Fear and attachment are absolutely serious, inescapable, much stronger than you can handle. At a certain point you live in a limited structure that can be tolerable or horrible. If it's horrible enough you make the decision, conscious or unconscious, to break it. So, at some point it breaks, but it immediately comes back, since you can't handle it, it's stronger than you. Little by little, with obsessive determination, focused like a laser, you dissolve it, each time you become freer until one day you are truly free, you do not fear, you are the master. You are reality, the living cosmos, and you flow in complete freedom.
  19. Any man who really like sex use pills sometimes. Not because you have a disfuncion, even you are 19, maybe you want a 6 hours non stop session of love sometimes. Maybe you can without, but with it's bit more, let's say fluid. But few of them are going to confess even under torture 😅. For me the thing is saying to your partner: do you want with booster or do you prefer normal? Then we could vape some 5 meo on the middle of the action too, some tantric sex when two souls are one , so why to don't use some substance? Because ego? The question would be: do you need to feel that you are attractive enough and you can lift the dick without any substance again and again, or are you looking for the top, the maximum connection, the real sexual communion? Then we do anything that does it better , nothing is forbidden
  20. It's true that you are everything, but in that everything are the others too. Seems obvious right? Where are the other povs that you were and you will be? They are in you. But sametime, you are in them. Another possibility makes no sense I'd say
  21. I don't mean loosing the fear and cross the street without looking, I mean fear to be. Don't are you feeling right now your fear? It's resistance. Limits that you put in your mind to feel safe inside them, but they are not going to help you in nothing, are false , just a mental jail where you live that prevents you of the real flow. You could die right now with that fear and without it, so it's useless
  22. You experienced as an absence, that's why was bad. But absence of what? Just absence of ground, of something to grab to be balanced, but you don't need that, you have to educate yourself to be without limits. The reality is bottomless but it's full, everything is there, the total infinity, and it's exactly this, now. You can see it just opening your eyes, you just have to remove the mental barrier until no one remains. Then you will see the total glory of the reality, of what you are. Don't fear because fear is useless, the really would be same with fear or without, so better abandon any resistance and enjoy as much as you can
  23. Exactly, you are what it is, the total existence existing, the bottomless reality and everything emerges from you. Your self esteem is absolute, because inside you is everything, the total life, the total truth. You have nothing to show and nothing to hide. You can be absolutely open, without any reservation, because everything that is in you is divine. You will treat the others with absolute straight behavior, because they are you, they are divine and magic. But don't think that they have not own existence, they have, they are you in other moment, and they are absolutely deep, without bottom.
  24. Exactly, thats what I was saying, that define it as apparent is just a definition. This is the reality and that's it. The only thing that you can know is the substance of the reality, because it's your substance. You are the reality, then you open yourself to your true nature. That's true that what it's appearing is apparent in the sense that is not permanent in it's shape, but it's false in the sense that is permanent in it's substance, it's existence, and you can open yourself totally to it, and then say: hallelujah, the absolute total existence without bottom is here and now, and I am that.