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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Culadasa, Kenneth Folk, and Rob Burbea (RIP) have the clearest and most effective meditation instructions imo. Glad your practice is really taking-off.
  2. Maybe I wasn’t wording it properly or we’re talking past one another. How’s this: “Things-existing” happens in so-called mind, which is just thoughts. This so-called mind happens in existence/reality/God. However, this existence/reality/God happens in “things-existing.”
  3. Another enlightenment exercise: Noting aloud Kenneth Folk quote: “ Forget about the tips and tricks. Forget about the centerpoint. Forget about the 3 characteristics. Forget about whether you think you are concentrated or not. Forget about what you think you know about meditation. Every time you discover the "problem" with your meditation, note your reaction to that thought. Note the thought itself. Note once per second, aloud, for the duration of your sitting. Note catastrophizing, dramatizing, histrionics, self-pity, evaluation thoughts, impatience, despair, self-loathing, joy, triumph, scenario spinning, longing, desire for deliverance, irritation, doubt, bliss, absorption, distraction, fear, anger, rage, disgust, euphoria, hope, contentment, anticipation, softness, hardness, coolness, warmth, pulsing, burning, itching, throbbing, stinging, tingling, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, pleasant, unpleasant, neutral, petulance, futility, dullness, fatigue; what have I left out? Of course you would like some kind of a shortcut or a tip. There is no such thing. There is only the mastery of this simple technique. By the time you master this technique, you will be an arahat. If you distract yourself from this technique by trying to tweak the recipe, the warrantee is void. “
  4. Just giving up addictions doesn’t seem to work. You have to use a healthy addiction as a wedge. Meditation worked for me. Perhaps try dropping all meditative techniques and literally just sit down and try to relax and enjoy the present moment for a full 60min. Be very skillful and discover and develop the subtle art of maximizing enjoyment. Enjoyment of whatever is presenting itself, no matter how modest. Also, you could take on the identity of being a collector of good habits. (To whom it may concern)
  5. There was never anyone to remember. “2. After death, we have an awareness that experiences everything.“ You are already experiencing absolutely everything, including the perception of being a limited human being without omniscience — though ultimately this too is merely an idea.
  6. There is no after death. We don’t have awareness. Show me someone that could have awareness — it will just be an object in awareness, overlooked.
  7. The only way God/reality can be truly unlimited is if there is pure infinite potential, which is necessary since there is nothing outside of reality that limits reality (bc then the limiter would be unreal); and God must limit itself in infinite ways (call it tactical omniscience/memory erasure), otherwise there would be nothing discernible at all, though simultaneously that is actually paradoxically the case.
  8. This is the definition of splitting hairs, man. I agree. And “the moment?” You gotta know you’re still not conveying the ultimate. The present moment doesn’t exist — there isn’t enough time for there to be a present moment, not is time real. Everything we call real is made of what we cannot call real.
  9. There is no contradiction there. When speaking we are automatically in relative reality. Which is the “real” relative? Or are all perspectives equally valid? Especially to the extend that they act as a springboard to the next highest rung of the ladder of realization (again in the realm of the relative).
  10. Of course it’s a concept. And so is what you just wrote. Skillful fabrications to eat away at eventually themselves, leaving only that of which nothing can be said.
  11. It’s this. It’s nothing. It’s everything. Nothing can really be said about it, for then it would be known to you, and therefore not awareness.
  12. Same. I feel even more sober than sober but extremely blissful, like perfectly serenely happy. Unbelievably intense feeling of absolute completeness like I’m right on the edge of God’s eye and time has stopped. Like I experience entire events all at once and stand apart from them. It feels like what I imagine a souped-up 6th jhana to be like if I were simultaneously conscious of being God (I’ve only made it to the 2nd jhana). Then I fall into a singularity and I feel as if part of me never made it out. Idk why LSD is so effective for me. And just some info if anyone wants it: 1P-LSD and AL-LAD feel qualitatively almost exactly similar to traditional LSD (LSD-25)... BUT inexplicably, the breakthroughs aren’t even like 1/1000th as profound as they consistently are on LSD-25, for me.
  13. I tend to agree that LSD is more powerful but DMT gave me way deeper visual synesthesia than LSD and mushrooms. The image of my profile is inspired by the visual hyperspace DMT opens up for me — LSD doesn’t do that, but it does so much more... though I think there’s just something about my body/spiritual chemistry specifically that makes LSD ultra effective for me. It puts me in this ultra-witness God-unity so strongly it’s ridiculous.
  14. To paraphrase something I heard Leo say: Why are you afraid of Truth? Because you called it death. Death is literally just part of the dream in God’s infinite mind.
  15. Care to explain? I have quite a bit of experience with this stuff and for me LSD gives me much more of a consciousness boosting effect than mushrooms. I’ve done well over 50 trips. I’m here to learn too I’m just wondering what you disagreed with to the point where you said disregard what he said. Edit: I prefer LSD and 5meo to mushrooms and n,n-DMT. And I’ve used like 15 other compounds at least.
  16. Sure thing man. All the substances I listed can produce ego death, but ketamine or nitrous by themselves is a different animal — not everyone gets an ego-death with them that is actually worthwhile. Nitrous on LSD is a great way to get ego-death. It varies depending on the person. I for instance get ego death with anything at or above 110 micrograms of LSD and that is literally every single time.
  17. There is no substitute for 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, (and maybe a few other psychedelics; DPT, etc), as well as dissociatives such as nitrous and ketamine. You want ego-death and/or unity/God-realization and all of those provide it with high efficiency. n,n-DMT ain’t shit for that purpose, but it’s by far the most visual — it’s great if you wanna experience hyperspace.
  18. I think his issue may be more severe, but I’ll second the fasting anyway as I have narcolepsy without severe cataplexy — talk about a debilitating illness... I have to go into REM before falling asleep, so I get terrifying hallucinations and paralysis every single night. It gives me zero stress now but it wasn’t always that way. Fasting helped me a lot, as did histamine, and pregnenolone. And meditation... and psychedelics... but if I had gut issues too I doubt I’d be able to meditate through it. Leo is probably going to have to do a lot of research on thyroid issues — the answer may be on ncbi hidden in the publicly available research — it’s likely not going to be an alternative treatment. It could be sulfation, methylation, tons and tons of stuff and he’s just going to have to work it out. He’s a capable person.
  19. Turn/shift/look back, for the kingdom of heaven is within you.
  20. Well... He seems to have gotten the requisite taste of nonduality. And definitely purports to have had realization into no self and no free will. Yeah... he’s still confused though lol
  21. With both duality and nonduality there is still existence. Things might not exist (though they also do exist), but existence is existence, and it’s nondual.
  22. What about Andy Cutler? I think. He’s passed away but he was like the intersection of traditional and alternative medicine.
  23. It works the other way around even more for me. The memory and realization of God-consciousness allows my meditation to go really, really deep. I haven’t been bored in meditation since I can remember. I remember ego-death and the breath begins to feel on each in breath as if God is pumping air into “my” lungs and I’m the air.
  24. “Open your mind to that possibility.”