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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. crying is one of the best spiritual practices, it is a very effective way to get to no mind, words are gone and you are just a vulnerable child of god utterly lost in the moment
  2. from childhood one is taught what i am is me, what i have is mine me is identity, mine is attachments self inquiry gives i am nothing and dismantles identity ... no word describes me self realization gives i am all and dismantles attachments ... if i am all, no need to desire what i am
  3. this is good info so i thought to share with you ... i copied these instructions from the comments section of the you-tube video below
  4. i believe that boredom is one of the last obstacles ... boredom is mind saying, this moment is crap and can't we get to the next moment already life is not made of many moments, life is purely this moment if you experienced this here moment with utter totality and undivided presence ... you life will have been worthwhile and indeed perfect this very moment is an overwhelming miracle and is supreme perfection, use that as a meditation mantra
  5. the truth needs no discussion and no defender ... correcting others in matters of truth is just ego and shows a low level of consciousness ... show people love not argument
  6. just say goodbye to everything and die every night then weep tears of gratitude if you should happen to wake up, in all senses of the word
  7. strong inhale, strong exhale, hold right there til the 30 seconds is up ... do 120 of these reps is a hour of meditation i find it helps to make noisy inhale, noisy exhale for keeping mind quiet link below can be used to beep every 30 seconds to make the hour pass easily
  8. the spiritual journey is boring to wisdom (see leo's latest youtube) to kingdom survival to thrival to arrival mind cannot be in the present moment so we need to meditate it into silence the arrival of the kingdom is the beginning of no mind then we good
  9. realization means the seer becoming the seen, another word for it is love where the lover and beloved become one
  10. be-you-to-full say it in front of mirror
  11. meditation is the journey from lonely to alone to all one namely it is onerous at first but becomes more and more blissful as it removes the veils of conditioning
  12. sex begets spirituality ... it gives you an initial taste of no mind ... it prompts the spiritual quest eventually sex is no longer needed, you have far greater treasure ... you have gone from survive to thrive to arrive
  13. i think it is useful to break 'know' into 3 types, eg take the topic of love -i know about love -i know the ins and outs of love -i know love first is explaining, second is experiencing, third is embodying the mystics are saying set aside the explaining and experiencing in order to reside in the non dual state of embodying in which knowing is ... being i think this helps me understand what it means to know nothing just sharing some thoughts i had today, namaste
  14. forgiveness is a one time thing but resentment hmmm ... will have to be a constant every day thing
  15. e.g.o = eyes generating outside the eyes are the ego, the filter through which you see the world if you have out of body experience, you can look directly at your body and note that you see perfectly well without your eyes so eyes are the conditioning you impose on the world eyes do not give truth ... two people can look at the same dress and see it as a different color however from the consciousness of internal spirit we will see the same everything
  16. meditation is bringing balance to life the world wants you million miles an hour chasing dopamine 24 -7 meditation is self love, i am my priority in this life, i will spend time with the most important treasure that i will ever know
  17. mysticism is embracing mystery, relishing that most stuff is unknowable mind is only interested in and capable of the knowable going beyond mind enters the mystical
  18. ego is the buffer zone between you and reality a useful construct when you are stuck in a survive over thrive existence but dispensable when you see it is keeping you from you true nature, wholeness when you drop the ego you see yourself in a different way, you are part of everything no longer apart from everything
  19. 7 chapters of spiritual evolvement i i am i am that = thoughts i am that i am (in the biblical sense as referenced by jesus namely transcended abraham = time and space) i am that = no thoughts i am i end of disc 1
  20. my take on descartes = i think because god is therefore i the thinker think an illusory world into existence ... if i put aside said thinking, i would merge with god and see the world as it really is furthermore, i know nothing all knowledge implies a known object, but there is no object which is separate from me, there is only the subject, and so i really do know nothing enlightenment means when projection / knowledge is replaced by reflection / love to know in the biblical sense is to love it was in Eden where Adam first knew Eve namaste x