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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. The traversing of the 8 functions is ego consciousness. Youre not yet self actualised at that point because youre functioning in terms of components, not in unison. Ego is especially linked to the 1st function, and any other easy to access function, with the development of the harder to reach functions being more in terms of counterparts to the ego. Inregration of the 8th function represents the culmination of wise old man/woman, esteem, fu'masta, 4th circuit, and likely stage orange. Transcendence of the 8 function through their union represents self, self actualisation, shiny baby, 5th circuit, green, and perhaps awakening. I have speculated that each stage of actualisation may be about upgrading each of the 8 functions into a transcendent form, but im not sure if thats how it works, or if there is more of a similarity between different people as they uncover reality, or even greater differences due to transcendence and increasing complexity.
  2. I generally wouldnt recommend the stock market, but if youre going to invest, choose companies that you believe in on a moral level.
  3. Check out truth for all people .com man, Jesus can be channelled by mediums.
  4. No offense to Leo, but Jesus was far above Leo. We have a spiritual community here, and that is a great service to mankind, but Jesus shaped the face of the planet as we know it. He represents the turning point in history, since the birth of man!
  5. What i wonder is when post-integral stages become more integrated.
  6. I've read that the average age of self actualising is 36. That would mean that about half of the population, mostly older, are at least modestly awakened.
  7. Yes so that is how we tie in Jungian type with actualisation. What is happening before you actualise? Well, you are going from your 1st to 8th function. It is only when you integrate your weakest part that you can start functioning as a whole.
  8. The point of ego-death being positive is that the ego is only a small part of you. The ego doesn't completely "die" per se, but rather your true self takes over the wheel, so to speak. Killing oneself literally ends one's physical existence. You probably still need to awaken in the after life.
  9. It's not that I believe that the mythological account is correct, or that the scientific account can't be correct, but rather than I don't think the scientific account IS correct, whereas I believe that the mythological account has more truth in it comparatively.
  10. Emotion is a broad term that applies to different subsets of cognitive states. Think of those other things being emotions, but there being more basic emotions that are classically studied. Emotion is a kind of cognitive state experienced as a feeling, often throughout the body or in some other part of one e.g. the mind. There are different forms of emotions. Some, for instance, relate to the MBTI dimension of Feeling. Others relate to the stress-oriented states in the enneagram (anger, shame, fear). Others are different from these entirely. The point of emotion is to guide one into better states of being, or to reflect a state of being. In that sense, they can be proactive or reactive. Emotion in a Feeling sense relates to a value judgement of some state of affairs, whether in the external world or within one, as to whether it is good, bad, important etc. So it is a basic form of reasoning.
  11. All of that is true from what I can tell. All people are children of God, but the Son being the Christ is at-one with the Father. I think of it similarly to this: suppose you were meditating in a forest and felt that you were "at one with nature". At that moment, you have a deep connection with nature, but you are only a single person within it. This is similar to how it is for Christ. They are at-one with God at all times, but still a single being. They get their created nature from God, and only can act according to what is allowed of them. They learn from God. They align themselves with the Will of God. So, the Father is much greater than any who can be considered a Son. Perhaps Sonhood/Daughterhood could be considered a form of universal at-oneness with the Father.
  12. This is interesting, and I will hopefully reply more later, as I do have an interest in graph theory for example, but what I will say for now is: I think of the word of God as being God "speaking", in the true language. This gives form to creation, such as our reality. As willing beings, we do not necessarily adhere to God's word, but we can become aligned with it, through prayer for instance. Yes, this word comes from absolutes, and is what gives rise to our reality. The Christ principle is separate from this, however I do believe they are related. I am not sure at this point in time what the relation is, but this is something I can investigate.
  13. Ah, I like your thinking, but you are mistaken. Jesus is as I described him earlier. Christ is different from Jesus. Jesus was the first Christ, but Christ is universal and multiple. Actually, you could think of the Holy Spirit more as the manifestation of God. The Holy Spirit is God's instrument for acting in the world(s). (I forget, perhaps Holy Spirit only exists in the physical/first world, but I feel like it is in the spirit realms as well). Christ is as I mentioned, the perfection in the divine love. Jesus was the first to obtain both divine love (at least on earth, I am unsure beyond that) and the first (on earth) to be perfected in it. This makes him the first Christ (the Original Christ or OC as I refer to him as :P). There are also other Christs that have come since. Consciousness is different from this, and is just what it is. Consciousness. I don't know how it relates to anything beyond that.
  14. @Anderz So if Christ is something that a person becomes - Jesus was the first but there are many - does that mean that the only begotten son of God, is more of an abstraction rather than an actual entity? I am certain that Jesus was a real, historical person. However, many of the sayings attributed to him were not said by him or were distorted. Jesus speaks of the mustard seed that grows into the biggest tree, or the yeast that the woman mixes into the dough to make it leavened through. This is speaking of the divine love entering into a person and growing.
  15. Covered by Christianity? More like distorted and used by Christianity. We need people with legitimate spiritual insight talking about these things, not just the rabble of doctrinists.
  16. Tertiary educational institutes are also a place where science is focused on a lot, and there is a conflict between science and religion. Also the prejudices that many Christians suffer from (homophobia and so on) are grounds for attack in the eyes of many. I'm personally more on the spirituality side of the science vs religion debate. Sure, science can build technology, but it misses so much, and I would rather rely on a mythological account of creation than the scientific one.
  17. This website contains the words of Jesus, and others, as transmitted through a medium. It is Christianity as it was supposed to be. If that doesn't pique your interest, I don't know what will.
  18. An old saying of mine: nihilism teaches you nothing... and that's a lot to learn!
  19. @Anderz i would comment regarding God and time but that really gets to the limit of my knowledge and i am not comfortable speculating on it. I will mention that it is one of the prime mistakes of Christianity to suppose that Jesus is God's only begotten son. Jesus was a man, but he was born perfect (in the sense of having no evil in him). We are all children of the one father, but Jesus is closest to the father. He was the first on earth with the divine love, and preached about it to mankind. Christ refers to the principle of being complete in the divine love. All natural parts of the person are supplanted when one is Christ (Christ is a universal principle, and there are and have been multiple Christs).
  20. Ive had time speed up and slow down, as well as spatial distortions when i would step, during psychosis/spiritual emergence.
  21. Wouldn't mind consist of multiple dimensions, or does it only seem this way because of some kind of encapsulation of the spatial dimensions?
  22. So the information around us could be infinite years old, whatever that means? Still, things would have to become less relevant over time. Events billions of years ago, if billions of years is even a thing, are less relevant than events that happened yesterday, although some age old events led to where we are now. Still though, if information continually grows, then surely the relevance of events diminishes until they are no longer of importance, although a) they will remain in the subtleties of the information around us, and b) the particular features of the world may be totally different depending on age old events, e.g. due to chaos.
  23. I'm an INFJ, and i want to correct you on a couple points. First of all, Feeling is not about if you like something although that does overlap with Fi. Feeling is reasoning based on socio-emotional concerns rather than the logico-mechanical concerns of thinking. Second, people do generally develop their 4th function, even their 8th. It's when you get into the stages of Self and self-transcendence that things start really getting rarified. (As far as i am aware, you need to activate all 8 function positions in order for actualisation to be possible)
  24. So does anything that may have happened that we have no information of get put in the "unknowable" category? It still seems the past could stretch back infinitely, but perhaps there is a form of decay where past information becomes less and less relevant over time to the point it may as well not be there at all.