Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. Books are just 1 medium, and plenty of successful people don't read . I remember Gary vee said he didn't read a single book. Also hormozi said he only read a couple b4 he said he thought they were not that valuable. He learned thru mentors and being in a business tho I do think books have great value but there are like a dozens ways to learn Interviews, podcasts, videos, mentors, courses etc.
  2. The *sheer* amount of limiting beliefs I notice within people when regarding dating is crazy Succeeding in dating is the same as anything else Root cause -> probably lack of systemic support What are solutions: Challenging limiting beliefs Affirmations + visualizations, building a good self image Journalling Self esteem work, trauma work Good support system
  3. Maybe this channel might change your mind of bad victims https://youtube.com/@SoftWhiteUnderbelly
  4. @The Redeemer you probably wont get that same attention but the plus is that there are priveleges to be a man as well Though, with a large social media following, or building a network where you have status/value, that will probably replicate it
  5. Theory -> action Top methods: Affirmations Mantras Visualizations WOOP/ Goal Setting Habits Habit stacking Ultra Learning projects Setting morning intentions Before intentions After iterations AM / PM Routines Journalling
  6. Red/green flags, non negotiable for women - - modern feminist but traditional toward men - is warm/understanding to all people - wholesome type person - good communication skills - integrity
  7. Dude makes a post about how books are awesome but then tells people not to read them lol
  8. Some red flags in therapy field- - Therapist sees himself as an authority and doesn't value your opinions - gives advice without developing good context - tries to help in a speciality field without expertise or understanding of that speciality - is lacking in EQ, empathy, listening skills, responsibility skills - doesn't know/understand your goals or intentions
  9. According to the book, many greens don't like spiral dynamics bc the model looks like its in a hierarchy (but it's not really, it's more of a map) There's a story Don beck writes in the book about this. I agree with the point tho, treating it as a hierarchy would be a trap
  10. It seems like You can systematize improvement Strategize -> do -> reflect on results -> make new adjustments (improving strategy) -> repeat 9/10 insight Would like some high level insights on socializing now ?
  11. he's not a chess champion tho just a correction. his chess.com rating is only 1600 according to google. which is pretty good but it's in the realm of the average person also apparently his wealth was apparently significantly inflated. i think he claimed 100m but court showed his net worth was like 10m. and that was after his fame (like after his hustler university) his house in romania is only worth 600k that being said yeah still decent accomplishments, for the average person lol
  12. Some good tips here I like affirmations + visualizations as well. It's definietely a theory and skill on learning to use these Reading a page of inspirational work, and reminders has helped me Also writing a list of accomplishments has helped me. I wrote one recently, and that helped me a ton. Wins def create a snowball effect Also, challenging and letting go of trauma beliefs can help too You can also create a video compilation of inspirational clips. I've done this a couple times and just watch the video to gain confidence in some field
  13. Possibly ? Tbh I was under the impression I can only pursue 1 at a time too ; But I think perhaps you can do both at once to an extent ? Got curious and asked chatgpt; Skip to my 2nd Q, I queried it wrong initially https://chat.openai.com/share/f26d36b1-880e-4437-82fb-be98692569cf
  14. Hm in terms of affordability, you can get a girl even with $0 Personality goes a long way If you look, you will see many guys who don't have money get girls
  15. Fav videos by Leo p1 (no order): 1. Asking questions: A very powerful tool for gaining very powerful answers. Great for any field and hyper versatile 2. Mindfulness w labeling: A very powerful tool to - dissolve and let go of emotions - gain clarity, clearness, insight and wisdom - get in touch with presence - lets go of ego improving skill in any field 3. What it means to go meta? A phenomenal frame to see the big picture - great for mastery
  16. An insight when picking food to eat from the grocery store. The marketing can be deceptive, there is a certain amount of gambling when buying food. The perception =/= reality Also the same when finding therapists == Most of everything i want seems to lie on the otherside of my limiting beliefs
  17. @ivankiss hm thrres def a correlation, but *need* is a strong word though https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity_and_mental_health#:~:text=There are cases that support,present for creativity to exist. "There are cases that support the idea that mental illness can aid in creativity, but it is also generally agreed that mental illness does not have to be present for creativity to exist"
  18. I can't even handle reading racist comments on the internet How do people who face severe oppression cope == Strategies for coping: Letting go Mindfulness Inner child work Affirmations + visualizations Chatgpt == ??????????‍??‍??‍???‍♀️? Remember to be pro-human, pro-equality, human rights. Values: empathy, humanity Remember to love and value yourself ❤️?? == Values; Kindness, mastery, goodness Self esteem/confidence/self-love Growth, development Presence/being Connection Creation Wisdom Authenticity Health/joy/energy Damn ^ the embodiment of these values would lead to a perfect life for me ? == Recent accomplishments: SS on 4 accounts (close to U) Finished a decent pass on my top 10 values Began first synthesis of productivity Installed a pretty decent morning routine Reinvigorated confidence in social skills, and ocd Began my second brain using tiago fortes help Made progress on meditation habit Improved communication ? keep it up ? Next: Further second brain Get some solid chatgpt aids+ support chats Synthesize socializing ? + ? + ? + ...
  19. Leo was right when he said socialization makes you stupid Though, It's more about the people you associate with + the sources you consume
  20. Coming up with your own ideas is innovation But; the trap is time waste. Society has figured out so much shit Balance between innovation and using others ideas
  21. Social skills strategy Productivity Synthesis Ocd strategy Career decisions Scott Young is the goat Insights to consider on this thread
  22. Fav productivity insights (v2) - blocks focused timed with rest breaks Cal n - utilizing previously prescribed info. collecting info for later purpose - Breaking projects into baby sized subtasks Tiago Others: Morning routine Health fundamentals Prioritizing Mindful Discipline Values based productivity - bias toward action - personality style - focusing on 1 - 3 goals -we fall to the level of our systems James c - Gamify productivity Ali a - timing is very important. The window to strike is a non negotiable
  23. Ayo ?????? That's fucking genius
  24. Limiting beliefs are very pervasive We are limitless as human beings But our beliefs can hold us back. They can make us think something isn't possible, as if that is reality Limiting beliefs can stem from trauma Trauma can be healed through trauma work. Such as trauma focused cbt, mindfulness, somatic work like letting go, inner child work