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Everything posted by tuckerwphotography

  1. @RendHeaven She has nothing to gain by attempting to convince voters about the Green New Deal. It's already been branded by both sides. Pence bashing the GND just rallies Democratic voters - she doesn't need to waste time defending it. Fracking is a nuclear issue that she can't really touch because she personally doesn't support it, but Biden strategically does because he knows winning PA and Ohio depend on not screwing those blue collar voters.
  2. This is fundamentally the exact opposite of the Biden/Harris campaign strategy. They're sort of doing what Clinton did but to even more of an extreme: sitting back and hoping Trump implodes on himself. Didn't work in 2016, but somehow it's going to the magic winning formula this year? Doesn't seem entirely sensible to me, but who knows how it'll play out. Agree, that was the strangest part. It was like watching the Twilight Zone. I suspect some people even secretly missed Trump because at least he makes shit entertaining. I swear a good chunk of people vote for him primarily for entertainment purposes.
  3. She was a little condescending at times, like a mom scolding her teenage smart aleck son. Throwing mad shade (as the kids say). I loved it! Definitely played well with her base...too bad it didn't resonate with undecideds.
  4. @Forestluv Yeah almost certainly they told her this. The think they're up in the polls and just wanted her to seem presidential and composed. Do no harm. She was constantly smiling - probably an attempt to not come off as the angry black woman. I think she did what she needed to do, but so did Pence. I call it a tie!
  5. My prediction is that Trump will refuse to concede the election and will take it to the Supreme Court where God knows what will happen there. If the SC sides with Biden, I imagine the military will have to escort Trump out of the White House, all while US streets are overrun with protestors the likes of which we've never seen. I certainly do not want any of this to happen and don't say it lightly, but I just can't see it playing out any other way. Trump has basically already declared the election rigged, and I'm sure Fox News will back him up with tons of crazy "fraud" stories that will stir up conspiracy theories for years to come.
  6. @Forestluv I'd say it's a Turquoise model, but due to existential forces maybe Yellow societies will begin implementing it, at least at the local level and then growing in scale from there. Just a theory
  7. I mean if God created everything, certainly he created 5-MeO-DMT...
  8. @Husseinisdoingfine What are the broad strokes changes that would move Scandinavian countries from Social Democracy system to Socialism? How would the government and society restructure to become truly Socialist?
  9. @Opo I agree, but unfortunately due to Bernie's most fervent supporters and to some extent Bernie himself, socialism is the term that's been pinned to Social Democracy. Hopefully they can rebrand for the next election cycle, but I doubt it. Certainly conservatives will continue to call it socialism. So guess I have two questions: -Yellow perspective on Social Democracy -Yellow perspective on Socialism
  10. “Fratelli tutti”: Pope Francis's Social Encyclical http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html?fbclid=IwAR2_hhQJ3tn4AImxbAV3Qas5FiDJcv9MjGMvw0kxQfgbwuHufIndistPhG8
  11. Sharing these links. Haven't researched them much, but they came up in a conversation about regenerative economics that I had today. https://beliive.com https://www.joinseeds.com https://copiosis.com
  12. @Preety_India I see what you're saying, I would just word it differently. I don't think the stage Blue teens at BLM rallies are being "fake" I just think they're being stage Blue people in a stage Green society. They're doing exactly what one should expect them to do: conforming to the dominant culture around them. In some urban areas, that dominant culture is Green.
  13. To play devil's advocate, if Leo's hypothetical goal is to help as many stage Green people make the leap into Yellow, then turning them off in the first 10 seconds is probably a bad strategy, as Greens will click away without ever getting to the content. But if this isn't his goal, and he instead just wants to speak from his heart and hope that whoever is meant to hear it hears it, then it doesn't matter if he's an asshole (or a perceived asshole) or not. My point is that without knowing Leo's goals it's hard to determine whether his "blunt" language is an effective strategy or not.
  14. @Lews Therin @Preety_India I don't know if I buy this whole fake Green thing. Perhaps it applies to teens who grow up with Green parents but are still at stage Blue themselves. That said, in my case, when I was sitting in my bedroom spending hours researching Green Party policy platforms and reading spiritual books and all this stuff, I wasn't doing it for anyone's approval or belonging. None of my friends were interested in any of that shit. I was genuinely passionate about it. I think it's important to remember that people are not only one stage, we're many stages. So I was maybe 25% Green in high school, 50% Orange and 25% Blue. That doesn't mean my Green interests were somehow "fake" just that my center of gravity was still in Orange, so ultimately when I graduated into the real world and had to pay my bills etc, the Orange part of me took center stage and dominated. Once I fully worked through Orange, my Green values came back and with far more intensity than in high school since I was now more fully in Green. Regarding your question above, Lews, I think my Blue days were mostly middle school. I definitely wanted to fit in and conform to my friend group, school culture and the town I was raised in. My parents were atheist so the religion stuff didn't apply to me, but definitely the conformity was very present in middle school and early high school. By college, I had fully moved through Blue and was hardcore focused on my career (Orange). I was probably 50% Orange, 50% Green.
  15. @Lindsay That's great you're getting involved! Thank you for doing that. We need more people like yourself during these uncertain times. I think the Green Party is great in principle, but unfortunately we live in a democratic republic where the vast majority of citizens do not support Green Party values. Government is about civil compromise and reaching consensus so that we don't have civil wars (like we're on the verge of). If we can rally around Biden, as imperfect as he is, we'll have a far greater chance of bringing Green Party values into the discourse and legislative process. Folks like Bernie and AOC can help sponsor this legislation and citizen protestors like yourself and other young people can ensure these policies get a fair hearing. But again, unfortunately the vast majority of US citizens are not ready for a Green Party platform, so the evolutionary journey of our politics continues. Hopefully in a decade or two it will be a different story. Thanks again for getting involved in the discussions
  16. @Lindsay People have been using the same argument you have as above for decades now, and it hasn't worked. If there was ever a year where a third party could have taken off, it was last cycle with Trump and Clinton, two of the least popular candidates to ever run for US office. And yet third parties barely made a dent. If you want to create effective change, I suggest you try a different strategy. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Einstein
  17. Excellent podcast interview with Zak Stein. I disagree with his analysis of the Hero's Journey. I think he's conflating Hollywood's version with the ancient mythological Joseph Campbell version. But other than that I really resonated with his meta analysis of the evolutionary journey that's underway. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coaches-rising/id1144203613?i=1000493396440
  18. Lex is obviously a very intelligent and articulate thinker. That said, I’m not sure I fully understand his point. Is he saying that in order to move up in society Blacks need to create strong and prosperous Black communities so that then they can be seen of value by dominant white society? If so, this makes sense to me. But I’m confused by his critique of “money culture” which he associates with white culture and laments hip hop for selling out to “money culture,” but isn’t that contradicting his point about Blacks needing to pull themselves up so that they can compete with the very money culture he disparages? Perhaps he sees this as a necessary evil? Maybe I just missed his larger point. Thanks for providing any clarity. @louhad
  19. Not everybody wants the Green Party. If they did Bernie would have won in a landslide. Also, your comment calling an entire continent of people dumb is very silly.
  20. People have been singing this song for decades. It hasn't worked. What has worked is infiltrating the two party system. Trump with Republicans. Bernie with Democrats. The problem is not enough Americans currently support the Green Party (or Bernie's) positions. If Bernie can't even win, how do you expect the Green Party to? Especially when they make such cringe-worthy low quality ads as the one above The Republican Party is united behind Trump. If we divide up the left, we're stuck with Trump. How is that helping anyone?
  21. @datamonster Thanks for your response! I understand your perspective, and it makes sense. I think for me I'm in the privileged position of being able to step outside of the system to some extent, and I feel called to do this when possible. Ultimately change happens when people create the change they wish to see in the world. The best way I know how to do that is to embody that change myself. Whether that's by removing my money from the stock market, switching from big banks and to a local credit union, shopping at local stores and co-ops vs chains, donating money to community-led organizations, saving and reusing items vs purchasing new stuff, discovering my Life Purpose and taking the steps to find a vocation that helps others and pays the bills, downsizing my house and reducing my expenses, taking public transit more often, etc. These are all small drops in the bucket, but if millions and then billions of people take these steps they will lead to a much more rapid evolution and transformation of our current systems. The macro systemic changes are much more multi-faceted and complex, but on an individual level we all have to start somewhere. Just my two cents...no pun on words
  22. @datamonster How do you feel about investing in the stock market which is supporting / propping up the current capitalist system that leads to mass exploitation on a global scale, ecological harm and a system based on winners and losers? I'm not claiming to be holier than thou nor am I some radical left wing socialist, but I did choose to take all my money out of the stock market in January as it no longer felt congruent with my ethics nor with the future I hope to help create. That said, I don't have a great alt investment scenario at the moment, so I'm curious to hear how others have navigated this.
  23. Interesting take on conspiracy theories from Charles Eisenstein. Basically tips his hat to both sides and tries to find common ground via the concept of "myths." Curious to hear what ya'll think of this essay. https://charleseisenstein.org/essays/the-conspiracy-myth/
  24. @Depersonilized Not sure about that perspective. I'm sure it's a factor, but, for example, Trump is president of the United States of America and probably has one of the most exciting lives out of any human alive. And yet he's a conspiracy nut. Lots of people who appear to live non-boring lives believe in conspiracy theories. But yes, I get your point, it can certainly create a buzz or high to go down these rabbit holes and think you're discovering some secret scandal.
  25. Shit, does that mean I'm crazy? I thought I was being sane...