Human Mint

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About Human Mint

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  1. Stage yellow description
    How to Know if You’ve Reached True Stage Yellow
    I’ve been moving toward Stage Yellow for a few years now and I feel like I have a pretty solid grasp on systems thinking.  I do still have psychological hang-ups from previous stages, but for the most part I’m able to evaluate things on a multi-perspectival level.  Periodically though, I’ll have a new insight on a topic and it’ll make me wonder if before I wasn’t truly at Stage Yellow yet.
    I feel like of all the stages, Yellow has the murkiest definition.  I sometimes have trouble distinguishing Yellow from intellectual Orange.  Fundamentally the difference lies not in the intelligence level of the material but in the underlying thought processes behind it
    It’s also easy to overlook some of the more radical implications of a full stage Yellow worldview, for example that democracy and authoritarianism are simply different governmental structures that represent different survival strategies on the part of the nations involved.  With some more nuance added, I think this would be an accurate description, but still a difficult statement to make at a time where democracy is under threat throughout much of the world.
    So I guess I’m still trying to grasp where the threshold is where a set of ideas qualify as Stage Yellow rather than a more traditional intellectual analysis.  I’m also questioning if under Stage Yellow it’s possible to take on strong personal positions or if one would tend to have mixed views on basically every topic to maintain an intellectual objectivity