Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. Haha this is true. For those of us who are advanced, we know these conversations are not happening with other users, but in our own minds. Still a lot of content to take a nugget or two from. Heightened levels of awareness are parallel to decreasing levels of interacting on the forum.
  2. Definitely. You cannot reach a high state of consciousness while being bombarded with ego. It’s important to reach a state of conscious understanding, and use it to deepen the understanding and compassion for the ego mind. It’s a full circle
  3. @Spiral all good points. For me the presence of deception, or lack thereof, is the primary measure of conscious vs. unconscious pick up. Of course, dating does require a bit of manipulation (you want to present your best self to even be considered worthy to sleep with), however how much time is spent deceiving and how deep it goes matters. Basically how big of a catfish are you ? (physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually). Some folks are really good in putting on fake fronts in each of these categories when it comes to pick up. Usually doesn’t sustain itself well
  4. ..and not from your eyes! Watching is not a physical endeavor happening in human biology, but a consciousness and awareness that has no origin. In this work, I'm finding the less we use words, the better. Watching (you can call it witnessing as well), has no use for language.
  5. @The0Self Yes, yes. Very wise
  6. It strikes me how the human mind takes things that don’t move or have a “soul” for granted. As I become more conscious, I’m able to appreciate things that are normally mundane and boring...such as my couch, or a rock. They are creatures in a sense...they are alive. These things literally spawn from divine source. Becoming that divine source changes perspectives on animate and inanimate objects. But it’s so cool to make a distinction with the inanimate from a human lender vs. a God lense. Has anyone else experienced this while doing consciousness work?
  7. Apologies if this is a repeated post. Is there any research or definitive answers on this? Awakening is so sweet, that it does become somewhat sad to consider that the work put in to have deep mystical insights will vanish if it can’t be retained in the next incarnation. I’m sure no one has actually proven this, but I guess it’s good to at least speculate it. Our egos are ultimately not in control of what stays and what goes after our human identity dies. After all, God can willing put itself back to sleep and start the process over again.
  8. Thank you everyone for the feedback! I will internalize all of it and contemplate it deeply. Thank you ??
  9. I’m a male in my early 30s. It seems like many of us that are my age are starting move further away from the wanting to build a traditional nuclear family. Me personally, I would love a wife and kids some day, but the anxiety around it is slowly decreasing. It is no longer one of those things I freak out about (but I still know plenty of people that do). Do you share the same orientation towards marriage and a family? Where is society going with this? How do genders and age groups differ on the subject? From a collective perspective, is this harmful or beneficial to the advancement of civilization?
  10. @nistake love this! Yes absolutely everything is made of the same substance....nothing . The is where the notion of Oneness makes so much sense.
  11. @mandyjw yes...I am seeing now the negative influence that separateness causes. It’s a source of much evil in the world. Awareness is a unifying force. Humans wield so much power and could be a force for good to the planet if we were just more conscious. It’s not easy by any means, but worth every effort.
  12. @impulse9 YES! I so needed to read this. Thank you ??
  13. Be honest here, how many of you have truly accepted who you are? I guess you have to first understand who you are before you can accept it. But I am going to assume that you have understood it already.. What holds you back from accepting that you are God? For me, I can’t quite understand where resistance comes from and why this would even be depressing or a bad thing. To know all of experience (including your body, thoughts, other people, sounds, smells, sights, sensations...etc etc) is a manifestation of your imagination is actuality quite fascinating. Ultimate, whaat is the problem with being formless? What causes you to remain attached to your human identity? I believe, for most humans, it is an insatiable need to hold onto form..it is challenging see yourself as having no form...yet being the creator of all things that inhabit your consciousness. I ask for understanding, not to judge.
  14. Practical advice for going about making high quality choices/decisions in life. Everyday of our human lives, we are bombarded with choices that will either advance us or regress us. How do we as humans get better at using critical thinking in our decision making? How do we use bad decisions in an empowering way? What is decision making and is it important to master?
  15. @SgtPepper thanks for providing a different perspective, this did kind of turn into marriage bashing lol. There are good marriages out there, but people don't realize it's the people that make the marriage, not the marriage that makes the people. Of course two codependent/toxic individuals would have a hellish marriage..just like two healthy people would have a fulfilling marriage. We tend to crap on the idea of marriage as a whole, versus taking a hard look at the individuals involved.
  16. If you were fulfilled, you wouldn't have a fear of missing out..... There are relationships that are secure to where this isn't even a thought, and that's an example of a secure relationship. Yours doesn't sound like it. I understand you are fearful, but take it one day at a time, and do what you're heart feels is right. Life is too short to be questioning if you want to remain in an intimate relationship or not. Be more decisive.
  17. @Actualizer777 You may want to reframe your thinking here. Just because you don't have any problems in your relationship on the surface, does not mean you are happy. In the end, only you know if you are happy. And honestly, you even asking these questions tells me that you are not really fulfilled in your relationship.. There are plenty of people who are in relationships where there are no issues per say, but they are miserable on the inside...because they know deep down the relationship has ran its course. So instead of asking me these questions...I'll say, again, that you focus on these questions for yourself: 1. Can you see yourself with this person for the rest of your life? 2. Do you want to be with this person for the rest of your life? Your spirit and intuition knows the answer to each of these. And if there's any doubt..it will continue to nag you, internally.
  18. Is she your first? In this case, as a heterosexual male, I would say the chances are slim you'll be together long term. And if you want to sleep with other women because you haven't experienced it....at all....you shouldn't feel bad about it. I say let your nuts hang man, you may want to look into high consciousness pick-up to improve your skills with women. Dating and having sex with many women does build you self esteem to an extent. Just don't make it your religion..it's a phase you will pass through, and will prep you for a higher quality long term commitment to a woman you are compatible with..sexually and emotionally.
  19. @Actualizer777 just know the feeling is natural. The main thing is to be totally transparent and honest with yourself first. I had an ex I dated for three years in my 20's that I ended things with after having similar feelings. It was scariest decision ever, and she was hurt by it. It hurt me too, but after a while I go over it, and started to live authentically in my dating/sex life. Just ask yourself two things: 1. Can you see yourself with this person for the rest of your life? 2. Do you want to be with this person for the rest of your life? If you don't want to be with this person, You'll notice your stomach turns when you ask yourself these questions.
  20. THIS sums it up really..I think most folks are fixated on the idea of marriage than the reality of it as well. I've seen cases where the happiest moment of the partnership was the wedding alone, then it all went to hell shortly after.
  21. I see what you're saying in terms of divorce favoring women, but I don't think all women who divorce due to strictly for financial gain. There are cases of abuse, neglect, infidelity etc that could lead men and women to divorce their partner. From your statements, I sense a bit of a generalization towards women who decide to divorce their husbands. Not all men are innocent (neither are women). It's much more nuanced.
  22. Hard data always helps! It’s crazy that numbers are that high. Question is, should be zoom in on the concept of marriage itself, or the dysfunction/neuroticism of the individuals involved? I find that we often get the two mixed up..I can see marriage being rooted in good intentions for positive purposes, but given bad name due to the ignorance of couples and their choices.
  23. @Mason Riggle thanks so much for sharing. I’ve also heard of the rewards of marriage, and have seen some good examples.