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Everything posted by meow_meow

  1. Exactly. Even tho, when you truly start to take your diet seriously and switch to vegan-thinking, you'll most likely loose some weight and by continuing eating healthy carbs, plant-based foods you won't have to worry about if its low or high carbs at all (unless you have some medical issues ofc)
  2. -Donald Trump. Whitch is surprising because pedophiles in high places (like Epstein) would only be happy to see cryptos going mainstream. I guess we'll see what Biden has to say...
  3. I'm shocked that none of you have taken into consideration that PayPal just allowed BTC and ETH payments this month. This increases the demand for it. I believe that other major online payment systems will have to keep up with PayPal and will allow crypto payments aswell, which will again just increase the demand for it, while BTC itself is limited, unlike other currencies that get printer like toiler papper.
  4. Yes, and russian people here in Eastern Europe, who don't even bother learning the local language (and hate americans), are mostly red - slightly orange. Also from what I've noticed is that this applies mostly to older russian people (40+) They have that "Soviet" propaganda installed so deeply in them, which is anti-democratic and anti-american, that not only they don't know english - they hate it, they also hate Obama, and are mostly racist/anti-vegan and more prone to alcohol/gambling abuse. However - the younger generation look like they don't really have an issue against enlgish language or the Western world in general.
  5. Yes a legit part of EU, with EURO as currency. And It even gets even worse than what I mentioned when it comes down to mentally ill inmates..
  6. From my experience, if you do weights, at some point you will naturally start to feel that it's time for break, if you ignore that feeling, your fucked. You will start to feel extreme fatigue and flu like simptoms from over training and putting too much tension on your central nervous system. Don't just hit the gym 4+ times a week just for the sake of going 4+ times a week, listening to your body is the key here. Also, if you're just starting off, and you are not sure about how to perform each exercise with proper form, don't do it at all - you're asking for an injury and public humiliation. It's worth paying those extra moneys for a licenced trainer to help you start off. Oh and please, please! follow gym etiquette. (Re-rack weights, don't leave your swet stains on machines, staring at other guys dicks in showers etc)
  7. I personally know people who have been in prison more than once mostly for theft (bike thieves, construction equpment theft, shoplifting, drugs etc) One of them there became, what you might call a "Bitch", nobody raped anyone. What he had to do is basically do the dirt for other inmates - collect drugs, cellphones, money etc that were thrown over the prison walls. (If they catch you, you get extra time) but he also got to play PS3 and surf the net, and some protection in reward.. however he also had to wash the strongest cell mates socks once in a while.. The other dude just basically did the time ~3 years simply just being extremelly boored, working out and working there, nothing special, however he will never ever be able to work in a government job, own a gun permit, work night shifts, work in a bank etc. What I've noticed in their behaviour is that prison maybe doesn't change you that mutch, but it for sure humbles you down. Oh and yes, they were ~30-40 people living in once cell, the food is shitty and they sorta starve you, but you can buy food if you have money. The smell is awfull, you can't really sleep that well.. you might get some time to meditate or read a book tho.
  8. Well there was this dude that we used to smoke weed with when we were younger, he was always into filming/film making etc. Since I come from a relatively poor country it's a lot more harder to become famous when your comming from a shithole - anyways, the dude now has a few movies that are even being shown to kids in school - he managed to get his fame. How he started was actually very simple - they drove around the city and were just filming random events, sometimes they got a vid of a random fight, some random freaked out 'karen' etc .. then they started finding "Weird" people, and interviewing them, finally they made a documentary of a friend of ours that got addicted to heroin, and managed to get him clean while making a documentary out of it. I don't know if this helps, but I don't think he has any academic degree in film making.
  9. If we would follow our discussion by assuming this principle we could easily lock the whole forum section regarding to money, because almost everything that is related to money is morally questionable.
  10. This is crap advice. You can start exploring, studying the stock / crypto markets and start trading slowly to make some extra cash for daily spendings. Don't invest all your money of course, but ~1k would be enough once your familiar and comfortable with it. Also - how much does an apartment / flat cost in your area? maybe look into saving some more and buying yourself a place to live. If you have already created a purpose for your life, then, if i'd be in your place, I would invest the shit in it to get it going.
  11. Well, my suggestion would try to see if girls/guys whatever your into really don't like your face. (Do not ask this question directly, just observe) If you get to really realize that most people don't really find your face ugly from their perspective, and that it's only ugly from your perspective - this should be the turning point. Also - ask yourself questions like - What is ugly? Who determinates what is considered ugly or not? Why do I think of my face as being ugly? What can you actually do about the situation? (fix teeth, better haircut, shaving etc) What's not in your control? Also there are videos that might help you:
  12. I'm about your height, and I used to be insecure about it around your age as well. Girls will test if you are insecure about your height by calling you a dwarf, midget etc sometimes mostly as a shit test. If you can't accept yourself as you are now, then fake it. Fake it till you make it. Suppress the feeling of being humiliated about your height when girls or other people will talk about it. But be very aware of what you are doing. Do not let this feeling affect your behaviour, even tho it will surface on your body language, work on that as well. For me personally this worked, and I got completely over it when I got my first GF - to the level that I really, deeply and honestly do not feel any negative emotions about my height, it's completely no longer an issue ( I have practiced Leos suggested exercises on self love, stop judging )
  13. @Javfly33 It won't be easy to make money in upwork by only knowing JS, but it's still possible to make a few extra bucks, so yea - go try it out. Anyways, by this time you probably have already figured it out that your resume must be on point, your communication skills have to be sharp and continue learning Angular, nodeJS, TypeScript if you really want to be a competent JS developer. I've personally done my training from this guy: Don Georgevich IMO his explanations are clear and easy to understand, also he teaches how to pass 99% of HR questions. ... or maybe you just need to be yanked by your nutsack , lol.
  14. The fact that they even explain why you were rejected is even weirded, I have never ever received any explanation from any company of why I wasn't accepted. Anyway, maybe try to lower the bar a little and apply to Junior roles where little to none experience is required. Even tho, I think "Junior Java" developer positions are quite rare..
  15. Yeah, sweater-weather FTW!
  16. Yea well, it also depends on who do you communicate with.. We here in Eastern Europe buy cheap vodka/beer and drink outside of the shop with old construction workers, in this situation your communication skills wouldn't really matter.
  17. Maybe his spiritual teacher just yanked him by his nutsack ?
  18. That sounds really weird from my perspective. I did ~ 6 months of intense learning PHP & basic JS, CSS, HTML ~4hours a day + courses once a week and landed my first job as a Junior PHP & JS developer within ~3 months. However I did have some tricks up my sleeve - When I wasn't a developer yet, I did apply to other jobs and during my years I have been to ~20 job interviews and been trough a lot of tutorials on how to answer HR questions, how to talk properly during interviews, body language etc, and have worked a lot on my resume (CV) If you have 2 years of learning, and are able to write full-stack applications, with AWS and SQL knowledge, It's probably not the technical part that's lacking - it's probably how you communicate during job interviews/how your resume presents yourself. Maybe look up some videos on youtube about how to nail a job interview - maybe theres something you're doing horribly wrong?
  19. So, as usual, I'll start with a quick intro of my characters enlightenment stats: I've been meditating almost daily for ~1.2 years (35mins) No psychedelics "Love", "God", "Oneness" are yet to be discovered and still remain a mystery to me at this time. and I've done ~6months of self-inquiry sessions 3-4 times a week. And of course, as a result of me doing these spiritual practices my self-awareness levels have sky rocketed in relation to when I just started. However this increase in awareness is a curse and a blessing simultaneously because, apart from being aware of my thoughts & emotions, I am almost permanently aware of my brain-chatter. Now I've done some contemplation on what is brain chatter, and this is what I've discovered so far: Brain chatter = internal monologue And Internal dialogue can be controlled. For example - I am able to talk to myself using internal-monologue in my head consciously, choose what to say, how to say, when to say, set the tone of the voice etc. So if internal monologue is just basically me talking to myself, in my head, consciously, then brain chatter (or monkey mind as Leo calls it) is the same monologue but running on auto-pilot unconsciously. So the things I can't seem to figure out on my own are - What causes unconscious brain chatter? Why does unconscious brain chatter almost immediately stop, at least for a moment, when I become aware of it? Who is behind the narrator/the voice that speaks or how is it triggered/spawned.. from where/how does it come from? How do you handle brain chatter and what exercises/techniques would you recommend to shut it off?
  20. Didn't expect a gangsta-rap artist up in this thread didn't you?
  21. This actually opens a lot of space for questions - do monks grab each others nutsacks? What about women? If a man is grabbing another man by his nutsack, is that considered homosexual? What if the one getting grabbed by his nutsack actually is not homosexual but the grabber is, would that be considered sexual-harassment ?