sir meowski

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Posts posted by sir meowski

  1. The Buddha did not become enlightened until he completely let go of the desire to become enlightened. He almost starved to death in the process.

    You really have no idea what enlightenment is. You teach a cartoon version of spirituality and you delude yourself and your would-be followers in the process. You don't underatand a thing. You have strayed from the path. I won't bother you anymore, you are too stubborn to listen to anyone but yourself. Your awakenings are meaningless ego noise.

  2. Telling people to blast their heads with substances is not a teaching and it will create a lot of needless suffering. You don't really need a teacher. You need inner peace and you will understand without understanding. Life is a very simple affair. You're the one insisting that it's complicated. So it will reflect back to you as much complication as you desire. And when you're ready to let that go, you will awaken without effort.

  3. It will take some time for Leo to find humbleness. He believes he has it figured out, but there is nothing to figure out. Even worse, there's no one to figure it out. Once you get how simple things are, you stop creating delusions. Leo's intentions have always been good but his teachings have been corrupted by the ego who insists on knowing rather than letting go. His ego hates the idea of not knowing, and so he hates wise old sages who never give the secret away, knowing full well the secret would immediately get corrupted by the ego who lusts for control.

    Stop taking things personally. The reason you're upset with Leo is you attach your own perspective to his whim. Do not do this, develop your own whim instead. Maintain inner silence and truth will have nowhere to hide. Best of luck.

  4. 21 minutes ago, wildflower said:

    No I understand everything, it's just your communication is atrocious, you can't even articulate basic points.

    This is a feature of knowledge, not something you can blame Leo for. Even the highest sages can't explain the truth to you because the truth far transcends any Earthly explanation you might try to wrap around it. Truth is like a slippery fish that you can't grab a hold of - the more you try the more it wiggles around and slips away. The only way to see truth is through direct experience. Every description of truth will end up contradicting itself.

    The problem with Leo is that he prefers glimpses of truth to living the truth, and he fills your minds with imaginary noise. Only inner silence can break the spell, no chemical will ever do it for you. The truth is, the chemical is your own reflection of your inner world. You are stirred on the inside and you get off on glimpses of the divine, and this is why you reflect into the world the image of a chemical which can give you such a glimpse. It is delusion and worse, it is attachment. Realization dispels even your chemical miracles. It can never leave you.

  5. When Buddha was asked "what is god?", he maintained noble silence. This is the highest answer and the highest teaching. The great Tao fulfills its promises silently and makes no claims. For as long as you make claims, you are fooling yourself. That which seems is not that which is. By attaching yourself to substances, you are no better than the drunk attaching himself to the bottle which he so dearly cherishes. You see the spirit in substances because spirit is in all things. When you awaken from the dream, there is nothing to say and nothing to defend. Nothing to grab hold of. Awakening transcends even your notions of God and infinity. When you awaken you will understand that God is merely a word, no better or worse than any other word. You are not a word. The source of all origination is that which cannot be named. Inner silence is the way to truth. Everything else is delusion.

  6. You perceive truth as threat, because truth is threatening to your self deception and your neurotic way of life. If you wish to continue suffering then you are free to do so. If you wish to submerge into the sea of infinite wisdom, then you are required to drop your self deception and drop your endless semantic mazes. Leo will never help you find truth, because Leo is just as lost as everyone else. Dive into inner silence and you will find the source of infinite understanding and infinite joy.

  7. You have mistaken intensity for enlightenment. The river dancing by the meadow and the winds howling through the trees - sources of supernatural magic and infinite wisdom. There is nothing to get, nothing to grasp. The doer wants to do and the knower wants to know. But the river just is, same as you just are. You are flowing through infinity, like you always have and like you always will. You can gain infinite understanding if you submerge into this eternal Now that always is and always has been. Like a flash of lightning, you will understand with absolute clarity and without trying, that there is nothing to get and nothing to grasp. No experience to pursue. No concept to hold on to. You will appreciate the subtlety of this Now and you will understand the nature of your power. Through presence alone, you will become a realized Master. Self deception will no longer be a possibility for you.

  8. Enlightenment is the direct and unyielding realization of deception that you continually play on yourself. Everything is understood at this point and the need for further debate vanishes. To put this understanding into words is to destroy it. There is no need for anything, other than to enjoy this eternal now which goes on forever. If ingesting chemicals has you enjoying this eternal now that goes on forever, then go for it. But do not claim truth lies within frames you created as a conceptual observer. This is deception of highest order.

    The reason why psychedelics are not useful on this path is simple. You are Life and you can feel the infinite burn of Love every single moment of your waking life, regardless of the state your mind is in. If you are in tune with what is, you feel this ecstasy sober. It comes on its own and there is no need to force it in any way. You understand without trying, without effort.