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Everything posted by Neuroknot

  1. Well I think the main reason is because he is an interesting character, and personally learning about him gives me a better understanding of how SD works, since it seems he had some regressions... Is fun!
  2. We gotta share that video with Joe Rogan, so he gets an idea of what a podcast with Leo would look like.
  3. Just focus on one habit, until you have a solid feeling around it. If you are struggling with finances, well find a habit that suits what you need. People tend to implement pointless habits sometimes... For me the key of implementing new habits is connecting them. Maybe you already have a solid meditation habit, well if you want to develop a reading habit, it would be best that you connect those two. say to yourself "Before/after meditating I will read some pages of my book". If you don't have any "positive" habits, well link them with "negative" habits, hell you can even link the habit of brushing your teeth with something else. The key is to not rush, or implement 30 habits in a row. Remember that your brain is always going to trick you
  4. Thank you, that's an amazing job!!!!
  5. I've met some really interesting people there, good friendships but not actual dates. That is because I'm from Argentina and the majority of people in the app are from the US.... So yeah it really depends on where you live, however you can actually configure the distance ratio. I honestly don't remember how to configure it because I deleted my profile. I felt like I was spending a lot of time there and I wasn't looking for anything in particular... Downloading the app made me realize that if I set the intention to look for a relationship I would limit myself, I would judge people by my desires and I probably would rush into a relationship just for the sake of being in company (probably would have a needy relationship). But that's because I've dated quite a bit. Nowadays I just let it unfold, and it’s working so far. Ps: your birthday is the next day after mine. How cool!!
  6. Heyy.. Here is a great dating app if you dont want superficial conversations. I acutally found a lot of interesting people there
  7. Being part of an ideology not only gives you a sense of belonging. It gives you your identity. For example if you tell a Christian something basic like the earth has 7.5 billon years, you would not only question his views on earth, but the whole identity of that person. Actually a lot of Christians aren’t reactive, they would just say something like "well you have your believes and I have mine", others would smile or ignore you. It would take more than emotional mastery (although it would help), if you want to change the collective egos and eradicate ideologies, you would have to offer many tools so the people that question a little bit their ideology could find some help. Therefore, it's 90% about the individual and 10% about the tools. By tools, I mean Information, exercise, methods, showing the bigger picture, books, meditation, emotional mastery… Kids spend most of the time in school, so if we could provide some tools there it would be awesome. So yeah it could take easily 500 years. Hope it helps man!
  8. Only enlightened people can understand this one: .
  9. That's a great question! But you already know the answer You know already know how different a true insight feels from a neurotic insight. I think the reason why Leo is safe from this "place" where reality is deeply question, is only because those questions doesn't come from a neurotic perspective. Reality as it is, is not neurotic. If you see things as they are you wouldn't find a single thread of neurotiscm. Take it easy, find the root of your neurosis. Heal from within and walla! the issue just becomes non-issue. Hope it helps! Sorry for bad english!
  10. Don't forget about do nothing meditation... You let open the cage of the monkey. Meaning just let your mind think whatever it wants to, no filters. And at some point it would calm down by itself. The challenge of that meditation is not to move! Haha, I never thought of that, but it's true. Just don't get too used to the new language. Sorry for bad english
  11. I would recommend honesty with yourself.. Do you really want to have friends like that? Are they dragging you down?.... then be honest with your friends if you care about them. really comunicate your feelings and your truth, who knows maybe one of them will join you on your path. A good way to have the friends you want to, is to set the intention, of really looking for new people. Hey dude, this forum is full of potential friends haha. This quote might help you.. Sorry for bad english
  12. Here are the lyrics in case you wonder: A blue saturday fever and a sunday withour sadness. You avoid your heart and blow up your head, And in your voice, just a pale goodbye And the watch in your wrist stroke the three. The dream of a sun and a sea and a dangerous life Changing the bitter for honeyand the grey city for roses It does you good, as it does you wrong It makes you hate, as it makes you love and more. You changed of time and love, music and ideas You changed of sex and God, color and frontiers But in esscence, you won't change anything else And a sensual neglect will come and the end. And you take the tube to your head squeezing the teeth And you close your eyes and you see all the sea in spring Bang, bang, bang, dead leaves that fall, Always the same, those who can't go on will leave.
  13. Nice video dude! It sure has a lot of possitibity in it. I'm all for new tools for people that need them, keep the good work! sorry for bad english
  14. Really interesting! @FeikevA @cypres @Thewritersunion Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
  15. I was thinking of the potential of having a chip that "makes your brain smarter" and how it could really help out with becoming enlightened Just imagine the potential of having that chip already and asking yourself the following question, “who am I?" Don't you think that it might be possible that you come up with a more profound answer that you would usually do? Imagine a human being more capable of becoming conscious. Does that devise has the potential to self-actualize more efficient, practical, objectively? A lot of interesting questions... that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms on questions and insights. So I'm really curious to know your points of view and questions you have! Sorry for bad english
  16. In my opinion you should ask yourself the following questions: Does it really worth my time and money? Do I have to do it now? Is there something that can't prevent me from doing it? Am I in a position where I can choose? This might be helpful...... If someone else makes an argument about why you should do it, just be careful not to look for approval, and look at your situation objectively as if you were seeing someone else having this "problem". sorry for bad english
  17. Realize that it doesn't have to do with anything outside yourself...We tend to let others take our responsability (is way easier and less painful). We tend to "blame" our parents, wife, bodyfriend, our sign, birth date, whatever really. The first step is to realize that even though you might not be 100% in control of what you experience, at least you have control of how to experience it.... Also emotions like happiness, anger, frustration, or love reside inside you. Try to realize that you can't lose love because you are the source of it I hope this has helped you out sorry for bad english
  18. He means gossiping, pretending, status game... Think of it like ego games but in the social realms
  19. Sometimes we replace our previous beliefs with more beliefs , and we dont even realize it. Meaning that you might think you are freeing yourself from the ego when in fact you are attaching more to it. You will eventually know if you are taking this new knowledge as dogma, just be mindful of how emotional you get in a discussion (about those stuff). Or the opposite, how relieved you feel when someone is agreeing with you.
  20. I realize that depending on what state of consciousness you are, it could mean different outcomes into understanding Leo’s videos. And sometimes it can even take you backwards. There are four ways of how you can react to his videos: The explanation that Leo gave, help you out to understand what you are experiencing in your life, and you take it simply as a possibility without judging it You agree with Leo, but sometimes you feel that he's egotistic and contradictory. You accept what Leo is saying, and you really think he's right, and overall is a better belief than your previous one. You decline what he is saying, you think he's crazy. If you watch him, is only for fun. You liked more the old Leo rather than the new one. If you identify with the first opinion, it is very likely that you are in a yellow stage, where you feel comfortable with the piece of information that was presented, and you don’t deny it or blindly accepted. If you identify with the second opinion, be very careful. Don’t project your way to see the world into Leo’s teachings. It is likely that you aren’t at the same level that he is, you might be projecting how you think someone enlightened (or awaken) should be. If you identify with the third opinion, the stuff that Leo is saying is too advance for you. Even if you think you understand it, what really happening is that you are replacing dogma with more dogma, and you don’t even realize it until someone questions your beliefs. It might be best for you, to go back and study the foundations of self- actualization, or else you could be going backwards. If you identify with the fourth opinion, well maybe what he is saying is also too advance for you. Go back to the basics and work your way up making sure you understand the basics at a deep level. Lastly, I want to say that I identify myself with the third opinion; I noticed how attached I can be with what Leo is saying, and how my ego tends to cling into more beliefs. It is like teaching someone that is at a red stage, that life has no rules. Imagine how he would justify his actions from this "higher teaching". Sorry for my bad English!!!
  21. Happy Birthday man!!!! Thank you for your pushing us out of our comfort zone. I deeply appreciate you Let’s celebrate!!!!
  22. I found myself having arguments with my mom and sister when I'm showing my point of view. For example when I talk about reality not being good or bad, or some controversial topic. What I've found is that I raise my voice and try to impose my thinking over theirs. Also, I justify myself saying "oh well, it’s just that I'm so passionate about it" I also found myself laughing, and I justify it as me being curious about human responses. When in reality I sense a feeling of superiority. How to solve it: realize when you are getting anxious and your emotions are increasing. Realize that by knowing more about your emotions and how you judge yourself you can sort this problem more easily. Notice your reaction when you are agreeing with other people. How calm you become (this is also a way to discover dogma within yourself) Do you know any another way to help me out not being dogmatic? Sorry for bad english.
  23. I think that I'm classifying "seeing colors" being better than "color blindness". This may be due to the fact that I’m taking a yellow explanation (there is no good, there is no bad) into my green point of view. This is a big problem of mine because I can see how those “higher teachings” sometimes make me go backwards. Instead of seeing an ego detachment I see my ego attaching to those…
  24. Argentina, Buenos Aires