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  1. Of course, I'm a masochist from time to time
  2. Yes, and to drag you down from time to time Idiots
  3. Phahahaha, my old fantasy (besides living in a cave with just wireless connection ?). At least, I've found a way out, although I'm still living with shitty neighbors. Yet that's better than staying in a jail ?
  4. I have some crazy syncronicities but not sure what could be the explanation. Either the mind is so powerful that it literally manifests things into reality and others pick your thoughts... another explanation is that your higher Self/God has chosen things to be this way so that you will reach your destin(y)ation. "Why can't my thoughts materialize objects without needing to fall asleep first?" An explanation would be that you're asleep now and you're materializing objects unconsciously. For me, the next step in evolution is to materialize reality consciously. Now it's all over the place, a total mess.
  5. Lol, rest assured that there are many others infected around you. You might have it as well. Just wash your hands, avoid touching your face, eat healthy, sleep well, avoid stress. Anxiety will weaken your immune system. I'm struggling with this too.
  6. It looked like the Hoberman sphere just that it was plain grey in a black space. I wonder if it was synchronized with my breathing. No wonder it scared the hell out of me, that's like a bad trip on drugs. For a kid, it is disturbing. Obviously, I must have seen many other things but I only remember the sphere and some geometrical shapes.
  7. I've had night terrors in childhood and are nothing like nightmares (more like a really bad trip). One image that haunted me was a huge sphere breathing that became huge on inhale and super tiny on exhale. And I was living in a geometrical world with triangles, squares and shit. Everytime I would wake up screaming and pointing the finger at something saying "LOOK". Wondering if anyone suffered from this as well. These experiences are similar to the trips on drugs, just that you're tripping with brain chemicals
  8. The focal point always extends until it encompasses everything. The focal point is pointless, not the focus hocus pocus. *Meow*
  9. Evolution kicks the butts of the unnecessary ones, so that they become zeroes. It has nothing to do with the death of organisms as evolution favors life. So the mind/consciousness has decided that it wants to extend and never cease to exist. Randomness is just a lack of an explanation but there is a cause or a reason for everything (see the Principle of sufficient reason).
  10. The finite is an illusion, so individual minds are blended together to form one infinite Mind. Your mind is infinite, just as your soul is.
  11. "People" Where or who exactly are they? Can't find them anywhere
  12. The Many are real "What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to a mind? Our unity is full of wonder, which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive." "We do not know death - only change. We cannot kill each other without killing ourselves. Is your vision so small that you cannot see the value of our way? "Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass. But you puzzle us. Why do you serve our mother? How can you choose cold metal over the splendor of flesh? But you fear us. We hear your thoughts, and they rage for your brothers you believe dead. But they are not. They sing in our symphony of life. We offer another chance to join us. If you choose to lie down with the machine, we will rend you apart, and put you separate from the joy of the mass." ? *Heaven* huh?
  13. @Proserpina That Solar Fields track ?
  14. What if these entities could tell you what to do for enlightenment? Have you ever experienced that... like straight info in your face without doing any research?
  15. You should see "I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020)". Just seen this movie last night and it is a fucking gem. So weird but so brilliant. It is like God speaking to you like an old fartard but then it gets more and more serious. Oh, the divine comedy
  17. Not sure if the serpent from the Bible had anything to do with kundalini, though Kabbalah has some interesting interpretations on the tree of Life. Many years ago, I have found a book about it and the topic was truly fascinating. Fuck, sometimes I wish I wouldn't be so lazy and start studying more about these topics... but in a way I'm afraid to go too deep. I don't know about you guys, but each time I'm researching about these topics, weird things start to happen. So better stay safe than sorry (at least for the moment)