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Posts posted by Verdesbird

  1. ''There is a special area of the Matrix reserved for people who think they have exited the Matrix. The answers to metaphysical questions—and indeed political questions, personal questions—are usually less important than the process that the question launches.''

    thats precisely it 

    the major issue about beliefs is that very question : "what effect this particular form of belief will causes in my counsciousness in the very long-long term''

    a key thing to ask yourself

    that i see is lacking in the philosofical mind of the people in this very forum 

  2. 10 hours ago, Evil Raccoon said:

    I noticed that when I listen to rap music w/ very violent lyrics or even to any other genre that just talks about ego/chimp stuff like money, sex, booze or being "bad" I feel kinda dirty, just like when u consume junk food or watch porn.Does it mean I have to only listen to music that talks about butterflies and rainbows if I wanna persue the Hero's Journey?

    who told you that its all about butterflies and rainbows

    there are much more ''dark'' dynamics in this universe

  3. 7 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

    @Verdesbird You mean psychiatric ward? 


    i dont recomend in any way that you facilitate your own self-interaction to end up being diagnosed with a thing that will get you grounded in one psychiatric ward or psychiatric hospital(you name it )

    cos ive seen lots of crazy shit in there,its not good for the soul at all

  4. 24 minutes ago, Billy Shears said:

    I really enjoy smoking cannabis, but I always get fat and lazy afterwards because I just wanna eat all the junk food, stay on my couch and do nothing else. If you do it once in a while, it is fine. But if you do it everyday, it really becomes difficult to handle your daily life.

    there are very different kinds of cannabis,there are ones that gives you the high but dont take away your motivation

  5. 52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's something you made up. I never said such a thing.

    yes cos ive whached most of your videos and i can't remember everything so some things i just filled with my own imagination

    but anyways ... what you are into in that particular trip man? what psychedelic did you took ?and what was the intent for the trip?

  6. 20 minutes ago, tsuki said:

    @Verdesbird That's an interesting start for an answer, but it's too short. Care to share some pointers?


    these ideas are based in the esoteric Buddhism

    here are some free books for you to read,many are in portuguese so you just google-translate then

    also to understand better what im sayng in this forum you can also read the teachings of the great white fraternity (original doctrine book) im not an adept of then but they took inumerous ideas from theosophy and esoteric budhism

  7. 7 minutes ago, tsuki said:

    It just seems silly to me. There is this question that bugs me: to whom enlightenment happens?
    Well, obviously it does not happen to the human, but practices are performed by the human.
    Is the goal of the practices to simply get the human out of the way? To be clear, I also include psychedelics as a practice.

    Like, how INSANE is this that doing anything in the relative domain would get "me" closer to realizing anything?
    This simply does not compute in my monkey mind. Just imagine striking a silly pose and I'm instantly enlightened to the nature of the mind.

    How silly is this? Why any particular thing would get me any closer to self-realization than any other thing?

    its not about the human-form you are at

    its about the kind or reality you are in (the most precious one according to budhists)

  8. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    Of course you can. That's the whole point!

    All physics and biology is imaginary.

    If you do a large enough dose, you will enter a completely different reality unrelated to this physical, material, biological one.

    I've had a psychedelic experience which was so powerful it left physical scars on my fingertips.

    that one when you touched a trans-reality bublle ?

    i wonder .. what psychedelic do you use in that particular trip ?

  9. On 27/05/2019 at 9:39 AM, Hugo Oliveira said:

    Hey guys!
    Just returned a few days ago from a solo 5 days retreat. 

    I did a lot of meditation + kundalini and kriya yoga practices combined with fruits diet and 2 days fasting.

    AAaaaaaannd..... as soon as I returned I perceived consistent results in my spirituality. I'm amazed because these are the first results I could really see without using psychedelics (YEEAH IT'S POSSIBLE!! <3).

    Among these effects, yesterday while I was driving, I had a strong feeling of love and connection with existence combined with synchronicities and insights. But along this experience, I perceive myself feeling some discomfort and fear. It's like if I was alternating between this connection with the divine and total ignorance about life and existence and feeling lost.  Then my mind comes in, and I had some conflicting and neurotic thoughts.
    For example, I was listening to a song and the singer said something deeply aligned with what I was thinking. But after that, my mind started to consider in a paranoid way, all the songs as if they are communicating personally with me.

    So I'd like to ask you: How can I avoid to be trapped in this kind of paranoia? How can I better differentiate true insights from crazy thinking? And how people like Leo can do such intense psychedelic trips and be safe against confusion in these "places" where reality is being so deeply questioned?

    Much love for all of you! 

    fala cara blz?,entao esse tipo de paranoia na verdade foi crescendo em mim e ficou tão intenso que eu fui hospitalizado a força em um hospital psiquiatrico 

    o que eu tenho pra dizer depois dessas experiencias é que psicodelicos sao pura força bruta na sua mente,vc tem que ter uma intençao muito bem planejada quando for fazer uma experiencia dessas com qualquer substancia que seja,e que a esfera das dimensões espirituais ou mentais superiores devem ser trabalhadas com uma mentalidade bastante aberta,ou seja caso vc veja um fantasma ou tenha um insight profundamente paranioco onde duas realidades coincidem uma com a outra (por exemplo vc pensa em algo e a tv esta ligada e dai o jornalista fala um complemento daquele mesmo assunto) apenas releve a situação numa boa,ria,e siga feliz,mesmo porque nessa jornada de auto conhecimento e meditaçao e psicodelicos vai ter que enfrentar muita coisa que vai ser bastante desafiadora pro seu estado emocional do dia a dia