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Posts posted by Cireeric

  1. Recently I found Vernon Howard and started reading his book: 1500 Ways to Escape the Human Jungle. Its a collection of short quotes, but some of them are really deep and insightful. Wanted to share some of my favorites so far:

    15. Humanity rejects truth, like a hungry man who refuses bread because his dizzy mind thinks it is wood.

    19. When someone lacks the intelligence to try to understand he covers it up by criticizing.

    30. Imaginary life has great power to control and wreck people because it insists it is not imaginary life.

    36. Society will always deceive you when you ask it, "What is life all about?"

    43. Immature man is like a frightened child, alone in a darkening room, not seeing the nearby light switch.

    54. A man's failure to question the ideas by which he lives keeps his life as it is.


  2. 6 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

    @Leo Gura i haven't tried shrooms but i feel very positive about lsd. And i also like the loopiness and feel like it can show how Reality is a strangeloop made of strangeloops made of strangeloops of strangeloops.

    Or would you say that the loopiness can get in the way?

    I think it really depends on the person, I had my most difficult trips on LSD. I would always recommend a small dose of shrooms for a beginner, cause in my experience they feel more natural and have something internally positive in them. A 4 hour trip is also much better to handle, than an 12 hour experience of LSD. But whatever you take, better start with a low dose, no need to rush.

  3. 22 minutes ago, axiom said:


    Wow, what an intense trip experience, thanks for sharing! Yeah high doses of shrooms can get really wild. Good that youre back grounded in this reality. I had one LSD trip, where I experienced really similiar things, I wasnt responsive for my friends anymore for maybe half an hour. In this time I felt also that I was warping between different realities. It felt like I was in another parrallel universe every few seconds. In retrospect I think I could see the different potentialities in which reality could advance forward, depending on my intention. I also had the fear, that now I fucked up and I lost my reality. I was unbelievably grateful, when I was back grounded in my normal reality and could be with my friends again. Since then im much more careful with high doses of shrooms or LSD.

  4. I can feel exactly the same, you loose some of the human worries and anxieties but at the same time its deeply terrifiyng to get more and more to the point of realizing that you are god. In some deep trips I can feel like I can see it coming that I am god but I fear fully realizing it. It feels like fear of death gets replaced with a "fear of infinity", a fear of experiencing absolutely everything forever. But maybe the crucial point here is like @Tim R said above to also realize that its all love that will free you.

  5. If you think you are already clear, the Life Purpose Course will still help you how to really lock in and stay on Track with your Purpose. But additionally to that it will also help you to get even clearer and sharper in your definition of your Purpose, even if you think you already found it. I would not suggest you to rush through the course, think about and digest the information. 

  6. Leos new Episode: Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time motivated to start also a Yoga Practice, next to my Meditation Practice which I already do since almost 3 years now. I was considering breathwork or self-inquiry too, but I believe Yoga is the most valuable for me now. But where do I start? Should I start straight with Kriya Yoga? Then I would go for the books on Leos List on Kriya Yoga and start there, or is this already an advanced form of Yoga and I should start with "normal" Yoga exercises? Would appreciate some tips!

  7. I wanted to start a thread with a list of Practical skills you can develop that will help you making your own money. Would really appreciate to hear some suggestions, since I really want to practice a practical skill that can earn me some independent money. Would be best if I can use this skill later for my Life Purpose, but I havent figured it out yet, so it would be a good place to start with something since I have a lot of free time beside my studying. 

  8. If you do it right, there is nothing needy in approaching women. You are an abundant man, who has no fear of talking to women who are interesting to you. You have no fear of rejection but go for what you want. You are a free man who loves women and can be open and vulnerable about that. You are not hurt if women reject you and can accept/understand that. Thats the right frame and if you can project that, you wont come off as needy.

    Sure sometimes some people will be judging you for what you do, but thats the cost if doing things that are not what the herd does.

  9. I would not suggest you doing that. In my experience and from what ive read, there is an minimum dosage that is really needed to get the real effects going, for an average male somewhere around 80mg. An dosage of 30mg is hardly noticable but still can have the toxic aspects for your body.  and . I would suggest having a safe normal dose experience. But doing a 30mg dosage surely wont kill you, test it out if you want to, but I think it will not be worth it, since youre not really going to notice much. 

  10. Dont know if this is the right topic, or interesting for some of you, but I was watching this Episode of Street Epistemology: 

    And they discuss the classic theme of Evolution vs Intelligent Design and I had an interesting Insight/Thought. For me there is no problem here in this paradox. Isnt the evolution exactly the way Gods Intelligence unfolds, so the Evolution which we can keep track of is exactly the History of Gods or Intelligences Ongoing Creation. Dont know if my intuition or thoughts are wrong here, or if this is maybe even obvious to some of you. But I thought its interesting that I never heard of this solution to this Problem.

  11. It reminds me on some Mushroom Experience, my thoughts got so big, every interaction tracked back to the beginnings of the universe, I saw the relation between what someone was saying and how Language developed, how culture developed and why he is saying this right now. So many different axioms and aspects got tracked in my Mind at the same time. All the time  I was thinking: how is it possible to think these thoughts/ how is my mind able to do this. Maybe it is something like this.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Superfluo said:

    @Leo Gura Actually the question ties nicely with Spiral Dynamics: shy guys usually come from a somewhat dysfunctional home, and they have shadows usually of Stage Red and Stage Blue, sometimes even Orange. But, as always, there are other factors.

    A "shy guy" can come from so many different  backgrounds and contexts, thats a gross generalization, its not so easy.

  13. Its often hard to see it in a position like this, but everything is in constant change. Your emotions wont last forever, its all temporally and you can go through it. You have so many experiences and years in front of you. I can guarantee you in five years from now you will had enough experiences worth living for. You will be thankful that youve gone through this hard times. 

  14.  Because these prankster, the dude in this example mastered many social skills by his pranks. He goes up, just having positive vibes for himself, he doesnt need anything from the girl; he is non-needy. Also he is very relaxed in this social interactions and just has fun. He doesnt give a shit what the people around are thinking of him, thats very attractive.

  15. I think of this in a little model I have in my head, im not sure how true it is.

    But I see it in 3 levels or stages:

    1.) People are good socially, but not really conscious, dont really know what going on and its not build in a stable fundament. 

    2.) People get more aware, more introspective and cause of that can be a bit more self-conscious and it can be harder to socialize.

    3.) People who are conscious of whats going on and also introspective aware of themselves and then master to socialize on a stable foundation.

    So continue your consciousness work and also go out and learn to socialize and eventually you will get to stage 3. But its also a lot about letting go, just seeing the social interactions as fun dont get too analytical about it.

  16. 15 hours ago, soos_mite_ah said:

    You'd think that a forum that is based on consciousness and self development would attract more high quality guys who are interested in those things. Yet there are things on this forum that I have read that aren't things that I encounter guys irl preach. In some ways, it's like the average guy has more sense than the average guy on this forum.

    I sometimes wonder why there are so many insecure men on this forum? But at the same time you don't see as many insecure women.  It's a genuine question I have from my observations.

    Dont forget that in this forum, the man express themselves far more freely and are more likely to express their true agendas or feelings about things, whereas when you as a woman encounter man in person, they will signal higher virtues and try to hide their vulnerabilitys.

  17. @fopylo Yes, sadly its very hard to change people and show them whats good for them, it must start with their own intention. Therapy can just begin when the client admits to himself: Some things I do are wrong and I have the power to change.  They need to see the value for themselves and willing to improve themselves. We are lucky that we adopted the Mindset of Openmindedness and willingness to change and grow early, before its too late and we get stuck in our conditions and behaviors and worldviews.