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Posts posted by Cireeric

  1. @Javfly33 Very well written and inspiring post and especially timely for me , since I just started a yoga practice 2 weeks ago. Yesterday I tried a small dose of Malt and done my yoga exercises, inspired by this thread. Amazing experience and it showed me some of the things u mentioned here. I already noticed that I feel better and more aware with my body. I started my practice based on the book: Kokoro Yoga by Mark Divine. Do you have ressources u would recommand to learn the fundamentals?

  2. 2 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    If you choose the latter, I recommend "Difference and Repetition" as his most essential text, as it addresses the metaphysical core of these issues. I will try my best to condense some of his main thoughts here at some point, hopefully in the near future.

    Would love to hear those. Your posts really made me interested in his work and Difference and Repitition is up on my reading list. Somehow your posts most often reasonate deeply with me and always spark some excitement.

  3. No, "everythingness" is not in duality with nothingness.


    "Existence and nonexistence are incompatible.

    The difficult and the easy are mutually opposed.

    The long and the short, the high and the low,

    the lod and soft, the before and the after-

    are all opposites.

    Each reveals the other."

    from the Tao Te Ching


    But in a sense everything is nothingness, but not in a dual relationship like long and short.

  4. On 3.4.2024 at 1:19 AM, funkychunkymonkey said:

    @Majed sadly awakening just made me suicidal, i hate life. i once realized the bubble is all and i was in peace and once i feel back into "life" well it just went downhill now im looking into moving to canada so i can get euthanized... i always kinda knew shit would turn sour for me and i wouldent make it 

    leos videos can fucking help you immensely his advice is very bold and deep, but are you willing to do the work? im not... i rather just die i dont wanna keep trying. 

    in my case leo isnt talking to me i shouldent listen to him. thats me cant speak for others... 


    and to add more context, im bipolar im a veteran who never adjusted back into normal life. I def am emotionally unstable especially when it comes to work.... the best thing i can do im doing, and i fucking hate it. 


    and leo does warn about the ego twisting the teachings, im proof of that i use a lot of what he says to justify my suicide... selfishness is self defeating is a good one i like to use. welp the ego just is hardwired to self destruct! 

    Seek out some therapy. You CAN get better. It is sometimes difficult to imagine in a depressed/trauma state, but life can totally turn around for you and healing is possible. You will look back at this time and be grateful that youve stood strong, because there is a lot of possible enjoyment of life ahead.

  5. Wow, deep insights! This trip-report almost seems like the polar-opposite to some of Leos trip reports. I wonder if this is due to the nature of ayahuasca or the more feminine relationship to the divine (intuitively it feels like that). Feels refreshing to hear from deep states of consciousness that dont go into solipsistic: "only my POV is true", but into humility and appreciating the POV of other finite parts of god. 

  6. Mindfulness in Plain is a very good and practical primer on basic mindfluness meditation, but you can already go quite deep with it.

    MTCTB from Daniel Ingram is the most comprehensive, in-depth about meditation I know of and he also maps out the deeper meditation territory.

    I also really like A Path with Heart from Jack Kornfield for its grounded, commonsensical, loving approach.

  7. 7 hours ago, Girzo said:

    I think this is an issue with insufficient non-dual/spiritual education/contemplation.

    I personally haven't seen my mind to have a tendency to go in that direction, I think because I don't have the false concepts you do.

    My mind can't leave my body as there was never something like "my body", it has always been the forever-morphing Godhead. The same goes for going to "another dimension" it's always the same dimension, the infinite, singular point from which all creation flows and to which it is contained at the same time in a paradoxical manner. It must be so. It's always the same fractal, but sometimes (that is when you trip) you watch it from a perspective that makes it look very intensive.

    I have been blessed with a strong conviction of the reality shaping back more or less to it's current form if it's meant to be. It doesn't make embarking on a trip any less scary, I just don't get much paranoia during it.

    If I get scared it's more because of just the sheer intensity of Beauty I see (Beauty with a capital B can be scary as hell) or if it's the long-acting psychedelics, then while in the less intense states I might get scared of hurting someone or myself physically in an unconscious set of moves.

    My point is, I think there are thought patterns that you can enforce through enough contemplation to help lessen the "never coming back from a trip" paranoia.

    I generally agree with you on that. This mindset is also very helpful for most trips and nowadays with more reasonable safe dosing I get into trips much more calm and confident with relatively the same attitude.

    The problem was that at some point in the trip my whole worldview + any capacity for sober thought was gone. I was well read in spiritual literature, safe tripping guides and also practiced meditation but at some point all that stuff flew out of the window and I was in pure crazyland  realizing I couldnt possibly prepare for that. 

  8. On 22.2.2024 at 3:40 AM, bmcnicho said:

    Yesterday, I took 3 grams of golden teacher mushrooms with 200 mg of harmine hcl.  Things started off similar to previous trips, but then at the peak I blacked out for about 5 minutes and it felt like being erased from existence.  

    Waking up from that is extremely strange, because while my memory returned quickly, it seemed like a bunch of stories I had in my head that I had no connection to.  There was a discontinuity from my past self, as if I had just emerged in that moment from the cosmic void.

    Yes on my most intense LSD trip which I consider was very dangerous in retrospect there came a point in the trip where I was/felt like Im in some different dimension purely of mind. At one point things got so weird that I was thinking that this cant happen in a human body on a trip I probably left my body already and Im probably dead only traveling through this mind space endlessly; pure horror in this moment. I came back into my body after some time but everything felt fake, I had profound derealisation symptons, no emotions attached to this reality and being skeptical that any of this is real; bein with my friends and doubting they are even real. I was so happy that a sense of reality and belonging slowly came back in the next hours. Im much more careful with LSD now.  

    That trip also opened me to the possibility that this probably could happen - that the real mind of you just leaves off into another dimension and traveling there not coming back - but it seems like this still isnt a thing that really happens for people but more a paranoia and people get back after getting sober again.

  9. 3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

    Someone can be 99% full of BS. Have you considered the 1%?

    Even someone like Donald Trump you can learn from. Doesn’t mean you should be worshipping him like a saint.

    Yes! This sense of learning from partially wrong perspectives is entirely lost in this phenomenon. I often had the situation that I mention something and then the first thing people do is open wikipedia and if there is any mentioning, that this is in any way controversial it is enough evidence to dismiss it entirely. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Paradoxed said:

    This can be pretty frustrating for sure.

    I love this post. It really resonated with me.

    I had a colleague from high school say that he "hates Yoga people". Ironically this dude desperately needs what meditation and yoga have to offer. He is a mess of a person. I love him nonetheless. But it's hard to see the level of truth avoidance and conformity and close mindedness when it comes to basic thought. Subconsciously he knows that he needs to try something like yoga to help himself, and beneath the surface he is incredibly sad, hopeless, and desperate for some solution to his situation. But his ego, which makes him feel better about his situation, stands in his way. Without thought, self help is entirely dismissed as an option. He is constantly making himself out to be a victim due to his life circumstances. He has even accepted the fact that he is going to die from smoking cigarettes and claims he will just keep smoking when he gets diagnosed with lung cancer. Ironically this person identifies as nonconformist (he doesn't walk around claiming to be nonconformist, you can just tell its a part of his identity). its part of his victim mentality, which justifies his antisocial behavior and bad habits such as his serious addictions (smoking and drinking endlessly). So his ego pets him like a dying dog getting euthanized.

    People just do constant truth avoidance. And when people come to conclusions, they just run with the first conclusion they come to. They aren't attacking issues from multiple angles and are almost never taking a meta perspective on life. People look to societal norms or "science" as their Gods, as if all scientists are in agreement, lol. They are waiting for someone with a white collar to tell them what to think or do, or are waiting for the majority of people to do something before they do.

    You are right about this ruining lives.

    Nice, that it reasonated with you. Yes this makes it even more tragic when you can sense that stuff like meditation, yoga, self-help or some spirituality could help them.

    There is constrained ego/identity which wants to defend itself against new information that could break open that contraint. When you think about in this way the journalism that shows the exploitation of the guru isnt really the thing that stops people doing some meditation but serves as an rationalization for the constrained ego to maintain its status quo, but it also helps to hold that limited identity without questioning it.

  11. Sometimes you see only in retrospect how significantly some of Leos concepts shaped you and how accurate and important they were for shaping the direction of your life. The False Skepticism or how I also often call it Premature Skepticism thing is huge! All the time, but especially talking with people at university I see how so many valuable ideas that can benefit your life in tremendous ways get critisized and dismissed in a second. You bring up MTBI: thats not accurate, there is inconsistency in the model, not scientific. Jordan Peterson: you cant watch him: sexist, right-wing ideologue. Any Self-Help content: all bullshit, only capitalism and marketing. Spiritual content: All BS; bringing up examples of predatory gurus. It is almost like an search algorithm looking for any problem with it as an excuse to dismiss it entirely that starts to come online as soon as it not fits the consensus narrative. So much value lost. 

    Throwing out the baby with the bathwater on important topics like spirituality. Because there are plenty examples of scams, predatory gurus or cults spirituality gets dismissed entirely and must all be bullshit. Thats such an big trap for many people. That thing can fof uck up whole lifes honestly.

  12. 22 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    Unless your brain chemistry is already fucked to begin with, Modafinil will make you extremely unpleasant to be around. Modafinil is basically meth - not the type of substance known for its chill and socially adept consumers.

    I've said it before and I will say it again: Phenibut is the ideal drug for going out. It will remove any anxiety or nervousness around social interactions and free you up to be your authentic self in any situation. 

    Of course, you can overdo it in a way that makes it obvious you're on some kind of drug, but if you get the dosage right, no one will even notice anything (besides your immense attractiveness and charisma).

    You can mix it with various substances, including some stimulants, if you really want (which would only make sense in some kind of party setting). I'd highly advocate against Modafinil for that purpose though and would much rather do some bumps of coke, as desired.

    I tested it and had some great social experiences with it. But I didnt found the right dosage yet. I also noticed that it is probably better for me to do it max 1 time a week. What is the right dosage for you? I tested 400 mg and the first dosage was quite intense, almost MDMA-like with a long peak. The next dosaes already felt weaker.

  13. 47 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

    If you use it responsibly, you will of course get long term benefits from it by way of reference experiences and muscle memory. Any feedback you get while on the substance will reinforce behavior and your self-concept permanently.

    I cycle it (5 days on, 2 days off) like I would with any other nootropic and I've never had any problems on off-days or when stopping usage for a longer amount of time.

    The effect is very noticeable though, so of course you will be your best self on the substance.

    Nice, I really like this approach to nootropics and supplements, that you can use it in a sense to expand your identity, experience new ways of being and integrate them into yourself over time. Especially if you have a high body awareness/good presence via meditation techniques you can notice even more subtle substances like Ashwagandha or Tongkat very noticably and have novel experiences of Self. You just need to be careful not bullshitting yourself and rationalizing drug-abuse :D Gonna experiment with phenibut a bit.

  14. On 10.1.2024 at 6:38 PM, Nilsi said:

    Phenibut makes you feel like a god -- nothing makes you more socially attuned and confident.

    Ive been taking it for months now, I would know.

    Do you think you can do it in a way so you get long term benefits in being socially attuned and more confident over time by having these experiences and experiencing your Self in that way of being, that can get ingrained or do you think it becomes short-term and you could even become dependent on it and even less confident without? 

    Was thinking about experimenting with phenibut for a while now but had these concerns, probably gonna test it for myself but would be interesting to hear your perspective on that.

  15. 1 hour ago, Metapath said:

    Theoretically though I could plug 100mg and the worst that happens is a whiteout?

    Wouldnt recommend trying this. What do you want to accomplish? Start low and slowly increase your dosing, you will get into challenging and disorienting territory quite fast.