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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I've seen a lot of stuff like this on Leo and the best thing to do is to ignore it. There will always be people like this. Nothing can be done about that. Honestly though, I still find myself harboring an emotional response when I see this kind of stuff, so that's something I need to work on.
  2. @Mongu9719 He answers this exact question in the video at 1:00:04. When Mario gets hit in the head in a video game, he dies. But that doesn't mean Mario's brain is running the simulation.
  3. After the virus, China finally has blue skies without pollution covering it.
  4. @BETGR164128 Corona virus is man-made, so yeah someone thought of it and manifested it into reality.
  5. @Kushu2000 This was answered in his video on the devil and religions. Hell is attachment to the ego. Simple as that. Heaven is the opposite, detachment from the ego.
  6. @Thewritersunion Library dreaming? What's that?
  7. A video on sleep, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, etc would be nice.
  8. It is estimated to last around 6 months.
  9. @Javfly33 I'm not denying that. I'm saying that even though evil and good don't exist in reality because reality is neutral, it is still good to follow the egoic/religious definitions because it helps with spirituality. "Evil" is defined as anything that perpetuates the ego (selfishness) and "Good" is anything that doesn't do that (selflessness). I am aware that the ego has it's own definitions of good and evil, but the definitions based on ego/religion are more absolute because they actually go against the ego and help to get rid of it. Everything you've said is right, but if we are going to be using the terms "God" and "Devil" I think it's also fair to use "Evil" and "Good" as also described in religion, since that is what the notion of Gods and Devils is based on.
  10. @BETGR164128 True. Leo knows all that so idk what the problem is
  11. @Javfly33 It is true that reality is neutral, and that good and evil are projections of the ego onto reality, but we are going by religious/egoic definitions here. Devil is the ego. God is everything that exists, including the Devil. "Evil", in this case, is defined as any action that perpetuates the ego (devil). It is important to follow these notions, if you care about progressing in spirituality. Sure, reality is neutral, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do things to better yourself. Even going by the neutral aspect, God is defined as absolutely anything that exists, including notions of evil and good, because everything is awareness/consciousness.
  12. @inFlow This is exactly true. God is everything, including the Devil.
  13. Update, Leo straight up said he has an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism passed down from his mother. (from his video on how to shop healthy)
  14. @Red-White-Light He did say that he made this salad light cause he wouldn't be doing much physical activity that day, and that he would add salmon and other stuff if that was the case. It seems to me this video is just a general idea of what to go off of when trying to create a healthy meal.
  15. @Potential Different and lost in this society? Yes. I still am, but not as lost as before thanks to Actualized.org. I also hate school and I am still in it. But, I've decided to use school to train spirituality while I am stuck there. This way, I've transformed something bad like school into something good that I can benefit from. I can use it to practice social interactions, mindfulness, positivity, etc. A big goal of mine is to be unconditionally happy, and an annoying place like school is perfect for practicing that. If you find yourself drifting into the victim mindset, just ask yourself this: Who is responsible for the overall quality of your life? YOU are. If that isn't motivating enough, I like this video from Leo: Good luck. I really resonate with your struggle of being lost and not fitting in, and hope you can find your way as I find mine.
  16. @Red-White-Light Don't forget about the eggs. But yeah, salads usually leave me hungry cause its mostly low calories but high nutrition.
  17. @JalenS23 I heard eating raw cruciferous vegetables can cause thyroid problems. Leo has videos promoting a raw diet. Might be something there, but this is all speculation really.
  18. @Mongu9719 Your ego is getting the best of you cause you got kicked and didn't like it. Yeah, I don't think you should have gotten kicked either, but now you're just making stuff up out of anger. Good luck on your journey for truth.
  19. @Zingo You are consciousness. Everything is consciousness. Existence is consciousness. God exists. Everything is God, including you. Your ego is getting in your way, saying "god shouldn't be this or that."
  20. @lennart That's the ego projecting itself onto reality, making it look bad and not amazing. Of course, that's all illusory.
  21. @Javfly33 Not too sure what you're talking about, but yes how you interpret reality and how reality is are two very different things. Your ego will try to project itself onto reality, make sure not to mistake it for reality itself. I think you are on to something. Keep it up
  22. I'm starting to see everything as me now. Inflicting pain on animals is inflicting pain on yourself. Problem is, you don't even kill the animal yourself nowadays. It just comes to you packaged at the store. I can say 100% I wouldn't be eating animal products if I had to get it myself. But see, this line of supporting evil through hierarchies is everywhere. Leo's video on the devil really points this out. The phone you own and buy every year comes from child labour. By working at Mcdonald's you promote a radically unhealthy lifestyle and support consumption of meat. By working at that 9 - 5 job you help the manager to continue wage slavery, etc. etc. it goes on forever. Evil is ignorance. Now, morals have become skewed and hard to pinpoint, because evil has always been a projection of ego. This projection is fragile and only meant to sustain your egoic identity. The only way to eradicate evil is to surrender yourself to reality.
  23. @fewrocker You -> Devil -> Ego