Time Boy

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Posts posted by Time Boy

  1. 12 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

    I'm doing my research, of course, but this industry is notoriously difficult to navigate in as there is too much celery juice advertisement or other kind of bullshit out there or material that doesn't really say much at all. 

    Kudos to you for taking the time to research and not jumping into Gwyneth Paltrow style stage-green marketing. You might want to look into colon cleansing, About the heavy metals, there's a channel on youtube called Detox Dudes, the guy has a really interesting story. He had horrible panic disorder, schizophrenia, was suicidal for a couple of years. He tried all kinds of medicine and new age healing modalities (meditation, ayahuasca, ibogaine, float tanks, etc) until he found out he had severe mercury poisoning from some dental fillings and diet. It's a really dramatic, heart-wrenching read. 




  2. Serj Tankian is a powerful example of a stage Green musician. Former lead vocalist of System of a Down.

    My favorite stage green quotes from the interview below:


    Rainn: "Why do we hate?"

    Serj: "Because we don't feel the interconnectivity of all things, otherwise it would just be us we are hating."

    Rainn: "Do we need religion?"

    Serj: "Organized, no. Disorganized, yes."