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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. @Gesundheit One could argue that emotions follow scientific laws that is logic. You can manipulate and control emotions with certain tools to some degree.
  2. @Gesundheit I liked the fresh new angle here in order to represent the problems of ethics. Ethics could be seen as a mathematical problem. Once we have the right algorithm that maybe the AI will create for us things will go smooth. This movie could be seen as a way to put the problem in a lab and try to find the algorithm.
  3. With comedian Tom Dillon
  4. Yes for example you could say the invention of fascism was probably creative it disrupted the status quo. Some would argue that fascism is not a good thing.
  5. When I saw the Tai Lopez thrad I felt Patrick could raise the standards. This guy does not work with word salad or NLP tricks like Tony Robbins. He seems to be one of the guys who does not insult your intelligence with BS.
  6. Maybe it is a form of detachment. Let go of your soul.
  7. Grant Cardone is always hungry it seems. Eyes of the tiger. Even when he goes bald it does not stop him.
  8. I give you some practical advice that worked for me. First of all meditation is a life saver. It is the key habit. For most of the time I meditated by focusing on a visual point and didn't force myself to think anything. After many years I had the feeling this type of meditation made it too difficult for me to reconnect to reality. So I made a very small change. I count silently till 10 again and again. That's it. Another very important method is starting with one minute. You put another minute to it when you feel ok with it. You can even go down to 30 seconds if it is too much. Only if you feel ready you can put 2 minutes on top of it than 3 minutes. But you should never go let's straight to 2 minutes. Allways start with one minute so you build a confidence and you will never freak because you know you are in your competence zone.
  9. @charlie cho In general exitential angst makes us work hard because we want to survive. Locals have ways to get around that a bit more than immigrants except the rich immigrants. Without the will to work hard creativity probably will not happen. Then sometimes creativity is not always a good thing as it disrupts the status quo.
  10. When I think of Tony I sometimes think of Starship Troopers. You want to learn more?
  11. Might be interesting. He will burn himself into your brain
  12. I do find some inspiration and I consumed a lot of his stuff though it took time to mitigate his annoying rhetoric but now it's time for me to kill him. Like: "If you meet the Buddha, kill him."
  13. One good thing about Tai is that he is not as annoying as Tony though he tries hard
  14. @Preety_India Well you explained it yourself. A used car salesman vibe is not a good thing. In his case there are arguments about his moral standards. That is why I put Patrick because I could not find so many red flags as it is the case with Tony. Well Tony says raise your standards and I think I did so in this case.
  15. Tony looks like a bad used car salesman. He looks so scammy. He talks fast that means you have no time to think about what he said. Cheap tricks. I rather go with the iranian immigrant mentality Tony is best when he says nothing
  16. This is how his "scam" works: https://moneyinc.com/why-many-people-believe-tony-robbins-is-a-scam/ https://www.holysmoke.org/scam/tony-robbins/
  17. I feel like selfhelp is like exorcism for the monkey mind. It takes time to take care of so many crazy blind spots. It is like laying the infrastructure to be able to build on it. Some people don't seem to need it though but I am not shure about it.
  18. @Yahya Every religion is an ideology. Islam is quite a power conscious religion. A lot of killing is done in its name so it makes sense that Mohammed didn't want to be just another jew. He saw himself as the prophet so the jews had to follow him. Obviously the jews did't want that. At the beginning the prophet ordered that the direction for the prayer should be Jerusalem. After the problems with the jews he changed direction to Mekka to show that the jewish tradition is not that important anymore. After that he fought the jews and from that time there are no jews living in Saudi Arabia.
  19. On a psychological level arabs probably had a minority complex. Their neighbors the jews and christians had a powerful story and identity based on books and history. So it was time that the arabs did take care of this void. I guess the christian religion was not that interesting as it was vague and kind of weak basically a slave religion. The arabs on the other hand wanted to keep their slaves btw. that is why it is not forbidden in the kuran to have slaves. So I guess Muhammed and the arabs did not just want to become jews as that would create lots of problems. So the easier way Muhammed might have thought is to create the second upgrade of the jewish religion after christianity. Muhammed thought the jews will join the new movement but the jews were not interested. Islam is so powerful because it is an upgrade. It fixes the problems with the other religions. On the other hand it can not compete with science for obvious reasons.