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Everything posted by Epikur

  1. It is easier to hear conservative viewpoints from liberals than from conservatives otherwise liberals might stop listening or start rationalizing.
  2. BDS purity test and woke supremacy for the fragile whites
  3. Relax my friend. Epistomology is not easy. Science is a difficult thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_intelligence#Heritability_within_and_between_groups
  4. Just tone down 90 per cent then all is good.
  5. Many women who had their genitals removed think it is a good idea and do it to their daughters again. At least that is my impression. So how much is what a person from a extremist cult says truthful? If somebody from scientology came with his weird stuff you might not be so hesitant. Because scientologyphobe is not a thing yet.
  6. Reminds me of Vaush, if you don't know what to say, say it is because of socio economic reasons. You don't have to come with any prove.
  7. Going early to bed is very important. That is where most of the mess starts.
  8. Compare that with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Carthage
  9. I think the next one should be the empires of the Aborigenes in Australia
  10. @John Doe Btw apparently the ethiopian language is a semitic language and 40% of ethiopians are ethnically semitic.
  11. Funny thing is women understand what attracts men because it is obvious. But what attracts women a lot of books have been written but well exercise in futility. What helps is when women get testosterone shots. That makes them more attracted.
  12. I guess most people tried to be funny but then it failed I guess because probably the winter is coming.