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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. I've never experienced internal monologue or chatter neither the way most people experience based on my research. I've developed it to be able to think with words, but it won't happen automatically like most people. But its not enlightenment definitely, your mind thinks in some other ways, mostly in terms of images, concepts. But IMO it's way way easier to control the mind when it thinks in any other way other than 24/7 internal chatting.
  2. You better have some sober awakenings and see your true self first, it's very liberating really, no psychedelics will results in this, psychedelics may have so many benefits but be careful thinking it'll bring any kinda of libration for you, it won't. Never. I recommend practicing Self-enquiry, do nothing meditation, being aware of awareness. You need to realize you yourself are meditation in nature.
  3. Thanks man, well I actually never dedicated a long time to just sit and practice visualization (which I will definitely do) , but sculpting and 3d modeling is my career which I'm practicing for almost 10 years plus some traditional pencil drawing, that automatically seems to improved my imagination muscle drastically. basically I dedicated huge amount of time for observation in the past years to be able to do realistic human models as a modeler. ahh I didn't know that, well the thing is I cannot really control the energy body, whenever it detached from the physical body it either goes up or down or some dark tunnels in past or just rotates around itself and this lasts not long maybe a few minutes before going back to the body. today I just had some success moving the energetic hands after 3 times of detachment from the physical body in the third time, but standing and walking around and seeing the physical body like some people do is something I'm far away from. Thanks man I'll definitely check out those books! I've heart about physical body teleportation also just using imagination, which is unbelievable how imagination power is almost everything.
  4. @Fran11 also let me know your thoughts about the imaginary hand which you project to feel the shape, volume or texture of objects, what's the ultimate use of this? Do you also regularly practice this? i can feel the objects with imaginary hand but i don't know ultimately what you can do with it other than just feel object's texture? I can imagine the possibility's but i wanna know your thoughts!
  5. Thanks a lot man! I just spent 2 hours into this practise after read your post, It was strugle first, my sense of self did a lot switchings back and forth between imaginary beings and the body perceptions, and was resisting, but after some time i could keep it in the imagination much easier really while still retaining weaker consciousness in the body. Still definitely not perfect at all and not on any good level, but opened my eyes to see the huge potential of this practice. I can imagine now that how a good, well practiced magician can just close his eyes and be whatever hi imagines instantly or project his consciousness wherever hi wants. I have a lot of passion in astral projection but i don't really like all those indirect techniques which involves you sleep for some time and wake up and sleep again to maybe eventually have some success in it, not really like these techniques at all, I'd really prefer work on my imagination muscle for as long as it takes, to the perfection point, and directly project my consciousness whenever and wherever i want instantly! What do you think about this? How much time do you think it takes?
  6. @Fran11 you very well explained it! Thanks I have developed a strong imagination also duo to practicing digital art for almost a decade and of course with help of energy work techniques ( kriya Yoga for developing Ajna chakra) and meditation. Which i can imagine anything with good ammount of believeable details with all other senses also. But im curious is there a level of Imagination which you can reach that which its so detailed and real that you can detach from your body, being lost in it? Im not talking about lucid dreaming, but that level of Imagination which you can consciously do anytime immediately or with little effort, to completely detach from physical reality? I've done this myself alot being lost and having fun imagining anything. Which will feel mind-blowingly real all the time. But complete detachment from your physical body and incarnate in your dream Is huuuuge ability, what do you think about it? I'm probably talking about a level which you no longer need any psychedelics for tripping!
  7. I learned most of the people cannot actually tolerate themselves ( being alone), they need some sort of distractions from themselves all the time, otherwise they will go crazy, doing all kind of stupid things you can imagine. Unconscious as fuck.
  8. Don't be so ignorant, It's like people trying to help you, find the key to unlock the door and scape from your little prison which you are born in it and lived your entire life in it, but you resist it since you've got your "life purpose" and work to do in it?in a little prison? Haha
  9. It's a family of people who you consciously, freely choose to be with, who can understand you, relate to you, even change you and make your energy positive, loving. Even when they are miles, miles away from you. and compare this to our "real" family's are just bunch of ordinary, zombie like stupid people who you are the most lonely around them not understanding shit about you (not everyone's family of course)
  10. Unimaginably more conscious, I can be in a peaceful thought-less, clear state of mind, almost all the time, all thanks to Self-enquiry, meditation, Kriya Yoga. I was emotionaly numb, zombie like person depressed as fuck almost in my entire life. These practices saved me from getting to a shitty suicidal state caused by those strong sadness and depression So i was like this till the last year which i couldn't survive the suffering anymore so i watched all the Leo's spiritual videos, and a door to a whole new world opened to me. Ps: Self-enquiry was the most amazing, effective, life changing practice among them for me which awakened me and opened my eyes to see my true self.
  11. I studied magic for some time too, and IMO, a calm mind, strong intention, imagination and energy manipulation is everything to a good really need to be able to relax and calm your mind, develop strong intention and will power, good imagination and being able to feel and connect to your energetic body in order to manipulate it based on your desire, I really recommend Robert Bruce Energy Work book for energy manipulation you can find it on amazon, there's a free old version too, which is good also, i can share it if you want. John Kreither's "Magnum Opus" is also good read for magic. Practice meditation and imagination, you will be able to manifest everything you desire in your life.
  12. Imagine the moment they completely surrender and convinced they are dead, and they're gonna be like: wtf i thought im gonna die, no seriously I actually fucking died!!!!!, and then they will relize death was just a cosmic joke, laughing how stupid they were being scared of it, ignoring it, running away from it in their entire life! Indeed Diying before death is libration.
  13. I'm sorry for putting this in the wrong section i haven't find any better place to discuss this, and also sorry if this has been discussed before. Basically to me the writing section is not mobile friendly at all and heres the list of the problems which i faced: If you tag a user, you can't remove it. If you quote, you also can't delete it ( you can delete the text inside it but in order to get rid of it you need to post it and then you can hide the post) Its way too hard to make multiple quotes inside a post almost impossible. When you select a text The black pop-up which is for quoting appears in a wrong place and you need to navigate to find it! Writing after a user tag is so buggy see below (texts after the Leo's tag) Android 10, chrome What do you think @Leo GuraGuraGuraGuraGuraGuraGuraGurGuraGuraGuraGuraGuraGur
  14. this topic should be a reference topic for all the writing section tricks! ? @Leo Gura maybe a simple button to remove all the contents of the text box? or a button for quotes, tags etc? the same submit reply button, but just a fake one, to just remove the contents of the text box and not posting anything, i don't know, should be easy!
  15. is it working for you guys too? I wish i could find a way to remove a quote box in a simple way too, the most simplest way is still posting it and hiding your post.
  16. @lmfao ahh i just figured a simpler way, instead of using the backspace to remove it, just select the tag's text and write on top of it, it would be gone!! ??
  17. The boss himself is the chosen one who can fix it! @Leo Gura
  18. @seeking_brilliance good tricks man thanks! still a nice, mobile friendly, interactive solution to this area would be amazing!
  19. You should gain the knowledge of knowing nothing! First learn that you know absolutely nothing!
  20. It's in the nature of mind getting used to everything fast, being used to current magic doesn't mean man totally understands it, no its magical and mystery AF, but just man gets used to it, because at same time he busy himself thinking about all sorts of other shit for a long time slowly getting blind to the magic of every day life, so yeah very little excitement remains for current magic and so are bored of current magical life he has seeking even more magic
  21. Im just curious are you aware of being aware or watchful even when you are dreaming in sleep?
  22. IMO There's no limits on how stupid and insane society can get, you step away from it, find your home in your heart, listen to your heart, think with your heart, and let the Love blossom you on a most beautiful and unique way possible ❤️??