Richard Alpert

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Posts posted by Richard Alpert

  1. Thanks man.

    I have few of Jungs books and enjoyed them very much.

    Somehow i have never paid attention to red book, but order is now on the way.

    Jung was definitely one of the best "thinkers" in West in the last 100 years. He´s stuff is deep and mystical (he was a mystic, not just a psychologist) and i can see why it ain´t so popular in mainstream psychology.

  2. 9 hours ago, ivory said:

    As someone who has spent 8 years doing various styles of martial arts, I can tell you that in most cases an aikido guy would get the shit kicked out of him by a beginner to intermediate level boxer, kick-boxer, wrestler, or jiu-jitsu guy. Before there was MMA there was no holds barred fighting which was a proving ground for the various styles of martial arts. It was those 4 styles that proved their effectiveness. Mixed martial arts was born from that.


    Ralston may be a master of non-duality but he picked a really shitty martial art to focus on. He drank the McDojo Kool-Aide.

    He is a blacbelt in judo, japanese jiujitsu and he can box. That is what i said in my previous comment. He knows how to fight but he created he's own more gentler system which is not so violent. I remember him saying after that tournament he was not so much interested in competing or hurting people and he basically wanted to prove that the stuff he learned works. 

  3. I would call that video bullshit if it was not Ralston doing it. Obviously in real fight with a good fighter that kind of stuff wont work. Even Ralston has to punch and throw people in real fight. Ralston has multiple black belts in legit martial arts, so i know he's not doing this just to show off. It would be cool to attend one of his events, i was close to attend last year but couldnt arrange it due to work  

  4. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    See, all these kinds of videos do is rile people up and create egoic distraction.

    Focus on your work. That's is all.

    Don't worry about criticisms or the judgments of others. Your heart knows the truth of things if you'd only go into silence and listen to it. What others think of you or me is irrelevant. Follow your heart to the Truth. Don't get side-tracked by pettiness.

    So mass murderers are ok, rape is ok etc. but critical reviews are egoic distracion.

    This is funnnyyyyyyyyy. Isnt it egoistic to be against critical reviews? You are not against rape or murder..

  5. 4 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

    I agree with luckieluuke here.

    While the article doesn't seem like a compelling source, those videos alone made me feel uncomfortable.

    I know for sure Eckhart Tolle or even Leo would kindly warn you about the danger of falling into guru worshipping and make a little speech about how some non-dual teachers ended up falling for the constant projections made on them by their followers.  I am having a hard time picturing them allowing such behaviors. 

    Is Mooji living an ascetic life? I am convinced that being enlightened doesn't mean that your life stop. Sages do have a life, wives, children, drink some alcohol if it please, or have sex. How is Mooji's life in his community? Does he refuse all the opportunities given to him by his followers? 

    The truth is, that I have no idea whether all of those allegations are true or not. And, I am fine with that.  It's certainly important not to condemn or judge Mooji as a cult leader. I'll so far assume he's innocent, but I'll keep an eye on it.

    The writer of the article is legit person and it seems you didnt read the article. I have read many of her articles before.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Spiritual bozos.  Wow.  That sounds mature.  Great argument.

    2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Spiritual bozos.  Wow.  That sounds mature.  Great argument.

    19 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I posted three of his videos that are excellent in this thread.  Why do we always need someone to beat up on?  I'm guilty of this too by the way, so I don't exclude myself.  But it gets tiring.

    19 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I posted three of his videos that are excellent in this thread. 

    My credibility? When have i had any credibilty? Nobody knows who i am. Maybe you should not take internet so seriously.

    12000 forumposts at 40 years of age sounds to me like you don´t have much going on in your real life.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I posted three of his videos that are excellent in this thread.  Why do we always need someone to beat up on?  I'm guilty of this too by the way, so I don't exclude myself.  But it gets tiring.  If it's not Mooji it's gonna be someone or something else.  There's always gotta be some kind of conflict.  People argue about Spiral Dynamics or whether so and so is an "integral" thinker etc.  There's no end!

    7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    i don´t need to see any of his videos. Have seen enough in the years.

    I mostly just beat up spiritual bozos. Their followers would be better off without them.

  8. Finally.

    I wonder why you guys give him a pass because he is a "great teacher"? I can also hop on the stage and start repackaging material. Maybe i don´t have the charisma to get followers, but talking shit is not a hard thing to do.

    What good has he done, besides acting holy? Any "spiritual" puppet sitting on a stage is way lower than nurses, doctors, firefighters, social workers.


  9. 57 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    He seems very well versed in kriya yoga and a good teacher, yet I think he may come across a bit "out there" to someone that is rationally-minded. Like when he goes off into Astrology. I had to let go of some of the stuff he talked about.

    I was suprised about his astrology stuff as well, but i filtered it out.

  10. 9 hours ago, purerogue said:

    There is no such thing as 5 years after Enlightenment, first you reach awakening, then you start to awaken, don't believe that it is possible to go all the way in instant. 

    i think it is possibly to go all the way (aka Tolle) but it is very rare. If i remember correctly Fred first awakening was in 92 and the second one right after that in 06, lol

  11. 34 minutes ago, Shin said:
    • 5 pillars of self esteem
    • The power of Now
    • The Untethered Soul

    Those are good books.


    I think you should work on your self esteem issue first, you should be secure in yourself and not need anyone to feel complete.
    Then at that point a relationship will make sense and could really work, if you still choose to have one.

    Any relationship whatsoever will be a drama and will bring more suffering than happiness if you aren't happy by yourself, because you expect the other people to make you happy (and they do too).
    That can't never work, and if you look around you you know it's true, almost all couples broke up or divorce at a point, this isn't an accident.

    where did the 1 pillar go, lol?

    last time i checked my library it was 6 pillars

  12. 19 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

    @Richard Alpert  Are you waiting for another person to question things for you? :) 

    Can you elaborate, i did not quite get it. I think you have no idea what you talk about.

    If you think bentinho or teal is legit you are a moron. 

    And i consider Leo as an unauthentic teacher as well so maybe i dont need his validation.