Richard Alpert

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Everything posted by Richard Alpert

  1. i just read the subtle art of not giving a fuck. really liked it.
  2. First, stop blaming and feeling bad for yourself. You are the average of the influences that have went IN from people and the environment. The pain part i understand because i have had chronic prostatis for the last 4 years and doctors havent helped much. You dont need to ejaculate for now. Do nofap. thats what i do now. I dont even get much boners right now, because of the medical issue. Stop feeling special, because you are not and chill out bro, it´s not that serious. How about killing yourself a decade later than now?
  3. the internet affects like drugs, when you watch these youtube vids, porn etc. Youre dopamine levels gets fucked up´d. And you are training youre brain to getting these "rewards" without you doing nothing. Same as getting paid, without working.
  4. Goodbye my friends, i am leaving you today. As they say in one of Pink Floyds song.. There is no more seeking, seeking is over, there was nothing to seek.. I want to thank Leo for his work, it had a big impact on me on my seeking "stage". Also, thanks everybody here on this forum. I might publish some content someday, somewhere to help people not bullshit them as much as i did and all "seekers" do. Only mind = ego seeks, so when you drop that there is nothing to seek. Thats the funny thing, youre ego is on a "spritual journey" -Richard Alpert
  5. He also quit racing right after he won the title. Intresting decision, but respect for Nico.
  6. Yo, I´ve been leaning toward vegetarianism for a couple of years. I dont use milk products and the only animal proteins i use is fish and rarely chicken. I´ve heard several people saying that they have been feeling amazing after turning to raw foods. I would be curious to try for like a month-or two and see how it goes. I have been listening lately a lot of dr robert morse. I like his message but im not sold 100%. My main concerns are -not getting enough calories, im 180 pound male with a very active lifestyle so i should probably consume somewhere around 3000 calories a day at least -how to make sure to get enough calories all the necessary nutrients? I feel like from salads, juices, smoothies, nuts etc. hard to get filled enough. Or then should eat something like every 3 hour. -i wouldnt want to lose any strength Is there any vegans, raw food dudes/gals here? I would appreciate ur opinion.
  7. take action and dont go into victim mode. undestanding psychology and doing meditation also helps. Do you have any addictions? People with low self esteem always have some type of addictions. try to get rid of all of them. that usually does wonders for self esteem. Im qualified to speak on this one, trust me
  8. He needs professional help. Psychiatrist would be a good option. Hypnotist maybe also, try to find a good one. If he is completely closed at the moment, applying for work etc. can be too much. My brother was somewhere between 10-12 year old when he went to psychotherapist, i dont know to this day what the problems where excatly. But he was for a little while living in his own world. Like you asked him something and he would twitch his head, think for a few seconds and look upwards and answer. Like he wasnt talking to you. I mean he probably gave reasonable answers etc. but there was no eyecontact etc. Im glad those went over, because it´s horrible to watch a child suffer. Anyway, he is doing good know. He is super super smart, he has went to best schools with top grades. I dont know what his iq is, but it has to be high as fuck. He just knows so much shit, and he has read like at max 1/10th of the amount of books what ive read if we dont count school books. I dont know where he gets his information.
  9. First, get rid of youre mind = ego, Or let it stay in the background and pay no attention to it. then we´ll talk about life purpose. there is no such thing. I mean you can do whatever the fuck. But, when you are fulfilled all the time it´s irrelevant. Anything you do is ok. As long as you operate through youre mind nothing will fulfill you.
  10. I hop on here for once, then it´s my last message on this board: "- Meditating - Going to meditation retreats - Self-Inquiry - Enlightenment retreats - Trying to get my hands on psychedelics - Reading / Research on everything mind/body related" You dont need to do any of this. You can, but you dont need to. Youre mind = ego is probably wanting to just achieve something and feel good. this was me. always the next book, next seminar, next retreat etc. youre just bullshitting yourself. If you learn to unidentify with the mind youre good. Dont think about enlightenment etc. and all that word game. Leo is cool, but he and other spiritual teachers make it all sound too sexy and fascinating.
  11. these things dont bother much. money is obviously needed. It´s not like you become totally uneffective and cant function in the world and move to a cave.
  12. from what i understand 15 grams of truffles is like 3 grams of dried. there´s water weight in those truffles i believe. My buddy ate 15 grams and he was completely fine
  13. sorry, what i meant by normal was standard social skills.
  14. i dont agree with the 1 one, but the three later has some thruth in it.
  15. Maslows toward a psychology of being and religions, values and peak experiences are great.
  16. Why would it make a person perfect? The thing youre looking for has always been right in front of youre nose. When you realize that, you just realize what a fool you have been. I still wish thought that this would have stuck with me, lol
  17. hahhah. the first thing that comes to my mind is fuck that guy
  18. I have always been very shy, but social anxiety started somewhere when i was 21-22. I have read everything, done every yoga/meditation/breathing techniques etc. My job is pretty social. Done psychedelics and so on. I am introvert, so social happenings tend to strain me. I think social anxiety is you´re own projection. You are afraid that people dont like you and you hesitate to express yourself. It´s self judgement. Try to become your own friend. We treat ourselves like shit a lot of the times, at least i tend to when im stressed or tired. I dont think there is any magic pill.
  19. This is not awakening story or anything, just a crazy sleep. I first woke up on like 4. am, i had an alarm clock set for 7:30 I ate a little bit after 4, put some alan watts on my computer and tried to continue sleep. at some point i fell asleep. I am in a barbershop, on a line to waiting for my haircut. I see a familiar person, who i recognize as famous pop singer in my country. I wonder what the hell she is doing there. Anyways, next i am sitting in the chair getting my haircut done by this pop singer. This feels weird as fuck, but i feel like i cant ask why she is doing my haircut. We are both keeping silence there and not interacting. Anyway, next i can remember the haircut is done and we are somewhere more side from other people and i´ll ask her: "are you working here regularly". I am actually not 100% sure, but i think she said yes. Here starts the craziness: i dont know how this turns out, but SHE is a guy who i knew in school and he has changed from he to she via plastic surgery. And she says that she just had won 40 millions on some lottery / gambling. The guy was a gambler back in the day.. Next i am sitting in a car with two friends. I start to tell a story about my ex school buddy and how he has just won 40 millions. Im looking at the backseat of the car and he is there sitting next to mu buddy. Or i should say she, because even though im convinced at this point it´s my ex school buddy, this person is very feminine and she reminds the female pop singer like 90%. We head out to some big fucking cabin or house or whatever somewhere little outside the city area. This place is so familiar and i have been there before (not in my waking consciousness) in dream state more than once. I cant remember very well, but i think we start drinking. From here i remember better, we are in this big hall and start doing like some exercise, walking and then dancing etc. All of a sudden it turns out to be like some burning man or ecstacy party (never used ecstacy). People start to paint some weird art to the walls and girls start kissing each other etc. Im thinking this is getting weird as fuck, someone must drugged me. Im looking exist from the hall and walking around this fucking big cabin trying to find my coat and shoes. Im walking on a long time because this place is like a labyrinthe. Finally i find my coat and shoes and escape from a window. I head out and walk from the woods to a bus station. I feel terrible hangover. Im waiting for some bus, there are some old friends waiting the same bus, i dont want to see them because i feel awful. I´ll step aside and eventually i find myself in some place where there is some type of lecture starting. two of my buddies who were at the "party" comes there, they are like nothing have happened. Next, i´ll get the fuck out of there because this is weird as fuck. Then i wake up. Since these dreams feel real as shit,im wondering is our normal waking consciousness also a mind made dream state? Are we just dreaming all the time by our minds?
  20. "Enlightenment without personal development work produces enlightened assholes." For some reason i thought Rali here, although i like him. Lol
  21. there is some good ones in this. i will add Ralston, Clickbaitmotherfucker, Ram Dass
  22. I tried this. Nothing crazy happened, but really good guided meditation.
  23. what is actually kundalini meditation? what´s the tehcnique? I only know kundalini yoga