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Everything posted by Intraplanetary

  1. I agree. My diet is mostly meat, seafood and eggs but I occasionally eat seasonal fruits and vegetables for variety. I haven't felt better in my life, my skin is glowing, body composition is getting better and better, and most importantly I feel mentally elevated which allows me to interact with people more fully, I'm more engaged and energetic. Plus this is minimalist life, very little plastic and waste. And I couldn't agree more about that most people can't afford local organic meat and this is a huge systematic problem. Factory farming is cruel and animals are fed rubbish, full of omega-6 grains and soy and hormones. You're what you eat and eating too much commercial meat is not optimal. I don't advocate buying commercial meat. I advocate supporting local farms and sourcing local produce for anyone no matter their label as vegetarian or vegan. Meat is sacred for me, I'm so grateful I can afford good quality meat as it gives me optimal health both physically and psychologically. Because to execute my life work it requires for me to have a strong body and mind. I can't be sitting fasting or eating lettuce. Won't work.
  2. What do you mean? Elaborate my friend as you haven't said anything here. Empty statement.
  3. Are you blaming me for buying my food when in fact you yourself live in the same era and getting your food without wasted energy? Unless you live on air what would be interested to hear about. Where are your nuts, seeds and the rest coming from? What about exploitative labour, children working day and night to produce your plant based foods? Ever thought about that? Expand your mind and consider more perspectives. Here, I can shed some light for you. Now, you see very few perspectives. the human who east meat and the animals, in particular cows, beef and chicken. What about all other animal kingdoms, especially those small animals that are killed by agriculture and all people who labour in horrible conditions and even risk their lives. For example, avocado farming is also linked to deforestation, drug cartels and drought. For children, the agricultural sector is one of the most dangerous sectors in terms of work-related fatalities, dangerous accidents and occupational disease. I see you have this very simple view when in fact it's so much more complex. Shaming and blaming won't help.
  4. you're not ready for a conversation. You're flying here giving some wacky comparisons about eating faces. Cool your jets.
  5. ok ok... I let you slide this time
  6. But do you see your bias that you already made conclusions that interventional study based on meat diet would be unhealthy? You can't make conclusions based on your opinion. Saying that meat is unhealthy is an opinion that you took for granted. Again, there are no actual studies proving that.
  7. You go this wrong. It's not done because it's extremely expensive and who on earth would want to do this? Who is interested in people's health??? These studies are not funded because no one would be able to profit. There are hundreds of people who know and believe that meat is healthy and would be more than happy to conduct and participate in these studies but it costs crazy lots of money. You saying it's unethical to do interventional studies, it's bonkers :D Don't worry, no one is locking and keeping people in the basement . I give you one interventional study showing that eating meat is healthy. It was done on two people for 1 year! And what about Eskimos? they ate exclusively meat-only diet for hundreds of years and thrived. There are many other tribes. Tell me one tribe in the history of the world that lived on plant-diet? The study is here
  8. No, it's not. Find and share at least one INTERVENTIONAL study exclusively on meat proving that meat is unhealthy. I guarantee you that what you will find is only epidemiological studies based on surveys that are correlational. Anyway, I'm open to the possibility you'll find one.
  9. From my experience, eating nose-to-tail I've felt the most elevated consciousness and clarity. I sleep well, motivated to meditate have so much energy to exercise and do what's important. It's crucial that is makes me healthy and energetic. That's fundamental because without physical and mental health I can't do anything. I can't help myself, be efficient let alone go there and contribute to society. Yes, we don't need to hunt as we're privileged in this day and age that someone else can raise and hunt animals for us so we can do something else with our time. Your health and wellbeing is the key. We just got to make sure we do it ethically and holistically. Which is a complex issue. I can only start by taking small local actions.
  10. @datamonster by the way, you shared more than one source. Not fair play!
  11. @datamonster thanks for sharing. I absolutely agree with the ethical issues concerning the animals. But I don't agree at all with those who say it's not right and unhealthy to eat animal-based products. Our ancestors thrived eating animals for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't think we're more intelligent just yet to know better. Exploding human population and greed led us to cruel farming but it doesn't mean that we have to forget where we're coming from from the evolutionary perspective. Most of the meat I source is from local farms where animals are treated fairly and kindly. They do what animals supposed to do - graze all day long outside, sleep and repeat. Your perspective encouraged me to embody my values of health further by trying to source ALL my animal-based products from local farms and completely avoid commercial supermarkets. Thanks!
  12. @datamonster From 27:40 to 29:50. These words speak to my soul. I feel that this is the optimal embodiment of values of health and how we relate to the animal kingdom in this day and age; from my perspective . It's about celebrating the sacred life of the animal kingdom that sustains our lives and provides optimal health to thrive and pursue a good life. What about you? Share yours.
  13. @datamonster it's a highly complex system. There are so many stakeholders involved in factory farming and agriculture and it's highly monopolised. It's very deep stuff. It'll take years and years to work out how to feed billions of people by holistic and ethical means. And for now, I do my best and I respect others for doing their best. My housemate is vegan and I have nothing but respect for her trying to lead a healthy lifestyle to what she thinks is the best. We agree on some things and don't on others and that's okay. All I care about is to have an intelligent kind conversation.
  14. This is not true. Ruminant animals graze of the grass and live on hay during winter. they need nothing else, literally. Sustainable farms also raise free-range pigs and chickens. I agree that there is a war between vegans and carnivore advocates. I don't claim to be myself a carnivore. I don't need labels. it closes the mind and prevents considering alternatives. From my experience, I feel the best eating meat. I feel spiritually and mentally elevated. I respect the life cycle I love animals I'm so thankful. I see hunting or raising animals as sacred acts. I remember when I was vegan, I believed that this is the best way of eating and I felt superior because I thought I'm caring for animals and nature. However, now eating meat and sourcing products locally, I'm more humble, more open-minded. I even feel more connected to the animal kingdom from a spiritual perspective than when I was a vegan. Because know I feel grateful for sustaining my life and giving me optimal health as before it was more about ego.
  15. There are no interventional studies done to prove that red meat is unhealthy. All these claims about red meat are based on the epidemiological studies that are based on surveys. Majority of the population eat meat with bread, chips and soda on the side so it's not true to say that red meat is unhealthy. It's only correlation. As far as my research goes, regenerative farming is the most sustainable means of producing meat. It supports the entire ecosystem, ensures high-quality soil and ethics. There are already some farms who practice this, however, it'll take many years for us to awaken to this way of producing meat large scale and ensuring environmental sustainability. Personally, I can still contribute. I go to farmers markets as often as possible and eat mostly seasonal local organic produce. in this way, I support local farming and the environment.
  16. Hey I quit coffee a month ago after consuming for my whole life since I was like 16 years old. I feel okay though it still feels weird to drink tea in the morning. I thought this book I share below may help you to educate yourself and make a decision easier. I haven't read it myself but if you do please share your opinion/insights.
  17. It brought me to tears... I've been working on the shadow and my inner child recently and finding this feels like a true blessing. thank you
  18. Hey I've been losing my motivation to self actualise after seeing Leo's videos of, and further reading about, the ego-developmental stages by Cook-Greuter. Why really try to be and do your best, endure discomfort on yourself by exercising, working hard and avoid pleasures when in the higher stages, in particular construct-aware stage, you realise that there is no inherent meaning in life? Literally, you realise that what you worked for is a mind-construct, another concept of the mind, an illusion. What do you think? Do you feel that Leo should produce more motivational content? because I do...
  19. Thanks, this makes so much sense. I struggle with confusion, hence scepticism too. It really is extraordinary challenging to embrace and navigate through confusion and not-knowing. It's like not having stability, flouting in the unknow. Ego simply doesn't want this as it's scary. Sometimes it feels like I'm a bit cuckoo from questioning so much and not getting any solid, assuring answers.
  20. Great! Let me know if it made sense and was useful
  21. Hey guys I need to share this with you. Long story short, I've been an avid Leo's follower since early 2016. In addition to other books and psychedelics, I've watched every single Leo's video, many of them 2 or 3 times. Yesterday, I came across this book: Boundless Awareness: A Loving Path to Spiritual Awakening and Freedom from Suffering by Michael A. Rodriguez . I've finished reading the book already. It's absolutely magical. It's helped me to connect so many dots. The writer has a similar history as Leo's being in academia and then leaving to pursue the spiritual path as he realised that academia didn't allow to seek the real truth. He beautifully and simply explains what is awareness/consciousness, makes a distinction between I-thought and awareness. Explains the structure (awareness) vs content (your life) and he talked about the true meaning of self-love which was an amazing aha moment for me. Basically, this book has so much in common with many of Leo's videos that I thought they should get married! The book's really helped me to deepen and integrate many of the concepts shared by Leo, especially about grasping your true nature through direct experience and detaching from the conceptual, psychological illusion of 'I'. Finally, I would say that I've been always seeing the spiritual path as rather challenging, hard and unique. However, I've realised that it's much simpler and easier. It's not about gaining something and becoming something; it's all about removing stuff and self-emptying to awaken to your true nature that you've always been. Cheers!
  22. This requires questioning and deep thinking. I can't understand how my mind attaches meaning to everything by being. it takes contemplation // self-reflection.
  23. It plays too many tricks. The more I've been diving into the work of self actualisation, the more I've been feeling confused and tripped over by my ego. I had to take time and learn about confusion and accept that it's an inherent part of this work