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Everything posted by Husseinisdoingfine

  1. Although, I see absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying soda or alcohol in absolute rarity. I never drink soda, except when I go on my once a year vacations.
  2. Socialism doesn’t work because last time it was tried, Sylvester Stallone personably killed one hundred trillion gorrillion people vuvuzula no iPhone.
  3. I recently read from Don. Edward Beck, that to take the view that human's are naturally good, or naturally bad, is the wrong perspective as what matters is the life conditions. The philosopher, Jean Jacque Rousseau, proposed the idea that human's in their natural state out in the wild are ''noble savages''. That society is what corrupts people and creates evil, hence civilized Europeans were more wicked than the Native Indians for whom he took the term: 'noble savage', from. This is the same view of humans the current Dalai Lama takes. But then there's the more Christian view on the matter, that humans are born naturally wicked and we must use religion to suppress our natural, genetically imprinted desires to be evil. This view was taken by Thomas Hobbes, who held the view that, humans are ''naturally vainglorious and so seek to dominate others and demand their respect''. Society does not corrupt, but does the opposite, as given the condition of human nature, life out side of society would be as he put it: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”. So, the question I'm asking here is: Are humans noble savages, or savage beasts?
  5. @Leo Gura Oh 100% agree. The very computers that twitch streamers use was indeed created through exploitive means, the very mineral and recourses used to create these computers. They use these computers to run YouTube and Twitch, empires built on wage slavery. Only from this can they espouse anti-Capitalism. It's a very twisted game.
  6. There is actually nothing in Socialist theory against amassing wealth. Socialists are not concerned with how much money someone has, but rather how they obtained it. As long as the wealth was not attained via exploitation of the working class through extracting the value they produce by owning the means of production, proper Socialists should have no issue with what Hassan Abi is doing.
  7. I do ask those answering this thread to answer the poll.
  8. Hmmm… I disagree, just consume it in moderation. Like, one Newspaper, or Internet Article reading session a week will do. And make sure to have some sort of breaking news alert system you follow just in case something serious happens, like a Twitter account or a push notification series. Staying oblivious to the world around you is not healthy or smart. But I do indeed agree with you that mindlessly consuming political infotainment YouTubers and twitch streamers is a waste of time and not conducive to anything healthy. Top 10 rappers Eminem was too afraid to diss. When is your album coming out?
  9. I found this really cool article of all the religious markings the Department of Defense uses on their tombstones.
  10. Which is ironic as Israelis are an incredibly Nationalistic people.
  11. The solution is simple: Make sure you're getting 8 hours of sleep a night No screens before bed Sleep on the floor Sleeping on the floor makes it incredibly easy to wake up in the morning, it's what monks do.
  12. UPDATE: President Biden's speech on the matter
  13. UPDATE: It is confirmed that innocent people died in the raid
  14. The lack of sensitivity people display towards the Holocaust is atrocious, sometimes going as far too holocaust denialism or revisionism. Generation Z's on TikTok actually made a ''Holocaust challenge''. Fun fact: The former Prime Minister of Israel is a Holocaust revisionist, who claims that the Palestinians were behind the Holocaust by plating the seeds in Hitler's head.
  15. Before you demonize Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church has a deep mystical tradition, and so did the Catholics. The Orthodox call enlightenment: ‘Illumination’. It’s probably the purest form of Christianity. There is even evidence that Christianity began as a mushroom cult.
  16. Of course it won’t “solve your problem” because you don’t have a problem. Sexual craving is a sign of health and vitality. It’s unhealthy people who lose their drive. But still don’t masturbate, keep doing no-fap. Masturbation screws up your mind and body in various ways.
  17. I wanted to share this Wikipedia article: I would also like to share this short article: In Arabic; أنا/ana means I, ال/al means am, and haqiqa/حقيقة means truth. I have heard from other written sources on this topic that this particular mystic did not say; ''I am the truth'', but rather simple, I am the truth, without the word, the.
  18. Even the prophet Muhammad was once have been to have said that the whole Earth was mosque.
  19. This would make a good blog post for Leo.
  20. I'm finding, detecting contradictions within Leo's teaching. Or at least what I suspect to be contradictions. I recently saw a clip by Sadghuru talking about how important it was to take Politics seriously, Leo did the same thing in his Conscious Politics series. He made in his Zen Devil video, how enlightenment should make you more caring, not less. But recently Leo came back confirming Solipsism, and how when I die, society and all other people will vanish from existence. Also the imperfect world that we live in only exists because God is entertaining himself. So if that's the case, than why should I give a shit about Society? If society crashes and burns, so what? It's just me and my solipsism in this universe. so when I die, all the ''other'' people will vanish.