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Everything posted by Applegarden

  1. If you have nothing to do and wanna test stuff out try to project a desire for long periods of time for 30 days or something of 30 minutes every day.
  2. I think this is where it should end, if I were you. Just don't log on that website. If he blows up in your face, then "I have a boyfriend" answer, and any excuse after that, if this continunes, ignore, block and don't feel guilty about it. He does not own you.
  3. Yes, like 4/20 sessions. One was when I was a child and I had a terrible cough, so basically the healer did something with a candle that after that for a day, everything I ate I vomited and my cough started to subside. I to this day don't know if it was related but energetically she did something, I could feel while she did it, it was different. Ohh and I went to a puja, generally if you want a good experience, i suggest some forms of hindu rituals, pujas, readings from devi's e.c.t. - that has been the best by far. These experiences will vary from what they do to you, but yes, these just have been the best. And the best experiences was from the events that were usually free of cost. If you can get your akashik records read by some initiate with a deity, that is by far the best experience I have had. There was a tarot reader who predicted my life for 5 years in terms of carrieer. From 2018 to 2023 - so far I am rereading what she wrote and it does match my life events, she predicted my neighbour situation exactly at the begining if 2021. I may give her fiverr details if you want but that reading cost me 60 eur or something. In 2013, when I met my first healer, he showed me Osho, and my journey basically started, altho his healings didn't do much, he did improve some peoples lives and he himself is very healthy at 80 years something. Rest of his 10 sessions was not very useful or so.
  4. I do agree in general, because i am seeing this happen in my life as I am putting more attention to myself. And it takes quite some time to change yourself, but it is happening.
  5. Generally, yes, they do something to you. I have met with few, each may do something different to you. Most will just meddle with your energies and its like an ok energy bath and you will feel somewhat lighter e.c.t., but it will go and nothing physical will really get healed. There may be healers with siddhis e.c.t. but you will not meet these often. Between these two there are variety of healers that can do various things like purifying your energies with candles, checking for curses, predicting your future, yes, those things are possible and in my experience. What are the downsides? Usually expensive, you are merely funding their lifestyle. You will want to come again, and feel dependant on them and then they will lure money out of you. They may insert a range of beliefs in your head which they believe life is may be false, because you trust them, you might soak everything up. It may not bring ling term well being, just a pleasant experience, it is almost like a drug. All that said... there are very powerful people who acctually can perform crazy stuff, but good luck finding, verifying who they are. I would rather do yoga or something, like kriya yoga e.c.t. That has far morw chances to heal you, improve your quality of life, bring stability and doesn't cost too much or at all, because once you learn, you can do for the rest of your life.
  6. @Preety_India You know, on one hand, I have been told that India is a hellhole with little sanitation, poverty, overpopulation, corruption, lack of education e.c.t. and when I complimented a guy on his Indian culture, he got visibly upset with me. At the other hand what that country has, incredible diversity between spiritual groups, weirdest and nost delicate buildings like temples e.c.t., the whole system of yoga comes from India, it has its natural sacred places like Himalayas and a fantastical surreal history written in forms of various Gitas and so on. Damn, the brits really did damage the Indian culture.
  7. Yes this is a good method. Trust the life process and visualize what you want every day. This is so underrated.
  8. Ohh that is 100% yes for me, I know pretty much exactly what I want, if I didn't have enemity problems, I would have done what I wanted and kept doing it, as I am anyway...
  9. Otherwise, how aren't they dead. The USSR used to pour mercury in people's shoes to poison them over time. YES, and the mercury is not liquid, how about that!
  10. Well, with 'guidelines' I mean, most importantly the gentle focus on the third eye and putting most of the attention on the movement of the breath while checking if your eyes are slightly upturned so it creates that natural/gentle focus. You can do yoga wrong you can do an asana wrong or be in the wrong condition to do the asana (full stomach of food for example) and it can cause harm, pain, and bigger issues. Okay, its okay about the sincerety thing, what I was saying with sincerety is, doing no more or less just to get the optimal benefits from the practice, obviously I didn't mean devotion or anything, that is with you, as you explained. Even if you don't deliver results (which I really doubt, since for me some results/difference happened about day 10) this method of checking for yourself will prove worthwhile at some point on your life. For sure, I would love to hear! If you are really interested you can also watch some isha kriya feedback vids.
  11. Good I will follow on your profile, feel free to PM me anytime if you want to. Remember, do it not because I said, but because you are finding out what you want to find out. And before you reach to ANY conclusions: - Did you do it sincerely (by following optional guidlines, it is okay to slip, be distracted, it's ok, just come back to the process), regularly, once a day, so it builds up, mark a calendar or something; Make sure not to concentrate too much on the third eye, I won't tell you any spoilers/it is nothing extreme, but VERY significant. What you reap is what you sowe. Best of luck!
  12. This forum: One guy makes a challenging post asking: "Are you enlightened?" Forum users: "I think you are projecting, dude." The author of the post: "Nah man, you are projecting." Forum users: "Saying no u in a lot of words" And may the projection olympics begin...
  13. Well, to all those who want to take skeptical position or think he is a fraud, lol, just do his isha kriya for 90 days, once a day or attend his programs or learn sambhavi mahamudra, and TEST for yourself. Obviously this mindset of wanting to find one/few reasons to dismiss just about everything/big things in life. Will this mindset help you grow? You will be on these forums disagreeing forever. If you really want to know, you will also know, this is what I and people like @Chi_ did. Peace.
  14. Anyway, besides the point I made few posts ago, I guess I can use some time to organize what I want to do. I had some experiences in a new angle, nothing profound. I want to go more towards exploring the third eye chakra related techniques, besides the obvious basic improvements in life. Why third eye or ajna chakra? Because it generates something called Ojas - one of it's benefits is basically that it resuces the impact of your emotions and toughts, so basicaly it reduces the life process influence on your being, another is that it brings bliss - obviously, if you are blissful, you feel life is not a curse and that this whole thing is not an accident! It also shows me that you are something far greater and older than the body and mind. To be truthful, you are far older than the sun and earth, and the creation itself. Any number of big bangs and repetitions of the implosions of the universe - you are older than that. after all, your energies establishing themselves in the third eye is better than staying in the manipuraka, swadishtana or muladara. Closer to sahasrara! As many kriya yogis say, don't bother about your enlightenment just yet, do your practice (sadhana) and psychic powers, glimpses will come to you. Enlightenment will be easier to get if you have built versatility for life - if you have built yourself away from your compulsions, have capacity to let go your identity and desires, if you are not taking loans and relying on physical identities, you simply won't be needing to pay them back and you can invest in what you want, to sit for 16 hours in one place or more, and take the straightest line towards the goal. Even if it doesn't work, because it requires maturity, the connection if the master assures your conscious evolution, which depends on the mastery of the master. This results in liberation or in more conscious bodies in the next births. If you are entangled with sadhguru for example, the last moment liberation is assured, if you keep yourself clean enough and are not conspiring and angry with the master. I will just compile every Nithyananda video on third eye I have watched as you get subtle clues, for example what is kundalini shakti e.c.t. Third eye meditation will also allow me to fall into the state of turiya when I fall asleep. So I am also going to do this third eye meditation, I wish I knew sadhgurus shambhavi mahamudra since it is more agressive and faster way, because you are using mudras and your energies, not just letting the master "in" so" to say. Anyway, for unusual results i need unusual methods, and it has helped me by far, more than any conversation, consolation, friendship e.c.t.
  15. Based on my current situation, I decided that I will be playing, experimenting and writing my personal experience from experiments with various mediation techniques from Nithyananda. Here I am only focused on sharing the content and experience from the techniques that have been present for thousands and thousands of years rearranged to the language and lifestyle for a common man. The techniques Nithyananda is speaking about are already there in some part of the hindu tradition, wether Patanjali sutras, Shiva sutras, Siddha tradition e.c.t. - they are sentiment to the legacy and the versatiliy of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to show that there are in fact many paths to enlightenment and in fact always have been. Why Nithyananda? Because he is the only guru I have seen giving such eloberate detail in his recitings of the various teachings of spirituality, with the content, you will see what I am talking about. I have been on and off benefiting from this guru particularly the most by far. Not only the practicality of the teachings, but also the radiance of his form is something I don't think I have witnessed as powerfully, another example I might think is Poonjaji (Papaji) and Ramana Maharishi or Osho who really reflected this sielence on me. Important notice, if you will post exposees of Nithyananda, this is not the place to do so, get your garbage elsewhere and go follow real gurus like Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Shpira e.c.t. who say and do what you want to hear, not really sure if you attain liberation that way, but I am hopeful that you will. I feel like I will become more and more furious and ferocious once I integrate these techniques more and more and I will briefly explain that later. If you want to try these techniques yourelf, please, go ahead, that is my aim also. To share the content and experiences and to make use of my bad situation of being repressed and penalized, because I play guitar by acctually unethical and somewhat illegal methods - disrupting my sleep constantly. This brings me to the first chapter. Sleep, rest and turiya state of consciousness Because of constanty disrupted sleep and disrupted sleep and waking cycle because night shifts and it's negative side effects on health and my guitar playing being on the line - sleepiness reduces creativity and drive for activity on a free day and the constant shouting at me, either to insult me for something or to warcry after they succesfully disrupted my sleep, it just brings more anger, fear, depression and feeling of being deprived, repressed and feeling like an animal e.c.t. just for the simple fact of even playing tapping guitar and synth. Not only I want to improve my quality of slep but I don't want to become a part of the perpetual victim cycle - even when they succesfully did their violence of stopping me from playing guitar for some time, they are anyway angry and anyway their anger is there. I don't want to be like that so let me work on completely opposite direction of as much self-reflection as possible; even while I can't pursue my dreams - I will improve my health and quality of consciousness, which I am very fortunate enough to know where to look. So what do I want in particular: - I want to master the art of sleeping in turiya state to move towards enlightenment in my sleep, I know first hand this is possible to do; - I don't want to dream ever again, because: -- Dreaming is distorting my life and making the lusts and delusions I carry stronger, it will rest my body/mind more and reduce the time of daydreaming and reduce the time of sleep needed; -- I personally find dreaming useless as I want to produce something in the outher world in waking and I don't do the psychic, occult stuff where you do stuff with dreams e.c.t., don't really care about it, my primary goals are restfulness and enlightenment; -- Dreams, wether good or bad feels existentially disconnecting (dark night of the soul effect after waking up) and you have to set yourself to move onwards; - Want to make sleep efficient, minimum time for the maximum restfulness, minimum impact of sleep disruption; - I want to learn how to fall asleep very fast in short amount of time even being disrupted again and again, and I want to fall asleep fast in places with noise; - I would like to train myself to wake up before alarms also; - I want to wake up blissfull; - I want to share my findings; - I want to prevent oversleeping, insomnia, nightmares, chronic fatigue, and sleep in the healthiest way possible, even when napping; - I want to open other non-mechanical parts of my brain, besides enlightenment to experience life more intensly, regardless of the action. Primary Objectives: - Collect many meditation techniques, which directly interlink with sleep and helps one reach turiya state of consciousness; - Explain, find a reference to the states of consciousness to explain what turiya is and what other states of consciosness are there; - Keep doing the techniques and share my experiences from time to time; - Enhance my life and start pushing back to the bullies by being alive as possible and keep playing the instruments, even if it means that I have to live 10 times more intensly and more healthy than them, so they have to come to me and start arguing, compromising with me, because of their violence becoming useless; (Until then, I will be patiently waiting, I have other solutions also, like getting a car and practicing other places, but this I can deal with too, as there is always more to do to solve your problems and increasing my quality of consciousness while doing nothing else is completely fine with me also); - Being alive enough to start causing my reality and living in a way that would make me want to take another births as I would see more and more, I am acctually not a victim; The meditation techniques (qouted from Living Enlightenment - Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda "This technique has two parts: one that you do when you fall asleep, when you are lying in the bed and the second one that you do whenever you can remember during the whole day. The first one will create more energy to do the second part and vice versa. They are complementary to each other. First part: when you lie down, before falling asleep, just remember the area near the ajna chakra* or the third eye, the center of the forehead. Do not concentrate. If you force yourself, if you start concentrating, your sleep will be disturbed and you will have a headache. Just remember that area in a relaxed way, the way you look at a flower, just casually. Slowly, you will see that you are relaxing, you are slowly dropping into the deep sleep state. Just be aware of this movement into deep sleep, that is enough. First day, you may feel that you are not falling asleep at all and that your sleep is getting delayed by ten or fifteen minutes. Don’t bother about it. Just be aware of the prana movement in the ajna chakra* . You will be aware that you are dreaming. If you want to continue the dream, you will continue. If you don’t feel like it, you will come out. There will be no intensity to the dream. The next step, you will start having the dreamless sleep. That is the deeper level. Once you start having the dreamless sleep you will also start having the dreamless day. Dreamless day means that your energy will be conserved without day-dreaming. If you are aware of the prana, that is enough. It will automatically come back to the higher energy, and your body will heal itself as the flow of prana is directly related to all your diseases. Above all, when you are able to change your dream, when you are able to handle your dream, you will have the intense power and energy to handle the incidents of your life." p.174-175 States of consciousness explanations: "When you have ‘I’ Consciousness and thoughts, you are in the waking state (jagat), the state in which you are right now. In this state, ‘I’ has more frequency than your thoughts. So you can control your thoughts. When you are without ‘I’ consciousness but having thoughts, you are in the dream state (swapna). In the dream state, your thoughts are at a higher frequency than your ‘I’ consciousness. That is why you have thoughts in your dreams but you are not able to control them. When you are without ‘I’ Consciousness and not having any thoughts, you are in the deep sleep state (sushupti). Normally, we are aware of only these three states – waking, dream and deep sleep. The fourth state is where you have I consciousness but no thoughts - turiya." p.219
  16. Please gather around to listen to this relaxing bedtime story, don't be shy, it will be nice.
  17. Yes, but only the spine stretches and neck streches.
  18. Yes, she has a right to block you, simply because there is this option to block people. For whatever reason. And if they block, DON'T run after them, what value they are adding in your life? Just forgeth them. Otherwise, asking for feedback is somewhat valid, and it seems that you are getting it. Yeah, so don't take it personally and don't waste energy on people closing off to you in any waym
  19. You know, i think I reached the point of developing enough to stop watching and it contains using the forum also. There is a difference between talking about taking actions and go into endless mental masturbation and asking pointless questions that you didn't even bother to find the answer to. I don't even need to journal, it takes time. My precious time where I can acctually do the practices and inquire for things that matter like taking notes on diet, like the numbers and short points why to eat that and this. This sharing is too expensive, i don't have time for this if I want to produce an album, for example or get enlightened. Be very careful.about the advices you recieve, it can either be harmful to you or strenghten your illusions about something. This is just another social media. If you acctually care to mold your life, you will just need to take action. There is too much of planning going on that goes on waste with people usually. So the whole thing becomes meaningless. Pointlwss to describe my experiences in meditation e.c.t., first of all, who will listen and secondly, let me do the practice and see, there is no shortcut to experience, you can't really explain and there comes a point where you can't even ask a question, because you know, there is nothing really to ask at some point. Just do your practice and watch the unfoldment happen. Any people here will say that you already are what you are seeking, how many of them are enlightened? So you see, it is more like a disciple - disciple bargaining. If you really want to know, you will look at a master, just like you will look at somebody who has lost weight, if you want to lose weight and want to know how to lose weight. Yes and i am aginst psychedelics. Breaks your nervous system, before you can even build it to hold bliss, so it leaves you fatigued and miserable. And so many hallucinations, how do you know they are genuine!? Otherwise I would just watch a movie if I wanted to see illusion, because my nervous system doesn't get damaged from it. I really have nothing to say. Yes I do the techniques mentioned above. They work. Very simple. Nothing to add. Let me live the benefits and manifest my dreams and die blissfully. Thanks Leo for being there 6 years back when nobody could satisfy my frustration. For the users. For whatever reason you got here, at some point you have to get moving. Otherwise it is just a addiction. Entertainment. Sorry for being harsh. But it is true. If you don't like, don't read. Let you all live as jeevan mukthas. Let your death lead to enlightenment. Peace! Applegarden
  20. Wow, just remembered this guy and how big of an influence he is on my dreams to conduct my downtuned microtonal jazz/metal experiments... Hits like a truck...
  21. Hmm, yes hello... Thinking about creating a proper youtube channel of microtonal music theory and pieces. I have deleted many, even the one that had 20 subs. Something bad happens and I just delete it. I don't want to share anything when I am miserable. Just meditate the sorrow of and go existential-mode until the courage happens again and again. Yes... the neighbour, the wage slavery... ups and downs... but there have been many ecstatic ups that makes me wanna quit music for good. But I feel like I have something unique to share, it just requires presitence to do, in this lifetime. Bought a voice recorder for the neighbour, just in case... for the legals. And buying a saraswati figurine, that used to be my profile pic. I have some consciousness experiments to do meanwhile I can't do anything. Yesterday I got a bit of an awakening or little experience, maybe enlightenment related, I do not know. Anyway I feel like a proper educational yt would be nice since I can do everything quietly, except narration. And slowly working up pieces of music of two types. Guitar based, electronic based or both - only microtonal. I am particularly interested in avant-garde with the electronic stuff. Could be cool to structure avant garde in a structure like mathcore while keeping it's qualities in tight rythm. Seems like a lot of trial and error. Marryane Amacher did it her way. But she did it full time. Anyway. Despite everything I am so grateful for this life.
  22. What a fantastic day this will be, 24 hours until uninterrupted eternal bliss. I would just close off to people and spend time in the nature, walking in some direction to a forest or something.
  23. What an interesting perspective, if you think about it. Everyone is going mad, rushing after sex, romance, marriage, rushing to make babies in fear that the biological clocks will stop. In hurry to get the best mate. In hurry to have companionship. To get what everyone else seems to have. But I am really starting to "get it" about why celibacy could be the one of the best decisions. I just need a little work, I already do spirituality, family is what I am not after and I have seen too many examples of romantic relationships being a cheap bargaining and exploiting asset as even the most mundane things can become suffering. In that sense, I want to be free and I want to seek enlightenment. My life would be just so much better if I saw a peer woman's body as just another body and had no reaction or interest in it. I wouldn't need to go all this attention need e.c.t. And like, there really is little time. Third of the day sleeping, third to second part - working, some time, spending to improve my life or spiritual practice and then I would like to play some guitar... No time for relationship whatsoever...
  24. I think I will just keep this as a fear journal - description of fears in my life and the feeling it creates and that I use this technique to relieve myself of these fears. It will be very simple straightforwards in doing and sharing together if anyone is interested + you may benefit, be relieved to see that you and I and alot of other people share. It is also a concretized reference to bring up recent fears for more intense and productive practice of nirbhaya dhyaana. I will keep these frightening events short while being descriptive enough for my liking. I noticed in general that my perception of fear starts really changing, i feel more and more free, feeling ok as I am are. I wouldn't give up this feeling for any possesion, achievement. With thise whole effort I would really lile the change few or even just one aspects of my life completely. Either sleeping in turiya, having a siddhi (psychic power, intuition), being free from fear or/and lust, changing the quality of consciousness in some way, having more glimpses of enlightenment, feeling blissfull all the time, sleeping low amounts and having no craving for junk food/media. Having courage to act upon my authentic desires e.c.t. So the list of fears today (could be earlier fears also): - Deciding when to start chilling the batch of newly fermented beer, not really knowing the exact parameter (degree of fermentation) of when to do it creates fear in me, fear of doing something wrong, fear of inevitable bad outcome, because of the unpredictability of chilling, and speed of fermentation and lack of experience and fear of co-workers yelling, shaming me for being unable, discriminating, rejecting me in some way or giving some penalty for that, also the fear of asking or calling or even meeting that co-worker appears, because she has yelled at me for being an idiot, she clearly rejects me in some way, i am in fear to deal with this again and again, so i am letting these fears overwhelm me but I don'8t create the greed of overcoming the fear so it stays in the floating in the emotional layer, where it melts down in my nervous system in blissfullness. - I am affraid to even go and perform some action just to check the temperature for one of the chilling beer tanks, because I feel I will be shamed or gaslit, feeling like I am doing something wrong again, or that I am doing her job while she is there and I am not supposed to do till she leaves, or that it get chilled too much and she will attack me for not watching it chill to the right temperature earlier; - Fear of neighbours disrupting my sleep for playing guitar and sometimes even because I type on the keyboard and press synth keys (yeah, i even use phone to write and keypad to write, because it is quiet, so these stalkers are left with shouting - what are you doing all day? Just sitting on the net?), it is not even the fear itself of not falling asleep but the fear of side effects of not sleeping well enough and it affecting my working and creativity; - irritation, anger (active form of fear) from the passive-agressive and sneaky abuse from multiple neighbours stalking what I do, shouting some insulting slurs at night "you are just a baby living with his mom", "you are conplete 0", "you are a manchild that only knows how to feed himself", "what are you doing/stop sitting in front of computer screen", "you can't play guitar for shit", "your music sounds shit", "you are not playing guitar, underestand!", "ohh, you can't play guitar now, will you start crying?", "why are you not playing guitar now, huh?", "Answer me!", "I will break your guitars", "I will beat you up", "I will fuck up your sleep the whole night", "You are fucked, i don't care", rythimc bangs on the celing, floor, walls when I am sleeping from my nightshift and at night also, constantly opening and closing doors of closets that ring from resistance. (Fyi, i have ignored all of this, and will do, because this is the best tactice I have ever applied, you can clearly see their corrouption and hyporcisy, e.c.t., but this is not about them, this js about me and my fears); - The fear of my guitar playing, ability to practice and to release what I want to enrich to the world being taken away from me; - The fear of my health deteriorating and stomach hurting, eyesight worsening, head hurting sometimes, fear of accidents, loosing limbs, ability to physically play the instrument or hear or work e.c.t.; - Fear of losing my job and source of income as I did made one bad mistake in my workplace last summer Here's few for now... Alot will come repetetive and it is fine. This is a good reference to get back to the feelings. I don't know where I would be without these techniques. I feel young, blissfull, far-sighted, like a human should feel. Ok as himself. Not as these frozen, rotten people who devote their life towards trying to ruin other people's lives, wasting literally quarter of their day if not more in front of their children, doing this abuse and then hiding behind labels as: "look at me, I am a father, i am so much better than you, let me give you advice you didn't even ask for what you should do with your life to end up just as miserable as me!" Well to say what I think: 1) You make children for sense of comfort, company and that you will have a sense of accomplishment that you have what most people have and think is accepted in the society and that you will have something to do. Thinking this is selfless is delusion, you want children is just to have an asset. It might be the biggest sugar-coated delusion, but really people make children and then posses then with their values and and sometimes even make them as their screaming and sometimes even punching bags. If you really are selfless, you will do volunteering, charity e.c.t., altho it for alot of the time, it is calculated and therefore, not really selfless. There is nothing amazing in my worldview in any particular action. You can do everything I can do. I can do everything you can do. Ofc acknowledging the physiological imitation as in gender ofc. Obv, i can't give birth to children. A big accomplishment to me would look like this - you can sit in one place and be happy/blissfull for lets say 16 hours. You living without getting angry. You radiating bliss, you being extraordinarily healthy, emotionally intelligent, listening, tolerating those who are tolerant. Having a high tolerance or resistance aginst corrouption and exploitation. You being a hard worker for little regard for reward and you having a vision and being loving, accepting person. You actively enriching other people. All these qualities are really admirable; 2)If your life is a mess and you are acting violently, the content of what you are saying on the topic of life advice is not very usefull; 3) You can't accept as I am, why should I even listen to you?;