Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. Lol, thanks for the compliment. Anyway... if you don't sense that there is something off about that video, then I don't know what to tell you, brother.
  2. Mmmmm, exactly what a cult follower would say. 👌
  3. Exactly.
  4. The world is illusion. Only Brahman is real. The world and Brahman are one. Wonderfully paradoxical, isn't it?
  5. Good. Got me worried there for a second!
  6. Being the incurable Richard Wagner nut that I am, I have to ask... where did you pick up this Tristan Chord stuff? I've seen you mention it many times, but somehow you don't strike me as an old school 19th century German Romanticism enthusiast?
  7. Not personally. But I just bought his autobiography... plan to read it during my upcoming India trip.
  8. What I am talking about is the simple law of energy conservation. Energy never disappears, it just transforms. And when you get a ball rolling, that ball will keep rolling until the energetic movement has run its course. You could also look at it through the lens of likelihood. When you go to bed at night and fall asleep, you may be "gone" for a while, but eventually you will wake up in the same bed again. Is there an incredibly slim possibility that you will wake up in a different bed inside a completely different room than the one that you fell asleep in? Sure there is, but it is much safer to assume that you will pick up from where you left off.
  9. Exactly.
  10. God and ego are not the same. The ego is a kind of focussed tunnel vision which makes the game of (human) life possible; you could say that it creates an illusion of finitude and of "this is better than that" in order to enable certain experiences. God on the other hand is boundless awareness aka. the All That Exists which has no focus, preferences or qualities. And in order to be able to tap into the boundless awareness which is the ground of everything, you need to be able to transcend the tunnel vision (which doesn't mean getting rid of it but making it transparent, so to speak). So yes, it is not wrong to say that the ego is a manifestation of God, but equating the two can lead to dangerous delusions.
  11. Usually people get into spirituality because they want to escape suffering. So initially, it is regarded as a way to improve life, which is of course a purely egotistical pursuit. The "rude awakening" happens once you realize that spirituality is not about improving life but about simply recognizing it for what it is.
  12. ...which is why it has been said that enlightenment is the ego's ultimate disappointment. Unless of course you find a way to use your "awakenings" for puffing up your ego even more, which seems to be the number one most popular sport on this website.
  13. That's okay. Even I don't understand them most of the time.
  14. I wouldn't hold my breath... but feel free to try.
  15. As you wish, your highness... if I'll remember to do it, that is. No guarantees!
  16. Here is my favorite inquiry question: "Isn't all of this amazing?" And the answer is (almost) always yes. But of course, the real magic happens when all questions dissappear and pure being remains.
  17. You don't necessarily need to have completely healed your own trauma in order to help someone else heal theirs. Psychological/emotional healing is always a communal process; as human beings, we are wired that way. By healing others, you heal yourself and vice versa. Which of course doesn't mean that you shouldn't look for a therapist who seems competent and where the personal chemistry feels right. But don't take this as an excuse for mistrusting all therapists and staying in your miserable comfort zone. Don't just hope. Do research, talk to people, try stuff out, find out what works and what doesn't. Don't fall for the Galileo effect fallacy of saying "I don't need to try this, I already know it's crap". Actually try it and verify for yourself if it works or not... and also give it some time before deciding that it's not the right thing. Mistrust and impatience are the two biggest hindrances on the long way towards true healing. Good luck, brother.
  18. I can send you my favorite chili recipe. If that won't ignite passionate burning love in whoever you are going to feed it to, then I don't know what will.
  19. The simple law of physics: What goes up must come down and vice versa. In fact, there is no down without up. The darker the night, the brighter the day that will necessarily follow it.
  20. Good. All else is utter horsecrap. And for God's sake, stop putting a blank space between the last word of a sentence and the period sign. It's irritating the hell out of me, ugh.