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Everything posted by DreamScape

  1. @Leo Gura What challenges do they face? just like issues with guys wanting only sex, or attraction issues? I really don't know.
  2. relax. meditation should be considered a practice of letting yourself relax, like you're laying down in a comfy bed with a heated blanket at nighttime. except without the sleeping part and without the tiredness part, and laying down part if you're not doing that. your body is like the most comfortable bed, and your neck and back being the pillow and support. the states of consciousness you'd reach thinking and practicing this would be beautiful btw. essentially lucidity and clearness come from acting upon that deeper place, theta realms (theta waves),which are accessed by relaxation, in which very practiced and developed practitioners of spirituality are very relaxed and still all of the time. headaches are caused by tension. make sure your upper back, neck, and mind are relaxed, and this should help. Breathing and allowing your body to breathe and move should help also.
  3. don't even do it. you've gotta life to live! don't waste it or let it go bc youre having the wrong type of thoughts ((which we all do, more or less)) LIfe is literally waiting for you to put your hands in and love every moment that you're in. There's so much to do!!
  4. @electroBeam hi electrobeam it's great to see you again
  5. yeah I mean you can still be normal and date normal people and even unawakened people when you are awakened. Because your awakening and path to awakening is independent of any external circumstances
  6. @mw711 would you mind explaining? not quite sure im understanding
  7. @Martin123 "set your fears aside, and meet her with the openness that only good can come out of what happens between the two of you. It this way you’re making sure that no amount of potential disappointment will sabotage your opportunity to grow and evolve!" Do we need to use relationships to deal with relationship based trauma?
  8. Just do some astral projection
  9. were all aspects of god, and god doesn't limit himself. Also, god isn't a human, so god doesn't operate within human constructs and limitations and consciousness. In a sense we're just projecting fear onto god through this question. The devil is a creation from the ego.
  10. What a Buddhist monk would say moments before ego death:
  11. it seems like the higher the amplitude, the more active the mind is. So of course. The higher in amplitude, the more refined it gets and the looser reality has a grip on itself. Naturally when you listen to something or expose yourself to a new element, your consciousness adapts to that.
  12. A funnel is the same size at the top and bottom. Realizing infinite funnel action has been pretty profound for me, and opens doorways to many other insights.
  13. @Leo Gura would you consider God consciousness pure creative consciousness There are many dimensions of higher consciousness
  14. She likes you but won't date you because low self esteem and she doesn't feel deserving. She appreciated the honesty btw, but naturally that puts you into more soul based relationships. "I don't want to have sex with you because I want to make a leap and not let myself get used. I told her I was happy for her and she broke down in tears (but she still didn't kiss me :s)" She's naturally gonna stay away btw and it has nothing to do with you "So today I met my FWB which whom I had contact for 2 months. It started with FWB but at a certain point she wanted more. To be clear, this was the first time I took a girl out and took her home." In which case I agree with leo at the bottom Was it really not worth it? Or was this unique experience that you'll never get again better than sex that youll have sooo many chances to have. IMO I value the experience "I think she will meet me again and have sex with me," she would. But youll naturally have to change the flow of the relationship. Make sure you know what you want. Naturally now she's gonna wanna be open, so honor that. Men seem to guide relationships
  15. earth frequency is very slow. You can describe it like how when sometjing is traveling light speed, it all looks like one singular energy form that has no distinctions. But since we are on a plane of existence that is dense and low frequency everything is drawn out and youre able to percieve distinctions, like the car example. At lower frequency, you can examine, study, etc with no problem. Like a cake, its whole until you cut it. Division is created from unity. Like humans who spawn from the earth, we were once all from the same place and yet the earth creates divisions and organisms. Low frequency is a manifestation of high frequency. You can use bigger words to make yourself seem more smart;) You cant create unity from division. In a way division needs to be terraformed to become whole. The cake example, youre gonna need to redo the icing and meld the divisions together. So the fact that reality is separate, there has to be one unitary whole first.
  16. @Member you feel pranic energy in your body. I have lots in the 7th. Like I know i have psychic abilities with scent because I feel pranic energy from my nose that connects to collective or wherever my attention focuses. Through that i can recieve info. Its not under my control though right now. Im sure in more ancient cultures they used this for many purposes.
  17. @Dodo Hahah. Dont want to tho. Creative energy needs to be focused on things more important than growing fingers ????? I know its possible because if I focus on it pranic energy goes to create that form. Things manifest first in the etheric and then physical. Like before puberty there was a period when your body went through an initiation that lasted some time and then it happened. Also I can set the intention and lots of focus but it would take lots of time for the physical to manifest. Dont have that much time. This is the essence of all manifestation btw.
  18. @Superfluo you just have to have a lot of attention. That's basically it.
  19. anything is possible with immense drive and vision you can literally feel the soul put into work when it's there.
  20. @Lyubov who do you think of when you say that? leo mentions becoming a high value provider, in which musicians and people like elon musk fall into.