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Everything posted by DreamScape

  1. It is Kundalini. It's a good thing, go deeper.
  2. @Shin That's where I'm talking from, not the current state of humanity.
  3. I'm preaching love and light. and judgments are? I haven't seen you make any points here.
  4. no you're not. for example, an expression of searching for power is a darker, denser expression of consciousness which lies dormant in the darkness. no, we just have different POV's coming from different angles of consciousness.
  5. @Leo Gura none of the ET races or any of the higher dimensional fields have police systems. simple. in the light there is no need to have police systems.
  6. @Depersonilized sorry, but the light refers to love. prisons and cops are byproducts of darkness. at one state of consciousness, they exist and at another they completely vanish.
  7. Start now! Bring more love to the table. The world is in desperate need of healing, love and enlightened selfless people.
  8. @Fran11 the thing is all darkness is is the absence of light. For example, I know a story of a person who felt trapped in a relationship for years before killing their wife. Is he to blame or the darkness that led him to that decision? If he was open, more light, and space was allowed for him to come out and express himself, that would've never happened. As stated above, darkness is just the absence of light.
  9. @Leo Gura that isn't true. love is inclusiveness, forgiveness, and companionship. An awakened society would not have jail systems. that's darkness, not light.
  10. hybrid beings exist in the universe, like cross breeding animals, and I am that except between being an earth angel and other star systems. You are a human for sure, but your soul could have ET relations that you don't even know of because of the veil of forgetfulness on this planet.
  11. I don't think it's based on genetics as much as it's based on soul history. for example, I'm a earth angel and starseed hybrid being and I'm only 19, but my third eye chakra and crown chakra are so activated it's insane. I'm also hyper intuitive as frijoles. Kundalini awakening started at the crown chakra two years ago. I've been able to anchor so much light it's insane. Soul requires developmental periods and it takes a long time. Nothing is taken for granted or handed out for free.
  12. Yes and no. Firstly, heaven is everywhere. Secondly, heaven is a frequency that you connect to. So at the same time, it is NOT everywhere. There are planets that you are born into and heaven is the dominant frequency and you live in it every day like breathing air. The same goes for the earth, except we hold different frequencies in our collective field.
  13. You gotta go slow. Lol. Start with the shallow water before diving into the deep end.
  14. @EntheogenTruthSeeker yes I have experienced the frequency of heaven. It was channeled by @Martin123
  15. I don't think surrender is a good word. I think transformation and embodiment is better.
  16. Yeah personally here too I had a suicide attempt due to disassociation from his teachings. His teachings taught about death and getting rid of the ego, and I did just that, only to get super disassociated and ungrounded. I tapped super into the spiritual world because of this and attracted demonic spirits which lead me to feeling like I had no other choice besides suicide. After 9 months of trying to recover from the energetic damage that I've done to myself I'm still healing and dealing with some of these issues, and with the help of angels, I will be saved. Also I do agree Leo is arrogant and rude to people on this forum and makes assumptions about people before even knowing them.
  17. Heaven is a frequency amongst the infinite frequencies that exist in the universe
  18. It's put in place because it interferes with the status quo by it being legal, as seen with the "counter"culture movement. If it was legal, society would change. That's why it's illegal
  19. It's not. it's actually a 7th chakra expression and you can pull ideas from the nonphysical, (our souls are nonphysical) leave your body and let another come in, and frequencies (in which everything has a frequency expression). Like matt kahn, he channels frequencies (for example in Thy Will Be Done he channelled the frequency of heaven. When our minds are in a neutral state we can tap into the 7th chakra's power and channel ideas by the way, which is why meditating causes an increase in creativity.
  20. awesome! I had an experience with another soul attempting to sell my soul for power. Basically we are just little tiny orbs of consciousness that occupy this big body. I couldn't really control myself at the time ( i suffer from disassociation) and pulled it in and i had the experience of seeing myself in the POV of that soul. it was reptilian btw. So it can occur and it is sudden and spontaneous. Phil Good has said that he had a walk in experience soul contracts are basically agreements as to what we want to experience on the earth plane made while we are up in heaven.
  21. @Bojan V actually you're wrong. Firstly, disorder is not a natural state of being human. Secondly, walk in experiences are real and it's just like anything else like channeling etc. Like I said previously, the body is a vessel for the soul, therefore based on contracts souls make it's possible and true that soul transplants happen.