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Everything posted by DreamScape

  1. @Preety_India Thanks! I'll take a look. I've dealt with a lot of those. I was attracted to bad relationships so I know what that is. My mom actually gaslighted but I forgot the countless examples I found while researching and contemplating a while back. Its soo tough to deal with because it's all in your head and it's hard to discern if it's actually happening or not. My mom was an expert at telling me lies and me believing them. Ain't got no time for energy vampires. Happy journey to you too ???
  2. @Average Investor It definitely is. It's like the atmosphere becomes cleaner and chains are severed from your wrists, when they're toxic relationships of course.
  3. @Martin123 Really appreciate your kind words ?
  4. @Average Investor @Martin123 Yeah, it is VERY hard. I blocked her by the way. She wouldn't leave me alone for a while and has for the past few months. Good job martin also for picking yourself up. @Average Investor Yes definitely. That's been my #1 for about a year now.
  5. y'all are right. It is the right thing to do.
  6. @Average Investor Yeah. My mom had a very very toxic childhood. Her dad abused her a bit and her mom was a drug addict who moved all the time (inability for her to find friends) and did a whole bunch of whacky shit. I've thought about it a lot honestly, I know right now it would hurt my emotional health to even see her. I think to myself that maybe in a couple years, when I'm emotionally strong enough to handle anything that happens. I also have the kundalini flowing through my chakras so that makes me extra sensitive as of now. My mom did try her best though and I realize that. I can see how she put a LOT of effort into creating a nice space for us. She honestly worked pretty hard to create what she has now, which is a nice home and lots of nice food. She even moved us out of crappy areas so I could have nice schooling. I have been forgiving her. I just don't know if it's healthy or worthwhile. It also hurts me to see how the family dynamic is and how they treat the baby they just had a few years ago. Good for you, you're doing great with where you've come.
  7. Can anybody describe shamanism to someone (me) who has no clue what it is? Preferably a longer description. I took shrooms again and I became very fearful of schizophrenia. I could not get it out of my head. Then, i started to imagine myself as that. I tried to resist it so much, such a bad experience. Anyways, I think I tapped into a realm and brought something back with me. This probably sounds crazy but it's literally the truth. It was a darker realm, not too sure that it was negative but darker ( in the sense that it looked like there was an absence of light ) for sure. Energy from the cerebellum region, or I, grabbed onto it and tried to bring it back with me. I KNOW what schizophrenia is (basically thoughts that you cant control) and I'm having some. But it's not spontaneous. If I focus on it it will be stronger. Also the energy in that region is not normal. Its moving around and it isnt together like it was before. I dont know. All I know is I'm scared. I know schizophrenia ties into shamanism and I'm trying to find a shamanic healer or teacher that can assist me. I really have no one around me that can help me. Theres a place that's 40 minutes away, I messaged them but they didnt get back. They have a phone but I'm waiting for a message back to call. What the fuck should I do. Am I a future shaman? Is this going to be a part of my path onward? Because i have no idea and I haven't been able to get this off my mind. Sorry that I'm so paranoid.
  8. Good stuff man. Love it
  9. College prices Useless information Rude and ignorant teachers/substitutes I think school should be more individual focused with it being customized for an individuals needs and wants and what they wanna do in life. Also with more time off and open school hours. I think it would be cool if school could be a place that's open all day, and has open doors with a bigger library so kids can have fun and explore at the same time. Also, with teachers there too. I think a 3 hour day would suffice even more useful than an 8 hour day. Also, more outside exploration and field trips--not to just museums but to actual cool sights to see! Teachers also need to explain why kids are there and how life can be amazing, inspiring and exciting! Teachers need to show kids the excitement and beauty of life! If you go to school and feel worse about life (which is what happens to everybody), then the school system is doing something deeply wrong to make you feel that way. Because it ain't your fault.
  10. Hmm. Groups are always beneficial. Is your only intent for one day of a meditation/visualization. In my opinion, I feel like larger visions > smaller visions. Like groups that plant trees across the world, sadhguru's isha foundation and his tree program, and I'm sure theres more. Helping the world in a big way will require more than just one day of meditation. I like the idea though.
  11. It would be interesting to see how he communicates in front of other people. We see him publicly speak, but we dont see how he talks to others, both of which humans act different toward.
  12. @Keyhole im okay now. I just think more clearing of my past and wounds I need to do. I'd still like to learn more and I'm down to get weird. I just need to know that my brain will be OK. I'm gonna wait for someone who has wisdom and experience with psychedelics before venturing into that realm again though.
  13. Since a lot of this information dates back 1000s of years, it seems like most of it is lost and there seems to always be mixed answers always seem mixed or misrepresented. Or it is watered down. Spirituality Shamanism Understanding of christianity The list probably goes on. Leo is right about a lot of the episimological stuff he talks about.
  14. Okay so this morning I'm like extra scared of things around me. Like I was scared of the background music in the YouTube video and surroundings around me now. Someone help me please. I'll pay if I have to.
  15. @Keyhole okay. So I will do that tomorrow as it's late. I have an update though on the situation. I think the energy is connected to the heart. I've been focusing and using healing stones and it seems more active. Its telling me thoughts like "nobody will like you" and that you're lying to me and such. My ego was questioning itself but I will not let this continue. Also I have been going back to memories that bring upon fear and I see demons or entities there. The self that is there, which is me, is fearful in those situations. I dont know if you have any advice but just an update. This is not what I was expecting. I think it may be becoming upset because I am doing these exercises and focusing on my heart and using love instead of fear. Do you think emotional purging and healing the heart will help with this.
  16. I watched the first one when you posted it on the forum. I really enjoyed it.
  17. @Keyhole Interesting. I watched leo's "Becoming a modern-day sage" and I found it interesting, but haven't resonated and always wondered why. At one point, I really wanted to follow that path but it hurt me because I was lying to myself and being inauthentic with what I wanted. I have actually always been interested in magic, astral projection (which initially opened my third eye when I was 14), sci-fi, time travel, stuff like that for basically all my life. I liked Dr. who, Doctor strange, steven universe, the magicians (tv shows & movie). Also an interest in space, This has been a central theme throughout my life. Reading upon Shamanism on the general websites that is seen when looking online, this is kind of the aroma that pervades shamanism and I seem to highly resonate with it. I sort of feel like I've finally found something that I really resonate with. Leo's content is very very nice, but not something I can create a theme with in my life. So maybe. I'm not too sure yet. Obviously I still need to dig deeper. Thank you very much. Good luck to you too.
  18. @Keyhole Hmm. I don't think my psyche split or any of the likewise. Also, It is not guiding me toward anything. I'll still do more research. I wonder if this is a problem that has to deal with the heart, because after that happened an experience happened where my whole body started trembling and love issues surfaced that dealt with my mom. It felt deeply intense. Thank you so much. I will follow your instruction until I feel fully clear.
  19. So I'm a bit worried. I am worried because I might predisposition to schizophrenia. I dont have schizophrenia, athough my dads brothers do. Also, my brother has autism. Although, I dont want to develop it. But to ADD to my dads brothers stories, their dad was horrible. Their dad beat them all the time, and his dad was so cruel to the point where he'd gas animals in boxes to kill them, in which my younger dads self saw him do that. So I also dont know if it is a predisposition to schizophrenia or not, if it was just the psychedelics/drug use tied in with it. They used other drugs also, I think crack cocaine and stuff. I've done research, and I've read that people can develop schizophrenia while taking psychedelics because they're going through bad trauma and they're using it as an escape, only to realize god, or have a really bad trip and their mind breaks. From what I have read and it seems, psychedelics ARE safe with proper care and respect toward the substance. Also it seems that I'm either spiritually gifted/extremely predisposed to spirituality. For example, I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening and realized god on 1.2g of shrooms. Also, I've been interested in this since about 14 years of age. I feel just inherently more inclined towards it. I am just saying this to give a background as to where I'm at. I feel as though with proper set and setting, and also using it as a tool rather than an escape or just to feel good, with a willingness to surrender will render it okay though. I am worried but I feel as though I am fine. I am still unsure though, opinions? Should I still consider taking them with proper precautions? any of your own experiences or somebody you know?
  20. It is mentioned that there are dimensions beyond the "physical dimension" that are infinite in number, and are not limited by the laws of physics, sanity, logic. There are two that come to mind that mankind has charted much but also not so much: lucid dreaming/dreams and the astral realm. Note: I have NOT done much exploration with those or psychedelics. Could you elaborate further into this? I mean: descriptions, what it was like, etc Also, has mankind charted into domains of anything else? Is this something that I'm going to have to discover myself because of the "direct experience philosophy?" Theres gotta be a way to ground this type of information and further its development. Like the laws of physics we use to define our reality, why couldnt we create a similar system for other realities we can explore? I dont mean the particular minutiae of physics either, I mean defining other realities in terms of any system really, for understanding.
  21. @inFlow @inFlow God is a very very very VERY smart individual.
  22. @electroBeam that makes sense. That was my intuition. It doesnt make sense to me that hallucinations = schizophrenia either, because then everybody with a tulpa, servitor, people who can astral project, or other psychic abilities would probably receive that label. This def makes me more confident next time. even tho I'll still have existential fear going into it probably lmao. But that part is normal.