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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. if you enjoy being sane stop contemplating Solipsism lol Realize that THIS is it, and everything is the absolute. Then realize the fabric of reality is love then go enjoy your life as you'll be happy & at peace
  2. 4) The Absolute is EVERYTHING & love is the driving force so go enjoy life instead of mentally masturbating yourself into mental hell your mind will never shut the fuck up, so stop believing your thoughts it is easy to see why people go crazy on this path I am so glad I read the book 1000 by Ramaji early on which differentiated between different stages / insights and why it seems non-dual teachers aren't saying the same thing (because they're not) Francis Lucille talks about this and the danger of teaching too early, I think it happens a lot these days due to social media & it can be a trap As soon as you have students its easy to see yourself as a 'Guru' above others and then you are fucked True awakening humbles the living shit out of you
  3. I think people are very scared of Non-Doership in reality its always been the absolute, its just the knowing of the absolute that shifts you still have a 'human experience' with a personality, body, thoughts etc Good chance if you liked Coffee & Cake before awakening, that won't change after haha if you ever played a good level of sport, you know in the moment, it just happens. That's a big insight of who's in charge really, call it 'flow' if you will. Consciousness is now consciously running the show instead of unconsciously lol
  4. Yep Sadhguru quoted someone who said you are closer to the divine in sports than you are in prayer which is often true, cos in the thick of a game, you must be present during prayer / meditation you could be thinking about breakfast, your work or anything Personally believe everyone should have at least 1 physical practice, even just for the 'Human' benefits it gives you
  5. @Theplay I defo agree However, I think in most cases there are at least minor changes, as realistically in some area of life, we are likely being inauthentic, not living in line with truth whether that means simply a change of job, location, partner, hobbies Or simply creating a brand new life since for many of us seeking took over everything lol I think St Augustine said it best Love and do whatever you want
  6. bad duality to non duality to transcendental duality A French teacher defined it as everything having infinite precious value Once you 'unite' Duality & Non-Duality, life becomes truly fun
  7. THIS IS IT! Now go live a fucking amazing life and actually LIVE the teaching I found it SO frustrating there was almost ZERO teachings on actually living as a human post awakening, and that life actually gets 1000x better IF you implement and create a life you enjoy @Theplay Honestly, controversial, you don't need to 'remove the Ego' cos it isn't a real entity in itself Instead, you can now embrace your personality & humanity more than ever before and actually enjoy being human You know 'others' to be you, yet they still have a unique personality & humanity Its nigh on impossible to put in words, but essentially 'Duality' isn't seen as a problem anymore, and you a free to live a life of love. Whatever that means for your UNIQUENESS some want a hut in the woods, some will teach millions, some will start a family, some will work normal jobs, some may start conscious businesses etc etc I think personally a lot of seekers are trying to become above human and escape their own humanity, instead of embracing the world as Buddha
  8. @thierry Like all model it has its uses Becomes toxic when you think its a race or you're 'better' because you're X stage. And, people forget there is crucial lessons to integrate from ALL stages, and there's also toxic elements
  9. Yeeeep Absolutely speaking Break your arm and it will still fucking hurt though. Think its important to make that distinction Also, don't think you'll never experience emotions, still a human. Some teachers (Neo-Advaita lol) often imply that
  10. Has nobody here seen the 10th Ox Herding picture lol? It involves LIVING LIFE
  11. Maybe when you realize every single second in 'duality' is your best chance to awaken, you'll stop separating reality from itself and chasing your own tail when you realize all is the absolute, you'll stop trying to escape this The divine comedy But, I do agree with @Ishanga that formal spiritual education would help However, don't forget that you have a life to live, and after awakening you're still a human who wants to enjoy life. Easy to get lost in spiritual mental masturbation for decades. Honestly, if you look at most seekers they are often more unhappy than the average person because they've lost their zest for life. Sad to see
  12. @MarkKol 100% Wholefood (except when alcohol is involved lol) Meat, Eggs, Dairy, Fish - All Organic / Grass Fed / Wild Caught only. - Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Salmon, etc etc Greek Yoghurt etc etc Lots of fruit & veg - all forms & onion / Garlic Nuts occasionally but cutting atm so not much right now Potaetoes / Rice / Organic pasta for Carbs # Honey too Collagen powder Supps - D3 + K2 (live in UK), Creatine, Caffeine I guess if you count it This is not perfect, new to this, but very basic / single ingredient. Can't describe the difference. Been about a month and feel maybe 100x more energy. 8-10 hour work days + 2x training most days. Even noticed being able to stay in the sauna a lot longer haha
  13. I never truly resonated with the psychedelic stuff for whatever reason, maybe in the future I will! However, I stumbled across Leo's pure personal dev content and it is gold. I would highly recommend checking this out, as when caught in the whole understanding every aspect of reality bandwagon, we can often forget how important the Human Dimension is & why personal Dev is so important, especially since most of us are younger and do not have a lot of aspects of life taken care of! These are some I like: The subfields one I found very useful as it states the important of Self-Help & tackling the ones most relatable to yourself
  14. I realized this at 15 and was vegan for 8 years I wish I could've stayed Vegan but I honestly felt shit, struggled to train properly, couldn't work 8-10 hours / day like I need to and energy / digestion got really bad. Since eating animal products (albeit 100% clean, organic, grass fed, i know most cannot do this) I feel literally 10x better, train 6x / week, play sport most days and can work non stop. Energy / Digestion is amazing It was tough, but I realized I can't live like I was for another 50-60 years low energy and struggling to achieve my potential. Now I feel like I'll make 5 years of progress in 1 year
  15. @undeather why is Crotia worst? I am going there on holiday this year so guess will see their diet haha
  16. I agree with this. However, I cannot deny I literally feel 100x better, have 10x the energy and am just in a better mood on my current diet. So, personally I have to put that first. I low key didn't realize how sub-optimal I was feeling before. Crashing after meals, tiredness etc. However, if Veganism works for people I 100% support that. I really wish it could've kept working for me, but I couldn't keep going like that TBH
  17. Yeah I can only speak from experience. Was vegan 8 1/2 years and tbh compared to how I feel now it is night & day difference. IDK why I tried everything supplement wise, worked with Michal go gym 4-5 times a week. live very healthy overall short term it was amazing and cleared my acne when i was younger Long term I felt very tired & lost a lot of ability to focus
  18. I'm sure it works for a lot of people The 5 I knew of locally all went back to Eating animal products though due to various issues - low iron, unable to meet athletic goals etc etc I really tried everything and 100% believed the Vegan message. But, I couldn't deny how I felt anymore. Honestly, the difference for myself iis extremely drastic
  19. @ZenAlex Lol did I? I worked with Michael on here (he's great btw), my friend joked I had a pharmacy in my house, and followed so many of the top Vegan doctor recommendations. Usual stack of D3, B12, Vg MV, Omega 3s etc etc Yet, digestion went to shit, as did energy Never crash after meals now, feel more satiated and effortlessly train 5-6x / week + play sports at least 4/ week if not more tbh. But, its 100% organic / wholefoods, no processed shit
  20. @Javfly33 I agree, and glad you found a teacher! And same, but I was generalizing and I know I used to use it as a bit of a crutch
  21. @Schizophonia I was vegan for 8 years and honestly feel so much better since stopping lol I can now work 10+ hour days, train 5-6x a week and play sport every night pretty easily on my current diet. Basically feel as if I'm on steroids Before I would crash hard after a lot of meals and struggle to focus. Honestly think this year I'll make like 5 years of progress in all areas in 1.
  22. @BlessedLion Literally couldn't disagree more If anything, personal Dev becomes even more important to not only integrate the awakening but live the truth. a lot of teachers visited therapists after waking up cos of various issues. And the ones that didn't integrate...Well the list of sexual / emotional abuse is endless. No matter how 'awake' you get, you still live as a human & have a personality. Honestly, 95% of people here (including me hence why rarely active on here) could do with a LOTT of personal dev, therapy, just overall life help I mean the basics of getting a career you love, social skills, relationship, nutrition / exercise, business ETC ETC involve specific teachings. Most on here I would argue don't invest enough time in the good old human dimension
  23. @Javfly33 My honest recommendation is to work with a teacher you trust / love 1-1 if you can, its the thing that helped me most. I love this forum, but a lot of it is mental masturbation. Think of it like this. If you join the gym- you can learn training, nutrition, sleep yourself, of course. But you get a coach and suddenly you have a training plan, a diet plan & someone keeping you accountable. Its no different with this work IMO. In fact, its potentially even more important, as someone else's questions are not yours, and can confuse you even further and send your mind into overdrive. At least it did for me. A 'Spiritual Coach' was the best investment I ever made. I was quite literally going mental beforehand due to seeking lool
  24. Couldn't agree more. I haven't been here much in the last year, and it now seems everyone's just discussing solipsism and mentally masturbating over the hot topic of the day Question- Are you happy? No? Best get to work then!