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Everything posted by SpiritualAwakening

  1. experience > sensation > memory > movement of thought creating a desire from that memory > you acting on that desire.
  2. I agree with all of you, love you guys <3
  3. There are fundamental needs, Food, shelter, defecating and urinating etc. These do not belong in the field of desire, they are necessities because if you wait long enough it will be impossible to not react to these needs.
  4. It's your receiver tuning in. Showing you you're on the right track. That's what it shows for me.
  5. I think you're absolutely right, even though there is a certain broadness and depth to the Absolute Truth. Because there's a difference between freeing your mind and opening your heart, these are two different experiences and I've spoken to different people having 1 experience first and 2nd experience later or both at once etc. Then there's also the depths of realizations (INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE MIND) where one could see all one is is consciousness (an experience with God) or see that YOU ARE IT, ITSELF (An experience as God) (Using the word God for seekers will also be misunderstood). The word awakening to me has no worth and/or is not worth of using with this work. Because if one doesn't see he's "asleep" (which he is) how does one "wake up" (FIRST I MUST SEE, ONLY THEN CAN I ACT). I don't even know what this word means. What I directly experienced related to my path because it had everything to do with a full conscious processing of past trauma from the subconscious (By bringing that trauma to the NOW and facing it as is instead of building some coping mechanism unconsciously) You are definitely right. One could really delude oneself if one isn't conscious enough in the moment. For example me and my girl could have been pointing outward and blaming external entities for what we experienced, that's why it's so important to always look inward.
  6. This whole journey is about an objective and honest (to one self) inquiry/contemplation into what the Absolute Truth is of reality. To discover what the nature of reality is by observing one's relationship to oneself and one's relationship with another. I didn't even know what enlightenment or the essence of spirituality was when I discovered Absolute Truth. So all these ideas about enlightenment, spirituality, higher self, higher consciousness can all be dropped because they're distracting you from discovering the Absolute. One really needs to watch out for illusions and not give ANY AUTHORITY AWAY WHATSOEVER. This is so fucking important. because once you do that, you're gone. Finished. What someone would recognize as telepathy all depends on the degree of telepathy one is experiencing. One could experience saying the same thing as another person at the same time and call that telepathy. Of course it is, but to a certain degree. 6 months after discovering Absolute Truth I experienced telepathy together with my wife on a whole new "level", Now, when I say telepathy, i'm not talking about 2 people thinking the same and saying that same thing at the same time as referred to before. Because that's pretty normal in my opinion. But I am talking about person 'A' THINKING something inside his/her mind and person 'B' reacting to that exact thing verbally. which was a scary experience. Some enlightened beings have informed me about the possible (in most occasions) trauma processing that happens after having that one God experience. Well we can say this happened. Me and my wife are experimenting with Nitrous Oxide to uncover deeper layers of our being and dig deep inside. Whenever we do this we record everything so that we can look back in retrospect. To go straight to the experience, we were inhaling the nitrous and I could feel that I was hitting something deep, which I always say out loud. The reason for this is because you have to stay SO conscious in the MOMENT to observe what is happening, that if thoughts get involved it all slips away. It's like being on the border of knowing and not knowing, it's so intense when the downloads hit you that it's like a mental orgasm. Moments before entering that deep state with nitrous I formed some thoughts in my head and my wife started REPLYING to what I was playing in my mind, I was shook and I said what did you say ? She couldn't remember what she said. again one round later I consciously played a story inside my mind to look if it would happen again, and she AGAIN replied laughing and mumbling, she noticed it too and replied (My name) WTF... WTF WTF WTF (getting goosebumps as I'm typing) also after a few rounds with our sleeping mask on (We use a sleeping mask to block all external happenings) in the middle of the round we started mimicking each other's movements symmetrically, WITHOUT THE INTENTION OF WANTING TO DO THAT! We again we're shocked by what happened. We didn't think of something, we didn't see anything yet we were doing the EXACT same things, neck movements, hands gestures, taking sleeping mask off at the same time and reacting the same way. After a few rounds I could FEEL that there was SOMEONE with me INSIDE my mind. For example if you use your mind right now to form some sort of story in your mind you can feel that you're the only presence/awareness that's there. But now it was as if there were 2 'awarenessess' inside my mind. I quickly took off my sleeping mask, looked at my wife and asked her: What are you doing ? She replied What ? What did I do ? I replied never mind, lets continue. the next round I could feel someone was with me there again but this time I was 100% sure it was my wife inside my head. I quickly took off my sleeping mask again and told her, STOP! You know what you're doing, STOP it! ( I could sense it was leading up to something big, as if that presence wanted to take something deep and personal and BRING it to my conscious mind). Again she did not know what I was talking about, so we continued. Then the fourth-fifth round we go in again and AGAIN I feel her inside my head, but this time it was not just her being inside my head, a trauma that took place when I was 12 years old (sexual abuse) was HERE, it came up from my subconscious mind ( I could literally sense it coming from DOWN to UP and arise to my conscious mind. It was so intense that I could sense all emotions that I felt when I experienced the abuse (Keep in mind, that after meeting Source and waking up all my internal blockages were fixed, who I thought I was never existed, I was only a thought form inside my mind, therefore my past also did not exist. Everything was gone and I was reborn again so I didn't have any problems with anything any longer. So for the subconscious mind to have this still inside, means traumas are entangled in your subconscious in such a deep way, it's not even possible to imagine. All energy and emotions from that experience were HERE, NOW in my living room surrounding me. I yelled NO NO GO AWAY and hit my fist on the table. That's when my wife thought I was going berserk. She held me tight and as SOON as she held me she pushed herself away, looked at her hands and said: (my name)... What the hell was that.. ? I said I think you've just experienced all my emotions from the sexual abuse. She started looking at her hands again and said: (my name) these are not my hands, what's happening.. This is not me. She ran to the mirror and started crying. She said (my name) this isn't my body It's not even me crying right now.. I feel like I'm 12 years old (laying on the floor curved as a child). We didn't know what to do at first, I knew I couldn't call an ambulance because they would throw her in a mental hospital. So I decided to call my mother for some "spiritual advice" . She didn't pick up so I called my grandfather (some might call him a shaman), he picked up and I instantly said grandpa, you have to come NOW some spiritual stuff happened and we don't know what to do. He didn't know where I lived exactly because he never leaves the house so I said we would come over to his place. While going there I had to keep my wife in the NOW or else she would dwell off inside her mind and get all sorts of negative thoughts, she said when she looked inside my eyes she saw a lot of darkness. When we arrived at my grandfather's house she also saw a lot of darkness in his eyes. I instantly wanted to explain the situation but my grandfather cut me off and said let her sit down first, he did some small ritual which involved a lot of gag reflexes as if he was taking something out of my wife and gagging it out. He was done and said it's gone sweetheart. she immediately felt like herself again, and I ask my grandfather WHAT WAS THAT ? He said those were emotions that were too powerful for her to handle. She unconsciously because of your connection to each other and the love wanted to save you, but she isn't ready for that kind of work just yet. (SO WITHOUT ME EXPLAINING WHAT HAPPENED THE MAN JUST EXPLAINED TO ME WHAT I CONSCIOUSLY SAW HAPPENING WHEN IT HAPPENED IN THE MOMENT) He started explaining my wife that if she wants to do this kind of work she needs to become stronger, mentally etc, It was beautiful but scary.. YES PEOPLE THIS WORK IS NOT SOME JOKE, IT CAN BE DANGEROUS! With all that said. This telepathy was aimed at processing my trauma and because of our connection together she healed me telepathically through love. When my journey started I never used psychedelics as a means or with the intention to find the Absolute Truth. It was just me and my mind. Also never meditated before either, so NO we don't need psychedelics or endless hours of meditating. We do however need to get in such a deep state that we lose all identifications. That can NOT happen when the eyes are open or you (in the moment) think you are your name or your body. So I do encourage meditation every now and then when a lot of inquiry and some realizations (INSIDE THE MIND) has took place. All absolute realizations take place outside the mind and therefore outside of time and space.
  7. Even the means to ask for pointers to this realization is useless. You will all have to figure it out yourselves.
  8. @AdeptusPsychonautica Well I just finished your interview with Martin Ball, and I saw right through you the whole time, you were completely transparent. Continuously looking for reassurance with Martin to back up your ego's game against Leo. You were so happy Martin gave you the answers you wanted to hear, I could see the smirk on your face drooling. Thank you for showing your true colors.
  9. Stop looking for enlightenment this instant and start looking for the absolute truth.
  10. I saw them a while back going through my Youtube, I laughed so hard because I see they are so ignorant, and their ignorance is bliss. To me they are only making fun of themselves. So try that perception.
  11. Came across this post in one of the DMT groups i'm in. That's why we should not treat this substance lightly. And NOT mix it with anything..
  12. I'm saying if you were to engage in the public discussion you would definitely be giving it value, even if it's not for you.
  13. Suffering in it's essence is Unconditional Love.
  14. You know he could have came with this approach, but he did not care about any of this, he only cared about showing how big of an opinion he has. But i absolutely agree.
  15. Exactly, so the opinions from a different/limited perception have no value. However you putting your energy in there is giving it value though. He already shut himself down by judging the work, so it's done.
  16. It doesn't matter what he thinks he knows about whatever he thinks he is perceiving. This guy is not serious about this work at all. He's interested in psychedelics for the sake of psychedelics. It's a case of just another identity trying to show how important his opinion is.
  17. With working together towards the absolute I of course meant each individual acquiring their own realizations by having a conversation of mutual interest as you go along inquiring into the nature of what is. I agree it can only be done with certain individuals and the Youtube community is scarce that way. That's why i'm getting my shit going and who knows? Maybe i'll be the 'very special person' unless of course you're pointing to how many views one gets, but I doubt that.
  18. @Leo Gura So you're never going to do a live inquiry with 1 or more people. Or a conversation of mutual interest, together working towards the absolute. Not one agreeing or disagreeing or not with one's solution or one's acceptance or denial to that solution. But discovering together.
  19. That's because it's not just about the substance (would be too easy). From what I see (but what do I know right?) @AdeptusPsychonautica still has a lot of contemplation and inquiry to do. He's focused on the substance and experience OF THE SUBSTANCE 'Psychedelics' (external) instead of the actual work (internal). We also shouldn't forget that the ego loves to judge what it doesn't understand.
  20. And that criticism is exactly what is holding you back. Openness and willingness, these abilities actually can come along as different facets of the whole, but are you able to tap into that ? I am speaking from my own direct experience. After having realized godhead these things just transparently came along with it, I instantly realized that they were distractions but it all happened when it needed to happen AND for good fucking reasons too. So you denying the universe's infinite possibilities is just a dead end for you my friend.
  21. A couple hours isn't 2 hours for everyone, might as well be 5-6 hours
  22. And this could also be done with the Synthetic "Not for human consumption research chem" form ?