Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. He does't sit on enough turtles. @Valwyndir You shoudn't speak for other people.
  2. just bought it, reading on the way to my open mic tonight!
  3. I've had delusional trips. I don't believe is all just 'itll be truth' etc
  4. practice reading for 5 minutes, and then journaling about what you read for 5 minutes. Do this everyday and see your retention grow. Don't have any expectations at the beginning just do it and love that.
  5. Do you exercise? get enough sunshine? Do you eat properly? Do you socialize?
  6. My gosh did I ever get some results... might make a post here soon about it... Shamanic breathing had me tripping.. hasn't stopped fully and its been days. Try finding a good facilitator. There are many now online.
  7. I just make videos mostly as part of my learning process.
  8. Do you keep your inbox empty?
  9. @HERO_ I am in a similar place. I am alone but using it to create myself, and I am slowly attracting a tribe.
  10. Worth it as you develop a more conscious relationship to your sexuality. But, don't go overboard.
  11. Psychedelics changed my life for the better.... Allowed me to see clearly through my egoic constructs, gave me interesting insights, etc. I discovered infinite and unconditional love in it. Something to keep working toward in my sober state. Without these direct states I wouldn't have a frame of reference. Many noobs on the path argue about contradictions, instead of sitting down and contemplating the possibiltles of paradox and limitations in your own understand. Reality isn't black and white. Be patient and persist. realize reality is more complicated. If you are fighting and arguing with someone you lost the point. Except, when it is useful. Use all the tools at your disposal. There are many paths to source. @James123 How are you still here? Hopefully to gain some maturity.
  12. @Conscious life Look up the concept of Holon by Ken Wilbur.
  13. The Laws Of Human Nature - Robert Greene Braving The Wilderness - Brene Brown
  14. Your feelings are not my responsibility. If you can't take a humorous response that is on you. Right now you are kind of being a mechanical projection machine.
  15. "Daily Guides - Vernon Howard , Esoteric Encyclopedia of Eternal Knowledge Observe the kind of advice you are giving yourself, then decide whether you like the results of that advice Anyone wishing to make it his own must first discover what is really his own and what is not There are great possibilities for anyone who asks after getting his feelings hurt, "Why am I such a slave to others?" Something exciting is happening inwardly when you no long forward to something exciting Fear of ridicule can be overcome by always being who you really are You can use your thoughts correctly or you can let them use you incorrectly Make it your aim to no longer let artificial personality speak and act in your name An inability to understand an esoteric fact contains a favourable element, for it means that at last we are trying to open the right door"
  16. @James123 Can't disrespect nothing. If something hurts your feelings thats ur ego bro.
  17. @Leo Gura That is what I got to thinking about afterwards, I was like "Oh yeah, States vs structure/ insight"
  18. Wise men don't give a shit what others think. They persist towards the truth.
  19. Quickly start... The book list is good but this will launch you forward and even help you tackle it.