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Posts posted by Dryas

  1. 15 minutes ago, Medhansh said:

    Not to be judgemental or anything, but isn't that too much? I mean, don't you feel drained or anything?

    No, I think I've struck a good balance and I'd probably feel fine if I did more often (although its not very enjoyable if I do it too much). Maybe its different for you. Also, I've basically never tried nofap so I don't know what I'm missing out on.

  2. work/study: improved quite a bit in this department. Feel like the first time I’ve actually worked towards something regarding my academics. 

    emotional intelligence: basically 0 although I don’t feel like developing it will be that helpful in my situation anyways

    social life: I’ve been trying to understand how socializing works. Analyzing conversations and my own interactions etc. Overall some good progress. 

    sex life: there isn’t much I can do here, still too horny for my own good. the getting laid series was really helpful though 

    family: Ok. They can be annoying to deal with but whatever.

    spirituality: Tried meditation again a few times but stopped because of reasons (definitely will try again next year)

    health: worsened. Very frustrating and demotivating at times. 

    Rating out of 10… hmm


    hope 2022 will be better.