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Everything posted by Dryas

  1. I don’t understand why you’d make a general point using this one example though. Are most businesses gonna side with facism? And is calling Republican Party fascist even accurate? Feels like we're skipping a few steps.
  2. I mean, you have a look at her face and I think she still very much looks like your average hot chick lol.
  3. A conversation with Destiny could turn out really productive. He's super open minded and really good at steelmanning the opposing view. I don't think he puts a time limit on how long a convo can be too.
  4. Why would you read on socialism before the classical stuff taught in universities and such? It feels a little backwards to me. People (including myself) are clueless about how the economy functions in general, its not just socialism.
  5. It is though. You’ve been officially judged to have absolutely brain dead political takes lol. It honestly feels like quite a few people here deserve it but maybe it’s a bit much, idk.
  6. Relevant tweet from Elon Kinda simplistic but I think I agree with this take.
  7. Just bring in more wealthier and educated immigrants.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon's_law
  9. Destiny had this article playing in the background in one of his streams https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/07/when-a-child-says-shes-trans/561749/ I think it's a pretty decent attempt to make sense of these issues
  10. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/ Here's a thread summary:
  11. @JonasVE12 That’s like 20 different things. I mean I’m not complaining but feels a little weird..
  12. You may have a completely different reaction if you watched the exchange in context. https://mobile.twitter.com/theblaze/status/1513975754782035979 Ben is an idiot, but this guy seems so immature it's ridiculous. Like, why would you do this if you've got better arguments?
  13. I mean, you can also consider loosening up a little and join in on the fun to some degree
  14. How is this question different from the old “who are you?” Like how can you answer that without years of experience, experimentation and introspection?
  15. Demon Mama has been consistently bad faith in her debates. But she also has so little influence on the online space, like why even bother wasting your energy on this?
  16. It's really incredible that something like this is possible. I would've thought that people just make a mess and nothing come out of it.
  17. I'm pretty sure it was a joke video lol
  18. @SonataAllegro I see, I think it makes more sense when you put it like that.
  19. It seems kind of ridiculous to allow this level of relativity. Are you just going to not say anything if someone denies the holocaust, for example? The truth may be relative but you shouldn't give up on it either I think.
  20. Yea, it might very well be lol.
  21. My usual impression is just “wow someone that doesn’t trigger the fuck out of me with every other comment”.
  22. I feel like there should be a general rule that says that you aren't allowed to talk about the trans sports debate unless you're also pro trans.
  23. Honestly, I absolutely love the logic driven, evidence based worldview that they very often have (or aspire to have). Yes it may be limited but it’s still generally good stuff.
  24. I’ve had tinnitus before the shot. I was super scared to get the vaccine because I’d heard numerous anecdotes about people getting tinnitus. I thought there was a good chance it would worsen. Thank God nothing happened to me or anyone I know so I think can say that tinnitus from vaccine is pretty unlikely. Still, I don’t think I wanna risk it again by getting a booster shot. The danger, according to the anecdotes I’ve read, is greater from the boosters. Not worth it imo.