John Doe

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Everything posted by John Doe

  1. Day 142: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): SUCCESS Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): SOBER Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 2 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 2 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  2. @Chumbimba No it is not random. The new address value depends on the address stored in the Stack Pointer register. When a new function is called, all its local variables get their memories allocated. The Stack Pointer is incremented based on the amount of memory required by each variable - for example in the case of a signed char, the Stack Pointer is incremented by 1 byte, which determines the new address hex value.
  3. Day 140: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): SUCCESS Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): SOBER Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 3 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 3 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  4. @Chumbimba Yes, you're exactly right about the second statement, low-level languages imply lesser steps in the compilation process. As for the first one, memory addressing is represented using hexadecimal values. When a variable gets memory allocated for it, the address assigned to it is represented using hexadecimal values. Therefore, when you create a pointer and assign it to the address of a variable, it takes on a hexadecimal number. int var = 1; int *ptr = &var; // Value of ptr is now 0x455AD7, which is the address of var. // So ptr = &var = 0x455AD7 // *ptr = var = 1 which is the value of var. Pointers are extremely useful with respect to dynamic memory allocation and memory management. As a good programmer, you should learn to minimize the amount of memory your programs are using. To perform this minimization process, pointers are very handy. For example, you might come across a scenario where a temporary variable might be defined, and you might be done using it, but notice that is it still holding up memory unnecessarily within its lifetime, in which case you might use free() to release the memory. Pointers are also useful in mitigating memory leaks. Wish you the best with getting your degree! Let me know if you have any other questions.
  5. @The Don Bruh, what do you mean "if you really believe that"? That is literally what happened right? And what exactly are you even arguing? You titled the thread "I can't side with the Left" and you cited suppression of free speech as a reason. I've given you examples to show that free-speech suppression is not necessarily a partisan issue, and now you randomly pivot away to a discussion on the effectiveness of C-19 lockdowns. Do you see the problem here?
  6. Day 138: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): FAIL Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): RELAPSED Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 1 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 1 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  7. Well, I would like to see that information. So far, most sources I've followed through lead back to some random blog post by internet nutcases and charlatans, not any credible sources. I would welcome with open arms anything that challenges my belief systems, I only ask you provide proper objective evidence which is third-party verifiable. UFO believers and suicide bombers have the same fundamental mentality - believing in something without properly thinking it through. That comparison seems perfectly valid - if you can convince someone of believing so strongly of space aliens flying around in UFOs, you can also convince them that it would be a good idea to blow themselves up for the reward of 72 virgins in heaven. It's only a matter of commitment and time. Why not take a neutral position on the matter till someone posts a livestream on Facebook of a real UFO in 1080p resolution? I'm not controlling anything, UFO believers have the right to post whatever they want, and I have the right to call it out. "not including evidence of a degree" - Why did you add that last part? I'm curious. So you don't actually believe he got a degree from MIT?
  8. @Chumbimba You're welcome. I know the difficulty with pointers. I can give you a tip to make it easy to work with. Try to visualize a two-dimensional grid of houses, separated by streets. Assume there is at-most one person living in each house, and each house, of course, has an address. Also, the house addresses here, instead of an alphanumeric string, we have a hexadecimal number such as '0x344ACF'. Now think of a function, that when given the name of the person, returns the address of the house they're in. Likewise, think of a function that when provided with the house address, returns the name of the person living in the house. This is the & and * operators respectively. Learn to work with a lot of examples, that's without doubt the best way to learn pointers.
  9. I'm not sure if learning Kundalini invocation without the guidance of a master is a good idea. I've read that it can be dangerous. You can try Kriya Yoga instead - very powerful and can be done by anybody. I personally follow Ryan Kurczak's playlist:
  10. I see many undergrads at my university making the same mistake. You have to understand that coding/programming is not the essence of computer science. During the initial stages, yes, you need to learn a programming language - but you have to learn to view programming more as a means to achieve a goal, rather than the goal itself. Many leading software engineers don't necessarily know every piece of syntax of a programming language, but know enough to be able to make design-decisions. With that being said, I would recommend starting with one language that is preferably low-level (C or C++), as that would put you through the grinder. With C especially, you have to get right down to the metal, and learn not only the syntax, but also to take care of memory leaks, responsible memory allocation, vulnerable libraries/functions, and buffer overflows. So you end up learning a lot more than just the language (which is absolutely essential). Once you learn C/C++, languages like Python or Java are hardly a challenge, and can be learnt easily. GNU/Linux is an operating system and not a language. I assume you're referring to Bash scripting, which is the default shell. GNU/Linux has other shells as well such as tcsh, csh, ksh etc. But yes, being able to set up Bash scripts is very important and can make your life much easier. So I would recommend: C/C++ for practical uses and learning Operating Systems' concepts alongside Bash. Also try to gain a general idea of how compilers work (heavy subject though). The rest you can tackle later.
  11. Day 137: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): FAIL Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): SOBER Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 1 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 1 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  12. Not really, no. It's likely people just disagree with Deepak Chopra, that's it. I myself don't like the guy at all. Pretty ironic. You're Indian, and you're saying "I'm extremely humble".
  13. Day 136: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): SUCCESS Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): SOBER Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 2 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 3 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  14. Day 135: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): SUCCESS Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): SOBER Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 1 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 1 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  15. @The Don I can understand your point, but this issue is actually far more complicated that it seems to be. It's definitely not true that any kind of speech goes. For example, I can't dox someone and post death threats at them, the law enforcement will intervene obviously. Likewise, I cannot post copyrighted content claiming that it is mine. Clearly, my freedom of speech and expression is being restricted by the latter scenarios, but would you still invoke the First Amendment rights in these cases? Lines clearly do exist, but where they should be drawn... I don't know myself. In any case, what does that have to do with the Left? I'm not Leftist, but Leftist ideals go far beyond the realm of Freedom of Speech, it's not just loony college campus SJW feminist non-binary cringe. Conservatives have prevented Dr. Fauci from testifying in front of the House. Republicans in Florida fired a scientist for building an accurate COVID-19 tracker. These are also clear instances of free-speech violations, can I use this to implicate the entire Right? P.S. If you're looking for some good Leftist content, look up Kyle Kulinski on YouTube.
  16. @carlowillo That's good to know, because I think there really is something to the phenomena. It's such a shame really, that so many charlatans take advantage of it. I'm sure there are definitely at-least a few serious people looking at this scientifically, amongst the sea of nutcases in the 'UFO community'. In any case, thanks for linking me the article and the website. I'll look into them and try to be as open-minded as possible. The frustrating part for me is the fact that such a conjecture should be obviously true - there SHOULD be advanced space-faring civilizations out there, flying around, visiting the Earth, trading with us etc., which is definitely a far more exciting reality, yet, there seems to be no solid evidence. @DivineSoda The point is not that thinking "UFOs are real" is dangerous. The point is, believing something strongly without evaluating it in your mind is dangerous. Terrorists and suicide bombers literally do this. It leaves you vulnerable to manipulation. I know some people personally who, when injected with an idea, put it through their own personal mental filter and give out a processed, unique version of the same. Such people, whom I greatly respect, are a true testament to the power of the human mind. Also taking a neutral, non-conclusive position on such matters - "It may or may not be true, I don't know yet. Let me try and find out.", is an excellent way to live as well.
  17. @wordsforliving I'm not a psychonaut either, so I have no idea.
  18. @SamueLSD By "normal DMT", do you mean N,N-DMT? From what I've read, N,N and 5-MeO are significantly different. N,N offers a more colorful experience - meeting with aliens, machine elves and stuff. It's the one Joe Rogan has taken. The DMT Leo is speaking of is 5-MeO - offers an insight more into the nature of reality, truth, God etc.
  19. @Metahuman Not trying to shame you or anything mate. Yes, being open-minded is very good. But people seem to have strong beliefs of things that are hardly proven, and such an attitude can be dangerous at times, which is the main concern for me.
  20. Day 134: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): SUCCESS Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): RELAPSED Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 1 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 2 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  21. Here we go again, with the retarded conspiracy theories. How is it possible to be this delusional? QAnon? lmao. You seem to be very certain of these statements. What evidence/source(s) do you have exactly? A blog post by Bobby Jones from Kentucky doesn't count.
  22. Day 133: Kriya Yoga Practice (SUCCESS/FAIL): FAIL Sobriety Status (SOBER/RELAPSED): RELAPSED Overall Self-Control Score (1 - 5): 1 Productivity Score (1 - 5): 1 Overall Spiritual Progress: No progress. Comments: None.
  23. @TrynaBeTurquoise A weather balloon, most probably ..... Just kidding . Without a lot of documented evidence, we don't have a lot to work with, I'm afraid. It's kinda crazy that the existing video of the tic-tac encounter is so grainy and pixelated. I thought F-18 Super-Hornets would at-least have been retro-fitted with HD cameras. I've seen footage from WW2 fighters' (P47-D25s and P51s) gun-sight cameras which had impressive footage and they're 80 years old...
  24. @samedm9 Oh I'm not criticizing you stating your experiences at all. Like I said, such sightings are very common, and there's a high probability that aliens do exist.
  25. Mate, I completely concede with that fact that extraterrestrial life could definitely exist. Even sightings of UFOs, there are too many credible reports to dismiss them entirely. But what does that have to do with Bob Lazar's story? It's only the story that I take issue with. There are too many holes for me to believe it. Bob Lazar's story and the existence of UFOs are seperate arguments, don't you see?