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Everything posted by blankisomeone

  1. @seeking_brilliance There’s many people like this girl. An endless mind chattering with sentences isn’t a reality for everyone.
  2. @Leo Gura Is it possible to be stuck in a cul de sac for... ETERNITY? Since Reality is all powerful and everything is possible, then that can happen right? Bro I’m starting to develop some of that nice stage blue fear of hell??? happy thoughts guys. Cmon, happy thoughts. Many many happy thoughts and visions of heaven. No hell for me sir, thanks?
  3. I have a very chattery monkey mind. I spend literally the entire day with my mind narrating what’s happening around me. I rarely just look at the color blue, for example, and see it for what it is. There’s always a sentence that goes through my mind that says “oh, that’s blue”. My mind is actively filtering the world through literal grammar like that. Maybe because I read a lot? I’ve heard some people don’t have an internal dialogue like that. Through meditation, I’m starting to be able to quiet my mind down. Most of the times it won’t shut up completely, but I can rest for a while in the quietness of the awareness under the thoughts. => That’s what I take to be experiencing the raw data of reality. Looking at the color blue without my mind labeling it blue. BUT, I feel like it goes deeper than this. Just the fact that my mind feels quieter, there’s still a sense that “I” am looking at the color blue. It’s still not the raw data of experience. You guys keep saying there isn’t a perceveing of the experience, there’s just the experience itsef. But THAT I don’t understand…
  4. You briefly mentioned this distinction in your video "The 9 Stages Of Ego Development". I'm suggesting a video that goes more in depth into it. HORIZONTAL vs VERTICAL development This model is all about vertical development: changing the structure of your reality and sense of self. It’s like going vertically up the spiral. Vertical is more difficult than horizontal. Horizontal development is expansion at the same plane within the same structure. For example, getting better and better at your career as an achiever. Or, getting higher and higher in the Christian organizations, become a priest or a missionary and become more moral and learn more about the Bible, as a conformist. ==> Self help happens here because it's more safe for the ego. ==> Most people aren't even doing horizontal development at all, let alone being open-minded enough for a radical, vertical shift.
  5. you're a godsend, wtf
  6. If death is just a concept, and the body is just a concept, and the ego is just a concept, and if death is the shedding of all that isn’t real... ...then why don’t the bodies of people that die also poof out of existence? Why do their egos just disappear but the bodies are left behind for us to bury? If the physical body is just a concept like the ego, then why doesn’t the body just disappear, too, on the moment of death? Weird, huh? Go figure...
  7. Choose high quality books and savour them in your own pace. And take your time to implement the lessons learned. High quality books can be so densely packed with information that you can't possibly get through them in a week. (A stage yellow frustration)
  8. This is gonna be a little bit of a rant. Brace yourselves When I was a kid people would always say I was the smartest person in class. I would always get A’s and people loved me to be in their groups when the teacher assigned us group work. People would fight to have me, because they knew I was creative and intelligent. I would get compliments from teachers all the time and my parents would always show me off to their friends. People used to compliment me so much that I developed a very intellectual, superior ego. BUT (and this is an important but) I always felt that that wasn’t right. I always hated feeling superior to people. I didn’t want it. But at the same time I did recognize that my IQ was slightly above average. I liked that about me, but I didn’t recognize that as an excuse to feel superior to others even though people would feed me that belief. Because of many other personal reasons that I won’t get into, as I turned 13, I developed some sort of depression. I lost interest in school, I lost interest in studying, reading, writing, EVERYTHING. My grades plummeted, like my will to keep on living. I went to a very bad school afterwards because the good ones wouldn’t accept me because of my now low grades. But my intellectual ego was still running. Even though I had nothing to show for it, I would catch myself judging others and I hated that so much. To this day, I still notice myself judging others in my head and I hate it. I feel that I give off a “superior” vibe. I hate it because it isn’t true. I’m not superior to anyone! I hate it when people tell me I’m intelligent, because I’m not. At least not anymore. Since my depression robbed my interest in studying from me, my “intelligence” turned into “arrogance”. I just want to be less arrogant, less judgmental. I want people to be comfortable around me. I just want people to genuinely feel accepted in my presence. It happened to me once, when these two people I met were so accepting of me, because I told them I’m bisexual, and I didn’t see ANY judgement in their eyes, in their actions, in how they treated me. I GENUINELY felt it. They were very loving people and they weren’t even trying, it came so naturally to them, and I think of them all the time! The way they accepted me and treated me like any other person was priceless!! It was the best gift someone could give me EVER. I fucking cry whenever I think of how loving they were. And I want to be like that to other people! But I can’t because of this stupid egotistical “intelligence”. I’m a mess, I just wanna let go. If I at least had something to show for it, then this intellectual ego could be forgiven.
  9. It’s so weird, though, isn’t it? Cuz like, LOGICALLY, if the body is exactly the same as the ego that inhabits it, then the body should also just POOF, just like the ego, since they’re the same thing... It doesn’t seem to make sense. But maybe it doesn’t have to make sense... i need to get me some 5-meo to get on to you guyses wavelength?
  10. I don’t know, probably an infinite amount that we can’t even imagine right now… There’s videos on YouTube of people trying to describe colors to a blind person. But you can explain and explain endlessly, but only the experience of actually seeing a color can do it justice! No amount of word description will get closer to what “red” is than actually shutting up and LOOKING at the color red with your own eyes. Obviously haha
  11. Mastering your own mind is ESSENTIAL. If you master your mind and learn how it works, then you can effectively do science with it. Read books on it. Read “A Mind For Numbers”.
  12. Imagine watching a movie where everything is so easy for the characters. That’d be so freaking BO-RINGGG
  13. Because it’s more fun if its harrrdddd boiii❤️
  14. @Johnny5 Thanks for the suggestion, man. Also, that might have just been the cutest video I've ever seen
  15. there's too much information how to deal with information paralysis? (I don't even know if this is a thing, but you know that feeling when there's too much information available that you don't even know where to start and you just say fuck it and give up?) how to filter information down to what matters? (I'd guess that, without exaggerating, 99% of the internet would be discarded in such a filter)
  16. Holy shit. The last one where they keep the dead bodies at home. They didn’t watch Leo’s video about letting go?
  17. omalord he actually did drink the blood i am shook osnsksjaosj???
  18. Yeah lol This is the part where you gotta find the answer for yourself Yeah man this why I have trust issues?
  19. I don’t know. What do you think?
  20. This ain’t about you. It’s about the mental health of the population and the people involved in the making of some videos