Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. There is a small book called "Psychedelic Prayers" by Timothy Leary. It is after the Tao Te Ching and contains prayers for before, on the peak and after the trip. I use it for a few years now and I am still in love with it Most of the time I use it at the end of the trip when the intense part is over. So check it out! And there is also a german version of it which is just called "Gebete" von Timothy Leary. I tried both versions but I like the german one more. edit: here is a example: Returning to the source-repose: Be empty Watch quietly while the ten thousand forms Swim into life and return to the source Do nothing Return to the source Deep repose is the sign That you have reached the appointed goal To return to the source is to discover The eternal law of seed He who returns to this eternal law is enlightened Being enlightended he is serene Serene he is open-hearted Open-hearted he is beyond social games Being beyond social games he is in tune with seed In tune with seed he endures Until the end of his life he is not in peril in german: Sei leer Sieh ruhig zu, wie die zehntausend Formen zum Leben erwachen Sieh, wie sie zum Ursprung zurückkehren Tu nichts Kehr zum Ursprung zurück Zum Ursprung zurückkehren bedeutet das ewige Gesetz des Werdens zu erfahren Wer in diesem Gesetz lebt, ist erleuchtet wer erleuchtet ist, ruht in sich selbst wer in sich selbst ruht, ist offen wer offen ist, braucht keine Masken wer keine Masken braucht, erstarrt nicht wer nicht erstarrt, dauert Bis an sein Lebensende ist er nicht in Gefahr
  2. I know a good german book its called "Finde den Job, der dich glücklich macht - Von der Berufung zum Beruf" von Angelika Gulder. Helped me to find what I want to do
  3. uf that sounds terrifying did you post something on reddit recently? and sorry if you answered that before but have you dont any other psychedelics before that experience?
  4. @Thought Art The Drug is only a tool
  5. I have the blue light blocker in my normal glasses for about a year now and I noticed that I can fall asleep faster.
  6. Because covid I cant go dancing anymore and I dont like to do tinder dates and so on^^ Right now I masturbate like once a week but when I can go dance again I will stop it
  7. Are you regular weed smoker or no tolerance?
  8. I tried No-Fap for 3-5 months and the only change I noticed is that when I was out dancing girls went crazy around me. They approached me and basically gathered around me. Maybe it was a mental thing but my friends also noticed it.
  9. I think that the Buddah said it will take about 7 years trough mindfulness meditation. But I don't know if he said how many hours daily.
  10. Do you really think that? I think it would be dangerous if mentally ill persons had easy access to psychedelics.
  11. Set the Intention to work on that fear and to overcome it
  12. Very inspiring and beautiful written. I really like to read your posts lately.
  13. Can you recommend a specific video to get into it?
  14. omg leo your comparisons are only getting better lmao
  15. It‘s not so hard to make your own DMT. I have a friend who does it every few months and he told me that he only learned it through the internet. Also in most places you can buy the stuff to make DMT legally because it’s in a lot of plants. And then you only need Syria rue which is also legal everywhere I think. Or you make San Pedro like Rilles said.
  16. I think it would be better to just me pharmahuasca. It's easy to make and there are for example youtube videos on how to do it.
  17. I had a very similar experience like 7 years ago when I did mdma at the end of an 3g mushroom trip with my friends. It was such a great vibe between us and the energy was just flowing through us. First we played with energy that was floating through the room and at some point energy came out of our finger tips and then we would play with that energy. We were 5 people and we all could see how it was happening. It was definitely a life changing experience. Compared to leo's experience it was just much less intense.
  18. Oh man this is so true !! It seems so obvious but it's so easy to fall into this trap (I still do all the time)
  19. 1. Yes I read 5-10 books while micro dosing lsd 2. Oh yes I literally became addicted to reading when I micro dosed. I used to read as long as I could and no other activity made any more sense to me. It's like the perfect satisfaction for my mind. 3. Totally!! I was reading all the Hermann Hesse books at the time and I constantly had the feeling he writes story's about my life and the everything is connected to me, it was truly a magical experience (I also have this sober with Hesse books but just a tiny bit). I also have a friend who recendly tried reading on a micro dose lsd and he basically had the same experience. It's kind of like you say "living through the art as the reader". Also it's much easier to get in the flow state with a micro dose.