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Everything posted by Yulduz

  1. @LSD-Rumi I knew I wasn’t supposed to do it everyday yet I still ignored it and tried to rationalize it to myself, I kept increasing my dose and increasing the days per week id do it until I ended up doing it everyday.
  2. I did 2gs Phenibut everyday for 6 months and when I quit, the next month was torturous. The withdrawal killed my imagination completely, gave me extreme anxiety, I didn’t sleep at all for 5 days straight, made me constantly think about every single regret I have and every mistake I’ve made,I couldn’t stop thinking about suicide and it seemed inevitable that I would do it. I lost 15 pounds in a month (and I was already small!) because I couldn’t eat and would vomit everything I ate because I had such extreme anxiety. After the withdrawal I felt fucking reborn and new appreciation for my life because that constant anxiety wasn’t there anymore. DO NOT TAKE PHENIBUT DAILY! Even taking it for once a week I don’t sleep for 5 days straight afterwards. It feels fucking amazing but taking it everyday will fuck you HARD!!!
  3. My dad has always been abusive to me, and now I just avoid him, barely ever see him and barely ever talk to him and I don't care, and I don't care if he cares.
  4. I started seeing this guy 2 weeks ago, we've hung out 4 times. He seems like he's already extremely attached to me, he's always saying some really deep shit about how much he already cares about me and that he wants to be together for years and not just a few months, that he hopes we can get married, that he's been praying to god for someone like me, and he's already told me he loves me. This shit makes me really uncomfortable and feels weird because I barely even know him, I haven't opened up to him about me whatsoever. He makes me feel like I can't say no to him. He said he loved me and asked me if I felt the same way but before I could even answer he just answered for me and was like "you might not feel the same way yet but you will." He says that now that I'm around he wakes up happy and that before me he was depressed. This puts so much pressure on me, like I don't wanna fucking deal with it. I'm afraid to tell him how I really feel and that I don't wanna do this anymore, because Idk how he will react and I'm scared of angry and upset men. I wanna just ghost him, but I feel guilty. What should I do?
  5. @Tudo I'm going to soon, I feel sorry for him and guilty though
  6. @WDK Thanks, yeah I do have issues setting boundaries so I should work on that
  7. My ex was 5’8 and I’ve never loved anyone harder than him, he was the the most attractive guy I’ve literally ever seen and I’m not even exaggerating. I’m 5’1, So for me 5’8 is good enough
  8. Direct experience seems like it's made out of different perceptions. It seems like thoughts are what label the perceptions and makes distinctions between perceptions which makes the perceptions seem different and separate from each other. If you try to imagine there's no thoughts it seems like it's impossible to describe anything because thoughts are what think there's something there in the first place??? If there were no thoughts labelling perceptions, would the perceptions just be one big perception without any meaning instead of what seems like separate perceptions with various meanings?
  9. I’ve heard this multiple times from Leo and other people here. They say something like “everything that could possibly ever happen is happening right now simultaneously.” But also Leo and other people here have said that the only thing that exists is what’s in direct experience right now. so which is it? How can everything that could possibly happen be happening right now if I’m only aware of what’s happening in my direct experience?
  10. @Serotoninluv if an appearance of something specific isn’t occurring right now then does it only exist as a thought occurring now?