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Everything posted by RevoCulture

  1. Enjoying this slice of heaven today, thought I would share.. What a seeker.. Leaves me hungry for more.. THE BOUNDLESS IN ANCIENT COSMOGONIES Nowhere and by no people was speculation allowed to range beyond those manifested gods. The boundless and infinite UNITY remained with every nation a virgin forbidden soil, untrodden by man's thought, untouched by fruitless speculation. The only reference made to it was the brief conception of its diastolic and systolic property, of its periodical expansion or dilatation, and contraction. In the Universe with all its incalculable myriads of systems and worlds disappearing and re-appearing in eternity, the anthropomorphised powers, or gods, their Souls, had to disappear from view with their bodies: — "The breath returning to the eternal bosom which exhales and inhales them," says our Catechism. . . . In every Cosmogony, behind and higher than the creative deity, there is a superior deity, a planner, an Architect, of whom the Creator is but the executive agent. And still higher, over and around, within and without, there is the UNKNOWABLE and the unknown, the Source and Cause of all these Emanations. — The Secret Doctrine, II, 42-3 Many are the names in the ancient literatures which have been given to the Womb of Being from which all issues, in which all forever is, and into the spiritual and divine reaches of which all ultimately returns, whether infinitesimal entity or macrocosmic spacial unit. The Tibetans called this ineffable mystery Tong-pa-nid, the unfathomable Abyss of the spiritual realms. The Buddhists of the Mahayana school describe it as Sunyata or the Emptiness, simply because no human imagination can figurate to itself the incomprehensible Fullness which it is. In the Eddas of ancient Scandinavia the Boundless was called by the suggestive term Ginnungagap — a word meaning yawning or uncircumscribed void. The Hebrew Bible states that the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of Tehom, the Deep, the Abyss of Waters, and therefore the great Deep of kosmic Space. It has the identical significance of the Womb of Space as envisioned by other peoples. In the Chaldaeo-Jewish Qabbalah the same idea is conveyed by the term 'Eyn (or Ain) Soph, without bounds. In the Babylonian accounts of Genesis, it is Mummu Tiamatu which stands for the Great Sea or Deep. The archaic Chaldaean cosmology speaks of the Abyss under the name of Ab Soo, the Father or source of knowledge, and in primitive Magianism it was Zervan Akarana — in its original meaning of Boundless Spirit instead of the later connotation of Boundless Time. In the Chinese cosmogony, Tsi-tsai, the Self-Existent, is the Unknown Darkness, the root of the Wuliang-sheu, Boundless Age. The wu wei of Lao-tse, often mistranslated as passivity and nonaction, imbodies a similar conception. In the sacred scriptures of the Quiches of Guatemala, the Popol Vuh or "Book of the Azure Veil," reference is made to the "void which was the immensity of the Heavens," and to the "Great Sea of Space." The ancient Egyptians spoke of the Endless Deep; the same idea also is imbodied in the Celi-Ced of archaic Druidism, Ced being spoken of as the "Black Virgin" — Chaos — a state of matter prior to manvantaric differentiation. The Orphic Mysteries taught of the Thrice-Unknown Darkness or Chronos, about which nothing could be predicated except its timeless Duration. With the Gnostic schools, as for instance with Valentinus, it was Bythos, the Deep. In Greece, the school of Democritus and Epicurus postulated To Kenon, the Void; the same idea was later voiced by Leucippus and Diagoras. But the two most common terms in Greek philosophy for the Boundless were Apeiron, as used by Plato, Anaximander and Anaximenes, and Apeiria, as used by Anaxagoras and Aristotle. Both words had the significance of frontierless expansion, that which has no circumscribing bounds. Chaos (4) was another word used for Space in ancient Greek writings, and as originally employed, for instance by Hesiod in his Theogony (116) — "Truly, indeed, was Chaos first of all" — it had the meaning of the Void. Even the somewhat orthodox poet Milton grasped this idea in his "Void and formless Infinite" (Paradise Lost, Bk. iii). As time passed, however, Chaos to most literate Greek thinkers came to mean a later stage in the evolution of any particular kosmos, and this would correspond to another phrase used by Milton, "Matter unformed and void" (Bk. vii); for here we have matter already existing through emanational unfoldment in its primordial or elemental stages. It would therefore be analogous to the Second Cosmic Logos of the theosophical philosophy. Yet the earliest conception of Chaos was that almost unthinkable condition of kosmic space or kosmic expanse, which to human minds is infinite and vacant extension of primordial Aether, a stage before the formation of manifested worlds, and out of which everything that later existed was born, including gods and men and all the celestial hosts. We see here a faithful echo of the archaic esoteric philosophy, because among the Greeks Chaos was the kosmic mother of Erebos and Nyx, Darkness and Night — two aspects of the same primordial kosmic stage. Erebos was the spiritual or active side corresponding to Brahman in Hindu philosophy, and Nyx the passive side corresponding to pradhana or mulaprakriti, both meaning root-nature. Then from Erebos and Nyx as dual were born Aether and Hemera, Spirit and Day — Spirit being here again in this succeeding stage the active side, and Day the passive aspect, the substantial or vehicular side. The idea was that just as in the Day of Brahma of Hindu cosmogony things spring into active manifested existence, so in the kosmic Day of the Greeks things spring from elemental substance into manifested light and activity, because of the indwelling urge of the kosmic Spirit. The early philosopher-initiates were extremely reticent, because of their oath of secrecy, in speaking of the kosmic (or cosmic) beginnings; and hence while archaic Greek literature, exactly as the literatures of all other ancient peoples, is replete with references to primordial cosmic beginnings, these are cloaked in carefully guarded language. There was the constant fear that teachings so abstract and difficult would be distorted and degraded if too openly enounced, becoming the common property of minds untrained by the discipline and teachings of the Mysteries. The common misunderstanding of Chaos as signifying merely confusion, or an unregulated vast aggregate of atoms in kosmic space, is simply a degradation of the original philosophical meaning. We have then, first, Chaos as originally meaning the Boundless; and, as a later development, the conception of Chaos as the mighty womb of nature evolving from itself the germs and seeds in order to form and bring into being manifested worlds. These seeds were the sleeping monads of spiritual and divine characteristics coming over from the preceding kosmic period of manvantaric manifestation, and existing in their nirvana or paranirvana. Chaos, therefore, may be looked upon as an expanse of spirit-substance, every point of which is a consciousness center or monad. This expanse is enwrapped in the paranirvanic rest and bliss, awaiting the time for awaking into a period of manifested kosmic life. The human monad resting in its devachanic bliss is an exact analogy on its own lower plane. From the foregoing we see that Chaos was the same as Brahman-pradhana in its condition of kosmic pralaya, and hence is identic with Space in its primordial state of abstract spirit-substance. Thus it is that many peoples looked upon the Divine not only as being in itself utter Fullness, but likewise as the infinite Abyss, the boundless Void, the endless Deep, or the ocean of the kosmic Waters of Life. Water was so favorite a symbol of Space because of its suggestiveness: it is at one and the same time translucent, and yet solid; it is crystalline and yet dense, making it an excellent symbol of kosmic Aether. This sublime concept has been universal since the beginning of conscious thinking man on our earth in this round, and whether the adept was Lemurian, Atlantean, Turanian, or Aryan, the same intuitive conception guided the thoughts of all.
  2. @Zanoni The TS is a fascinating organization that is relatively unknown compared to other schools of thought. When you look at the influential nature it has had on people like Gandhi, Einstein, Elvis Presley, Steiner, Krishnamurti.. The list goes on and on.. Oh there is a documentary that has screenings now about the first abstract painter, woman named Hilma Af Klint, her work is totally TS inspired. A wonderful micro snapshot of the TS in that the art world wants to ignore her and carry on with the idea that Kandinsky is the original abstract artist. HPB was a woman, Hilma is a woman which is interesting, then the knowledge base it self is by far the broadest inclusion of global esoteric wisdom and yet it is almost as if it is invisible. More so the American section, I am not a fan of the path the eastern section took. The work is dense, intense, and overwhelming.. But I owe so much to it.. An old man that owned a used book store, long grey beard, long white hair, always wore a Dickies mechanic suite introduced me when i was 19 and purchasing books on black magic, satanism... He altered the course of my life.. The TS altered my course.. Took me from pursuing hell through the dark arts to guiding me through the hellish fires of purification... I'm glad to be older..
  3. @Heaven Good call.. Six years of dedication and only 19 posts on the forum...
  4. William Q. Judge is a quality option too.. Here is an online version. Can get print too.
  5. @Zanoni Yay! Yassss.. Thanks for sharing.. You have HPB in your signature block below... The American section of TS was my way into spiritual studies..
  6. @Markus Boss post... Loved it.. I wonder if an honest orange will overcome a delusional yellow or turquoise? Tortoise and the Hare. I was sitting this morning in the sun a jewel of yellow contemplation I got up to dropped my cup which shattered and I went level 1 agression After tending to my mess I carried on with some orange business negotiations My neighbor was loud, inconveniencing my flow, I went red aggression Later in the day there was some Trump news and i went all stage blue liberal progressive nation luckily I had the time at the grocery store to go stage green and inform everyone about their choices It was getting late and I needed to sit level 8 meditation... Tommorow i'm gonna knit my ass a Spiral D flag... team plaid.. maybe solve an equation... Level 7 over level 1 multiplied the inverse root of Level 5 divided by the binomial coefficient of focus on your f'n life level 4 cause nobody really knows level 8 = X
  7. An exploratory dance of awakening and falling asleep..
  8. I don't know if throwing the baby out with the bathwater is the best approach in life. I wouldn't be voting for Peterson to design an overarching narrative for my life but he is an incredibly intelligent individual that I have enjoyed listening to. I picture him as a 1950s type of guy. Trained behavioral psychologist who is heavily influenced by Piaget and developmental psychology. His lectures are interesting. His ability to remain centered while under attack deserves recognition. Not many people are capable of such composure. Tearing people down isn't challenging, finding common ground and distilling truths from murky places is. I am far from wise and am guilty of ribbing people out of my own ego frustration. I will continue to do this and attempt to grow out of it. Ignorance is not bliss, for anyone.
  9. @Hotaka The mind is a piece of hardware that has the ability to interpret signals. We know how it is used within the biological system to establish a functioning system. What we are less familiar with is its role in interpreting functions that are outside of this system. Mind, body, spirit. The idea that humanity is tiered or layered in nature, not singular. We are a composite entity. The mind does appear to be in the middle and has access and the capability to work with the full spectrum. What I am moving towards is the mind does have the ability to serve, open doors, paint pictures, process & analyze. If you were placed in a box at birth and never had access to the world what you end up knowing of it? Not much. You put 10 billion people in boxes and you might come up with a couple who have the capacity to gain knowledge. The statistics are not in your favor. Instead say you get out of the box and you start to explore, see the landscape. The you start reading books from great thinkers. Having conversations. The more you put into your brain the more material it has to establish truth. This is not a guaranteed success but it greatly improves your odds. If you continue to drink in mass amounts of high value esoteric thought and compounding hours in contemplation and meditation you will continue to shed layers. No shortcuts available. But the mind can assist in transcending its own nature. What we think of as irony is actuality within the framework we call reality. The nature of duality that rules our material existence is a double edged sword. It creates the framework for this and that which allows us to inhabit 3 dimensional form but it skews our ability to conceive the underlying fabric. The journey to developing this faculty takes time and effort. Keep pushing, keep studying. It takes a warrior spirit to walk the path. You have to walk through fire. You have to get chewed up and spit out. Your mind can assist you... or it can enslave you... Journey strong!
  10. @VeganAwake For your consideration... Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. It isn't that your position is without merit, it is simply falls short in its development. You have an excellent line of insight running but it needs additional refinement to be more inclusive of reality as it is, how everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Your presentation is easily shredded, your actions do that for you. To be honest, it is a rather lazy position to consistently hang your beliefs on. If you were to carry your comprehension further, develop it, push your self to find intricacies that exist within the framework, you would be able to offer you insight in a more useful and credible fashion. Offerings that supported your position but acknowledge the inner workings at the same time. Everything experienced my friend is real even if it is an illusion, an illusion is real. A lie is truth in the fact that it is an honest misrepresentation. The game is more twisted and wonderfully imaginative than you are making space for. I believe I only share this because you seem to hold more.. Capable of more.. Who am I to say such things? No body, I don't have answers only biased interpretations. I am just as full of bs as the next.. You get to decide..
  11. @VeganAwake Curious how you interpret your own participation? If you truly believed your position you wouldn't be participating by continuously offering something. If you respected the premise of your position you wouldn't be violating it constantly. It is hard to appreciate what you are contributing when there is such a blatant violation of its principles. Seriously. Stand by your principles or include that you dont believe in what you are saying enough to follow it tenants. That would make your offerings somewhat palatable. Cheers...
  12. @Verdesbird haha.. yes.. thanks.. This has to be one the most rudimentary topics of esoteric thought. A deeply "spiritual" topic of meaning and insight. I posted this to see if there would be any engagement. You my friend have my appreciation.
  13. @actualizing25 A truly celebrated moment in a young seeker's life is when they discover the mechanisms behind why enlightenment: is a process more than a desitnation that it is inevitable journey is the destination In addition I have enjoyed insights into the immensity of what enlightenment journey could entail. If you consider that and evolving consciousness could mean successful consciousness as a human, then as a collective, then as a planet, then as a star, then as a solar system, galaxy, universe and everything in between those positions. The immensity of awakening or enlightenment is humbling. With physics firming up the idea that time is an emergent property we know that all already is. Keep working this, the only way to move through it is to engage with it. No shortcut. You will be amazed at the wonderful release of pressure felt as the concept of enlightenment shifts and a well earned humility takes root and begins growing. No right or wrong in the path, only what needs to be engaged and embodied. Journey strong!
  14. @Jungian_Proxy Appreciate the kind words and I'm on board with the spiraling expression leading us to be more dynamic in the identification of "I". The "I" that has been dominated by primal biology and then the ego identity offering space to include the collective. Our society and culture reinforces, demands, the ego and primal biology of "I". I am of the opinion that we could use some well trained yellow / turquoise people to conduct a social experiment inside of an "artificial" bubble. Actually a project that I am working on. @Codrina Can't tell you how much it means to witnessed and spoken kindly towards. If you resonated with those words you are most likely familiar with the highs and the lows that come with the territory. Thank you.
  15. @Joker_Theory Enlightenment is a verb, it is a process. Enlightenment is awakening. We are always enlightened and being enlightened. Blessings.. Some will define enlightenment as a noun, a destination or state of being. People will exclude other locations and place enlightenment squarely within a defined area. A lust for absolute knowledge can be found at the heart of this reasoning. I believe it is worth contemplation, not totally inaccurate but is it limiting?
  16. @Mu_ Appreciate your response. Wanted to let you know.
  17. One thing remains true... There will rarely be a shortage of answers among the spiritually minded. I probably should throw something on the bon fire as well.... I find myself looking at the lives people live. The lives people live are a good measurement of their understanding of unity, compassion, and assisting in the collective expression. I ask, are they living in tightly knit groups that are harmonious and resilient? Is the person offering advice able to live shoulder to shoulder with others? How are they designing systems of integration that provide? How are the inter-relationships being perceived and taught in order to achieve a cohesive unit? The degree to which a person knows they are collective, that we are one, will be displayed in their action. There is a big difference between knowing we are one and knowing we are one. I find that the majority of people offering spiritual truths are incapable of living deeply integrated lives. They have been born into and educated by a system of individuality and primal desires. This can been witnessed by observation. It is where we are in the cycle, the process. Our cooperation is an agreement to compete. We collaborate through competition. This is our integration at present. I wonder what might appear if we all acknowledged our current actions in contrast to these lofty spiritual expressions. I feel part of the OP's frustration, one many newcomers encounter, is the stark unspoken contrast between words and actions. I am included in this group, there isn't a scalable real-world solution being practiced on the planet. Here is where it gets funky, where my personal observations come into play. Life is constantly in a state of perfection. Any change that is driven from the illusion of "good" and "bad" will produce results in kind. There is a eternal rhythm or framework that exists and it is free of the illusory labels of "good" and "bad", it simply is. Attaining this view can not be achieved through judgment but the loss of judgment via a tricky dance of duality transcendence ending in submission & support. The line of perception previously mentioned views the OP's position slightly different. (not that this applies to this OP specifically) The illusion held within the green Spiral Dynamics is key to its own transcendence. It isn't uncommon for this breakthrough to included some form of initial revulsion to its character. The self righteous nature of the green is generally experienced, at some point, as tiresome and aggravating. The illusion, the lie, the deception hurts. Even though green doesn't intend to deceive or cause pain, it does. Life is constantly in a state of perfection. The design, the framework is what it is. Unfortunately, we do not have living environments manifested that can nurture this process or provide safe harbor for those who have passed through. I am rambling.. Anyways.. The OPs comments have merit and are justified. The people discounting the OP and promoting alternatives of thought are justified. How are there daily lives different? Outside of the thoughts and words how are there actions different? Yes, there will be some minor intentions behind actions that vary. Yes, there will be some actions taken driven by those intentions. For the most part we all are doing the same things day in and day out. In the past when knowledge was limited people deserved to be held high for being vocal or writing about concepts. That period has past. Those people did their job, the distribution of information. Now is the time of design and implementation of alternative systems. This is the great challenge. Talking at people, pushing information at people in a relatively free society that is overrun information is not that impressive. (Not to be misconstrued. I believe what Leo is doing is impressive. The ability to craft language to embody truths is impressive and needed. Building a company that is financially viable around this content is impressive. You can tell he isn't regurgitating what he is sharing, it has been attained through the struggle, walking through the fire. Impressive. The content he is sharing has been known for a long long time and isn't new. Talking about it is not new.) A small group of people establishing a new way of operating, showing that to the world, that is revolutionary. Action. Action. Action. If you want to influence the OP create a living model that he/she can witness firsthand. Words are cheap and easily thrown around with or without skill. Living a life that embodies spiritual truths can not be faked. Can not be faked when that life is being integrated in volume, among many. Solo spiritual people can fake it all day long, they aren't integrating. We are a collective, we desire this unity. Very few have this ability at this time. It would serve us all to own it, to acknowledge this and then to decode why and how. This is the standard my life will be measured by... If you aren't living the new paradigm acknowledge that and maybe soften up on those who are challenging others waving the false flags of spiritual positivity... The people expressing frustration might be doing so because of us. Those of us proclaiming one thing and doing another. If we truly embodied these teachings and were living harmoniously people like the OP would probably feel differently. The confusion these young seekers feel might come from us, those proud seekers proclaiming but not displaying. The words on the page might make sense but when it is held up to those doing the preaching it falls apart. People lose faith. Life is constantly in a state of perfection. This is the game. Honesty and truth will light the way... Blessing to you all.
  18. What "I" have witnessed as typical development in the awakening path... Your attempt, with good intentions, in trying to bring definition to something that will not submit. To matter and to not matter rely upon one another. To say something doesn't matter would rely upon something TO matter, by association the thing that doesn't matter would matter in that it brings contrast. To not matter would bring a quality of matter to it not mattering because it brings definition to that which does matter. To matter or not matter is the real illusion I believe you are reaching for, not that something matters and something doesn't. When you dig deep enough into your logic you are saying that it all matters, you are saying that "to not matter" actual matters. You are making "not mattering" matter through its association and distinction. You might not see that but it is there. I believe what you are sensing and reaching for lies beyond the word play, beyond distinction, beyond "it matters" or "it doesn't matter". You won't be able to separate them, they are two ends of the same stick.
  19. @Victor Mgazi I feel the same... I wanna take the hand, enter the frame... Thanks for the personal reflection and kind words!
  20. Thought I would share this image I created, I think of it as "Welcome Seeker". Will present without commentary, it will be what it is meant to be....
  21. There is an irony, a cosmic humor that rings with a deep thunder in my being when I see people mention "nothing matters". When people take the time to express this notion, it is driven from a position of contemplation. A dedicated devotion to questioning and deciphering, making attempts to find reason. They have invested critical thought, passionate emotion. Why? Because it matters to them. They can say nothing matters but it is a false narrative. If it didn't matter time and effort would have never been spent expressing it. The fact that it is given attention means it matters to them. Even if nothing mattered, it would still matter to them. They are wrapped up in thoughts about it, feel the need to express it, they are clearly emotionally invested. You can't say nothing matters with a straight face... If you mean it... Then.. “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide.” - Camus I have walked the rim, dipped my toes within its reflection, and carried shame for my inability to proceed; I am grateful for such weakness... Nothing matters, the depths of this well; it is deep..
  22. I have been enjoying the conscious media resource library at Conscious Awakening Collective or
  23. Situation: Someone is pouring out their heart in an attempt to navigate their journey, seeking meaning in the madness. The vulnerability it takes for a humble and sincere sharing is noteworthy and appreciated by someone like myself and I imagine many others. After the sharing the comments come. I am torn about these short Zen like quips that people throw out there. Obviously it is what it is but.. Is there reason to consider their value in how they are offered? When someone is expressing an issue, they are expressing an issue; as in it is an issue. It is an issue, a problem, something that isn't perfect in their life, something that causes suffering and pain. They are expressing something they wish to explore... IMO anybody can throw out some Zen like quip that applies to most situations. Every time I see a person pouring their heart out, looking for dialogue and what they get in return is a Zen quip... I have to question the person offering it... Who treats another this way.. It doesn't take much to throw out these universal quips that apply to almost anything... What isn't easy is to develop dialogue that addresses and explores what a person is expressing. Doing so in a way that acknowledges and contributes without condemning or belittling. These quips can often be more passive aggressive ego inflated statements than anything else. Why? You think the person posting hasn't seen these quips before? You think they haven't been exposed to these expansive ideas crammed into a few words? Most likely they have, you aren't offering much anything the majority of the time. More likely you are displaying your own ignorance, IMO. Demonstrating your own self proclaimed intelligence. I think these people would probably enjoy or prefer a "I feel ya or I can relate" or "I wonder the same". "I feel that like this"... to the Zen quip that every says duhhhh, thanks.. or maybe people should keep posting stuff like "It is what it is"... "It is only in the mind" "Transcend your ego".. Whoa.... so helpful... seen it thousands of times... do you have any dialogue to crack into the concepts or are you just regurgitating what some other insensitive ego inflated seeker wrote to you.. you know, to that question that was burning inside your soul.. you know that Zen quip that made you feel small, like you were stupid, like nobody was listening, how mean it seemed to receive such trite responses that take seconds when you spent time giving yourself... how you were seeking discussion in hopes of finding light.. and instead you got a riddle... so... you learned to do the same... treat people with the same trite ego inflated Zen quip throwing approach... Then again... what is wrong with getting a Zen quip.. whether the person knows what it means or not... if it applies, it applies.. My bad... Guess I just needed to express myself..
  24. @jimwell Ok.. (That word, ok, is very direct and simple.. and all is contained but it doesn't do much to connect with you..) I could say IT is... I could say that to every person on the forum about every post, but is that direct simple beauty serving anyone? I think it would serve my ego, thinking I'm so enlightened that all i have to say is "It is". Those to words encapsulate every post but is it really beauty? Yes and no. It is beautiful in that it contains all but it doesn't do much to connect and offer something to others... Clarity comes in many forms, beauty comes in many forms..