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Posts posted by jimwell

  1. 3 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

    @jimwell you'll love them, too.

    I don't. You do? ? Stop joking.



    4 minutes ago, BenG said:

    Interesting. I suppose that may be valid, but also, understanding these people can likewise lead to empathy and compassion for them. For example, bullies are often people who have been bullied themselves. They're not inherently bad people, they're just perpetuating a cycle.

    We can make much more progress when we look at things from this angle rather than hating people for what we don't like about them.

    I can understand the empathy and understanding for these twisted humans. They never chose their abusive parents and genetics.

    But simultaneously, I see the masquerade, power trip, evil, and cowardice in these bastards. These are deeply wounded individuals with much hidden or unacknowledged anger inside. Their entire existence is then devoted to restoring their self-esteem by exacting vengeance to innocent humans. And of course, they choose the easiest or weakest targets who are women, disabled, kids, and senior citizens. These serial killers though might seem outlaws, are actually conformists. It is people who are regarded as low value to society ("bitches", homeless, mentally or physically disabled, etc.) who are usually decapitated and dismembered by these coward bastards.

    And I value self-responsibility, independent thinking, goodness, honesty, self-awareness, and bravery. Thats why I feel repulsed.  

  2. On 12/12/2021 at 4:04 AM, BenG said:

    Love is the highest value. Understanding is love. Not just at the deepest level, but at every level.

    To see what I mean, take a random household object and start working to understand it fully. Understand it in every possible way you can. You'll start to appreciate the object more and more until you start seeing it as beautiful and perfect.

    It's kind of a weird exercise, but it should show you the link between understanding and love.

    I have been doing this exercise everyday and everywhere for a few years. Yes, love and understanding are connected. But there are situations which hate and understanding are also connected. For example, the more I understand the motives of bullies and serial killers (psychopaths), the more I get disgusted by them.

  3. On 12/10/2021 at 10:53 PM, Nahm said:


    As always, just a ‘two cents’… consider acute distinction between appearance and illusion, and self inquiry as to the ‘who’ in my awakening(s). 


    Great thread btw! 

    The appearances or forms are the illusions. No difference.


    On 12/10/2021 at 11:19 PM, Inliytened1 said:

    that's because the ego doesn't  wan to die again, or have a psychotic break.

    when this is actually realized directly you will be in such an expanded state of consciousness that there will be no separation between you and the walls or you and other people.  you will be on the verge of a psychotic break or you will actually have a psychotic break.    You will realize that you are God and that there is nothing outside of You.    But the ego doesn't want this, so now it just is very busy keeping you deluded from the Truth or casting doubt over your awakening.  I have been there myself.  The ego has to keep you deceived.   If you are not deceived, you couldn't exist as @jimwell

    My ego probably wants to survive by continuing to be self-deceived. And it's ok. No need to rush things. There is time for everything. So complete awakening will happen at the correct time.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    Lol. So I am not real, but you are the one true consciousness? So what is typing this? Am I a robot?

    You obviously were the one who typed it. And no, you're not a robot. You are a human without consciousness, an illusion pretending to be real. 


    15 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    Why do you assume that you are so special as to be the only consciousness in existence. As if you are any different than the rest of us

    I just said it for what it is. There is only ONE consciousness. If you are conscious, then I am not. I am just an illusion pretending to be real.

    But calm down, as I have repeatedly emphasized, I am not sure whether my "awakening" was genuine or just a hallucination.

  5. 3 hours ago, wildflower said:

    You ignored my questions.

    Are you dreaming me? OR am I just dreaming you? Or we both dreaming each other? can you clarify your position - I think my questions are wholly reasonable

    I have been away for a few months but I decided to sign in because I have something good to share to you. I experienced "Solipsism" when I was a kid. If awakening is real, that was my first awakening.


    There is only ONE consciousness. So, all humans (and animals) you see in this world have no "localized" consciousness. They are illusions pretending to be real. If you are sure that you are conscious, that means Leo has no localized consciousness. Your consciousness is all there is. But unfortunately for you, I am sure I am conscious. So, it means I am all there is. You, Leo, and other forum members here are illusions pretending to be real. I am not bullshitting. Here is the link if you want more details. 

    Despite this childhood "awakening", I am still not sure whether that was genuine. I can't verify whether that was genuine or just a hallucination. I wonder why Leo is completely sure about it. And in my "Dream-Solipsism" awakening, there was no hint that I was God. That's another difference.

    I have been contemplating and trying to verify the genuiness (authenticity) of that "awakening" because it is completely important. But I haven't succeeded. It's very frustrating. There is simply no way for me to know.

  6. 6 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

    @jimwell why did u turn into a rebel ,man.now what will u do.u have to return to your country right.u could have blend into the system and just shut your eyes until u get some independence.

    I am the real wolf, not Donald Trump. ?

    Being a sheep repulses me. I am inherently integrous, I honor my highest values, many times above my survival. This is God's gift (and curse) to me. My life is naturally difficult. I reach the highest levels which makes people envy to death, but I also fall to levels people are scared to death to be at. And people either really love and admire me or really hate me, never average.

    The recent tragedy and losses were too big and shocking that I asked myself the questions you asked me. But in the end, I was happy with what I did. I can't live my life being fake and repulsed. The tragedy and losses are temporary. I can recreate my past "good" life and even make it bigger. But this time, I am planning to be financially self-sustainable and resilient so that even if I experience tragedies in the future, which I am prone to, my survival won't be threatened that much. I mean in the past, I lacked proper financial investments.


    6 hours ago, martins name said:

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. 
    I've long admired japan from a distance, but I know I would feel boxed-in if I lived there. One critique I'd like to add is that in Japan, as with many blue cultures, intimacy gets lost in social rules and politeness. Belonging comes from being a part of a social system rather than actual intimate connections. I think that lack of intimacy and connection is where all the sexual dysfunctions, hikikomori, and suicides come from.

    Japan is still a very good place to live in if you are an introvert, self-reliant, and self-satisfied. It's a very clean and organized country, and Japanese are very respectful and polite to you. It's good because you really don't need to be close to them anyway. They are the best strangers on the street or acquaintances.

    And yes, you can't really have a close, genuine connection to them. They can't even be genuine to themselves, because they need to conform to their family and society. They always betray themselves to avoid trouble and shame. But to be fair, my Japanese ex-wife was better than most, but her Blue core was still running in the background of her soul, unfortunately.

    There are many weird and pathetic things in Japan aside from sexual dysfunctions, hikikomori, and suicides as a direct result of extreme collectivism. Another one is "salaryman" (a man who works at an office for a salary) go to hostess clubs after overtime work. Guess what their purpose is; it's not sex. They spend a fortune to talk to girls to boost their self-esteem. They eat too much shit at work that they need to recharge by being willfully deceived by the hostesses. They need to do it, otherwise they will have the alternative, which are "karoshi" (death by overwork) and major depression. I'm not joking.


  7. 1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

    @Raptorsin7 Dictating to others is low consciousness.

    A strict social designer is highly conscious.


    5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is delusional. You cannot force millions of ignorant people to act wisely.

    People only follow leaders who reflect their own level of consciousness. If you put Jesus in charge, they will kill him and elect someone closer to themselves.

    An internally diverse Stage Yellow social designer and leader functions well, especially in times of crisis (the current coronavirus pandemic, and during and the aftermath of WW3). 

  8. On 9/3/2021 at 1:18 AM, Jakuchu said:

    @jimwell that sounds tragic, hope you are doing well

    Thanks. That surely was a tragedy. I am not out of the woods yet. But I always do the things which are need to be done. In that sense, I am ok.


    On 9/3/2021 at 0:16 AM, Stovo said:

    Thanks for sharing, interesting perspective. I did think of Japan as extremely blue, but I assumed it had quite a lot of orange too? I mean it's so modern and capitalist at the same time. 

    Japan got its Orange characteristics from the US after they got nuked and surrendered. Japan's economy boomed in the next decades, and their largest companies such as Toyota, Sony, etc. sprout from or got very big during those years. That was the time when Japan became known as very modern and technologically advanced.

    But the country's economy has been stagnant for the past 20 to 30 years, and so are their technologies. Believe it or not, many thigs in Japan are very slow.  Traditional methods or technologies such as fax, cash, pen and paper, business cards, etc. are more commonly used than emails, credit cards, online shopping ,etc. Their IT technology is as bad as 3rd world's.

    The coronavirus pandemic has exposed Japan's lack of IT and digital development. Japan was very slow to cope up and failed badly, the term "Digital Defeat" was coined. That is one of the many things they pay for being too traditional and closed-minded.

    Nikkei Asia and NHK World

  9. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's an oxymoron. A high consciousness person would never dictate or seek to control others.


    Yes, I will vote for that hero. I think a "high-consciousness" but strong person can quickly build a loving and sensible society if he calls the shots. He can dictate and control society the way Leo dictates and controls this forum. 

    But that hero is rare as fuck. You can't meet him in real life, let alone in politics. So, forget it.

  10. 6 hours ago, Solvinden said:

    So now I commit to becoming a strong, funny and deeply alive man which is deeply desired by women.
    I want to do everything that is humanly possible to achieve this goal.

    This is a mindset of a weak man. Women easily smell weakness. You can't fake being strong.

    Self-loving, self-principled, self- righteous, self-confident, intelligent, brave, yet compassionate are the characteristics (plus an innate factor I can't capture via words) of cool, strong men. Women drool over men with these characteristics.

    But be strong and cool for yourself first. Be the cake. Women and everything else are the icing. That just doubled the strength and coolness. ?

  11. psychopathy test.jpg

    It was difficult to answer because situations or contexts were not provided. When I encountered the question "Is money your most important goal?", I answered "strongly agree". But it is because I lost almost everything including money and opportunities as a result of a tragic divorce. My survival is seriously threatened. So, I need to prioritize making much money like an extreme Stage Orange bastard.

    When I was asked "Do you feel bad when your words and actions cause emotional pain to others?" I answered "Yes" because I usually treat others with respect. But there were many times I felt very happy when my words and actions caused tremendous emotional pain to my dumb NPD father and other family members and bullies. I love inflicting pain to humans who inflict pain to others. And I love expressing love to humans who express love to others.

    So, these types of tests are limited and can't capture the whole picture of the human soul, especially when you consider the truth that most people lack self-awareness and self-honesty.

    But regardless, I am both very empathetic and psychopathic, depending on the situation. And I love being this way. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Jakuchu said:

    The need to be normal and average can become so intense that that itself becomes pathological. The term for it is normopathy. The problem with normopathy is that most people are that way, so it is not even seen as a mental disorder

    The same with religion. Most humans have religions, so having a religion is never considered as a mental illness. Having a religion is even considered good. How perverted.

  13. 16 hours ago, m0hsen said:

    Well it basically means that eventually you can save a state of your mind exactly the way you are experiencing it and later restore that state, like if you are experiencing that experience now! For example a experience of being in a festival music, a stadium, even an amazing psychedelic trip I'd say! ? and etc..and restore the way you were experiencing it to your current state of consciousness every time you want! It'd be the coolest shit ever right?

    What's your thoughts on this? If you have done some researches on these interfaces do you think it is really possible?


    This is a smaller version of the immortalists' dream of uploading your entire consciousness to a supercomputer, then downloading it to another human body or robot at a later time to accomplish immortality. Many claim humans already have the technology to implement this, while many more claim this will be a reality in 50 to a hundred years.

    ? It sounds good but it's wishful thinking. It will not happen in 500 years. But I am open to the possibility that it can happen in a million years. But the last sentence also means I am open to the possibility that it won't; and maybe it won't ever happen.   


    18 hours ago, Late Boomer said:


    Thanks so much. I'm kind of committed to exploring Obsidian at this point, but I may go back to it. I know my wife is in love with OneNote, so I may show her your comment. 

     It's better if you show my comment to your wife immediately. I'm giving my installer to anybody who needs it. I just can let it sit there and be forgotten for a few years.

    If there is anybody out there who has a windows 10 pc and needs my installer, message me. Include your country in the message. ?



  15. On 8/19/2021 at 3:14 AM, Late Boomer said:

    Also can the cloud-based OneNote be made to store locally? Supposedly it can be used offline and will upload to the cloud later.

    No, because a web OneNote is meant to function online. And it can't store locally.


    On 8/19/2021 at 3:14 AM, Late Boomer said:

    Is it worth waiting to get the installed version or is there another program folks would recommend?

    I recommend installing OneNote 2021. It is installed on your PC so you can use it offline. It can also store locally via its "Export" feature. You can export a section or an entire notebook to your local storage as .docx (word file), pdf, .onepkg (OneNote package), etc.

    export notebook.jpg

    export section.jpg


    On 8/19/2021 at 3:14 AM, Late Boomer said:

    Does anybody else use this? I've messed with it enough to determine that it could help me organize my thoughts, but I've seen Leo recommend installing an older version that saves to the computer.

    OneNote 2021 is better than OneNote 2010; better in features and user interface. Of course, it took 10 years of updates for improvisation and stability purposes to create OneNote 2021. Microsoft will discontinue the built-in OneNote for windows 10 soon so they can focus on improving OneNote 2021 and beyond.

    I love OneNote. I use it for everything; writing my personal thoughts and insights, saving Google Maps links which can't be starred, and for other interests. Another good thing about OneNote 2021 is that it is easy to import things from other apps such as MS Edge via "Share to OneNote" feature.

    I bought 3 copies (installers) of Office 2021 for my 2 laptops and my mother's. Each installer installs OneNote, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. on 1 PC. I already installed one on this PC, the one I'm using. I took a screenshot during installation. You can see the OneNote 2021 icon below.

    installing office 2021.jpg


    I found an extra copy of Office 2019 and installed it on my mother's laptop. That's enough for her work-at-home needs. She doesn't even use OneNote. If you want, I can give you one of my installers for half the official price. If you can't afford it, I'll give it to you for free. But I doubt that is your situation. Here is the official page for Office Pro 2019. Office Pro 2021 will be the same price or even more expensive.


    The good thing about this version of Office is that you only need to pay once; and it is activated for a lifetime. So, I recommend you quit your Microsoft 365 monthly subscription. You can save thousands in the long run.

    I am worried this post might violate forum rules, so I'll stop here. Just send me a private message.   

  16. 5 minutes ago, Waken said:

    In my experience, change the way you think, you change the way you feel
    Wishing you well

    You just can't put a band aid on a very deep wound just because it's too painful and ugly. You need to be brave and take a careful look at the wound so you can thoroughly clean it. It will surely hurt more initially. But that's the proper way. Only then you can put a band aid. The wound will heal fast and it will be better for you. 


    9 minutes ago, Chris365 said:

    The self deception is that there are traumatized humans,  If you give the separate individuals traumas 'to work on ', they'll be happily working on them and uncovering fresh juicy ones for decades.

    Instead, realize who you truly are, and the illusion of the separate self falls away,  along with its deceits, traumas being one of them.


    ? That's wishful thinking. No amount of spiritual bypassing will heal your wounded soul. Be careful, for you will harm not only yourself, you'll also harm others. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, Waken said:

    No need to go back to any past in my opinion, how could you, it's not even here. What you are is here now, the thoughts causing the negative vibrations are here now, just thinking again is much sweeter to me. Thank you for your concern.


    Your past does exist now but not outside you. It exists in your soul whether you are aware of it or not. And the repetitive thoughts which cause negative vibrations sprout from past traumas and horrors. Contemplate what I'm saying and be honest with yourself. I hope eventually, your soul feels permanently better. You seem like a good person. 


    34 minutes ago, Waken said:

    Just sharing my present best feeling thoughts on a subject here. 

    There is nothing that needs to be healed. It is not needed to work on recovering traumas or suppressed emotions. It's not needed to fix what happened in a past. There is no need to fix your mind, to get your mind in order. It's not necessary to make life happen, to figure out what's true, to manage or fix anything or anyone or to pursue anything in life.

    You only ever need to choose the best feeling thought or action in this present now-moment. Just choosing the most, pleasant, relaxing, attractive, exciting thing available now. This is not about trying to reach anything, or doing anything fancy, but could just be to take a walk, have a chat, think a nice thought, relax, or appreciate what's here now. If a negative response to a situation comes up, just think anew. Reach for a better feeling thought.

    This is the healing, the alignment. What a sweet relief.

    Very naive and self-deceptive. It doesn't work for moderately to heavily traumatized humans. Another paradox is that to enjoy present activities such as taking a walk in nature, you need to go back to the past, then face and integrate the past horrors. 

  19. On 8/17/2021 at 3:26 PM, SQAAD said:

    I think people are judging others by their own standars.

    Leo does not have the body type to be muscular. Some people are more genetically gifted to have big , nice muscles without even exercising. Leo has been gifted to be more mental and that's where he focuses the majority of his time. If he had different genetics for muscles then he might cared more about having big round muscles.

    Someone more physically gifted would probably want to enhance more his physique just like a philosopher or knowledge-junkie wants to learn even more. Some  people chase more power through the gym while others through the library. They are both egoic activities i think.

    My point is that people do what they are good at. If you have a nice body and get compliments about it, you'll probably want to enhance that by going to the gym. If you have tons of knowledge and people are impressed by you, you'll probably want to be learning even more. If you are very good at math and people give you compliments about it, that's what you'll pursue.

    Leo has gotten love and compliments for his mental achievements, not because of his body. He doesn't have motivation to develope a ''nice''(by someones else standards) body.

    These are all projections. The best form of self-actualization or self-development is all-encompassing. It encompasses many domains; spirituality, mind or intelligence, emotion, and body. Rhamana Maharshi might have been the most conscious human has ever lived; but he was NOT well-balanced.  

  20. @asifarahim

    Did you get that information from Anime? No, divorce is not a sin there. It is only a sin in Christian, especially Catholic countries. Japanese would directly or indirectly murder themselves for the emperor (authority). That's why Japan has systemic problems such as karoshi (they literally work themselves to death for authority (their bosses)), suicide (they get very depressed after a lifetime of self-betrayal, for the sake of authority and society), and others. It's easy to understand why my ex-wife divorced me. It was because of her loyalty and devotion to authority (her mother). I didn't title this thread "Worst of Stage Blue" for nothing.   


    On 7/21/2021 at 1:13 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    @jimwell Wait are you Japanese?

    No. But many Japanese have told me I look like them. And many of my countrymen have told me I look like a foreigner. I don't have mixed ethnicity. But I am very different from my countrymen, internally and externally.  


    A scam as big as this is worth contemplating. I can tell she's a class-A scammer (and a psychopath) just by looking at her. There are sins which can't be hidden. As Oscar Wilde said, "A sin is something which writes itself across one's face.".

    A scammer's soul is extremely and blindly selfish, no integrity, and shameless. That's why psychopaths or sociopaths are the biggest scammers (and murderers).

    And their biggest prey are humans who are naive, with low self-esteem (people pleaser), conformists, and desperate.